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Everything posted by molan

  1. This was the highlight for me - absolutely stunning in the flesh! So much so that I had it on 'reserve' for 24 hours but then decided I really needed a fretted one: http://www.ritter-basses.com/instruments/2012/1246-5.jpg
  2. Depends which ones. There are some ok quality Fenders but there are also some really nasty cheap ones
  3. [quote name='james' timestamp='1365486300' post='2040119'] Sounds like Paul Turners don't suppose you know how much it will cost? [/quote] Don't have a price on this yet [quote name='dafonky' timestamp='1366129597' post='2048742'] Ok I would like to have an LM 4-string, ASH, but with a Rosewood neck instead of the maple neck ..... did you ever see such an AC bass ? I would trade for sth else or pay cash for a second hand one..... [/quote] Jimmy will make an LM bass with a rosewood board but I've never seen one. Everyone seems to go for the 'snap' of ash / maple on the LM series.
  4. Really good heads. Well made, reliable and, for me, a great all round tone. Pretty adaptable too and work well with quite a few different cabs
  5. I've been to the factory where these are made - small production batches, lots of handcrafting. Everything I saw was seriously nice
  6. I use a B15'at home and have an Aguilar TH500 for live use. It's obviously not the same but it's the closest I've found so far.
  7. Coming to a dealer for a straight in-store head to head soon: Bergantino CN112 Bergantino CN212 Bergantino HD112 Bergantino AE210 Aguilar SL112 Aguilar DB112 Aguilar DB212 Aguilar DB210 Vanderkley 112MT MarkBass 121H MarkBass 102P Bag End D12D ATS C312X1 ATS C310X1 ATS UL210C Now that could be a fun afternoon running a string of different 10's and 12's all in one place! - hope the orders and sales don't overlap and that they all arrive for a full on session at more or less the same time!
  8. molan

    70s p bass

    They aren't released yet but the new Aggie P looks cool http://www.aguilaramp.com/products_pickups_AG4PHOT.htm I have their mid 60's P pickup and really like it. They seem to be really going after the pickup market now and every one of their pickups seems to get really good reviews
  9. I have to admit that I tried a Streamliner but couldn't get on with it at all. Sounded boomy and mushy to me and not at all like a classic vintage tube head (which was vaguely what I was expecting). I'd certainly give one another go with a different cab set up though to see if it was an issue with the Genz cabs. However, I'm not sure i could ever trust a GK head as a regular gigging tool. Just too many stories of their heads having quality control issues. I have a feeling it's the Shuttles rather than the Streamliners but it's certainly enough to put me off owning one
  10. http://www.bassgear.co.uk/product-category/accessories/t-shirts/
  11. I'm guessing this isn't currently residing in the UK? Is fully insured shipping included in the price?
  12. Where is your gig - might be someone here that could loan you a higher spec rig for the night?
  13. molan

    Yamaha BBs

    I have to admit I'd never really considered a BB until quite recently but the shop I help out at 1 or 2 days a week has a pair in at the moment, a 2024 and a 2025 and I've been really impressed with them. I'm mostly a 4 string player and keep going back to the white 2024 for a quick play whenever I get a spare 5 minutes. I've tried it through a few different rigs and it seems to work well with both more traditional sounding heads and cabs and some of the real high end, ultra transparent, setups. I reckon it would be a great gigging bass
  14. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1365836918' post='2045010'] Fair comment. It is a bit lazy not to look at a fingerboard and decide for yourself BUT saying that I'm not doing it commercially (contrary to indicators ) and I'm sure they have more pressing matters than to check detail that customers give them. [/quote] Funnily enough the "is it rosewood or ebony" debate comes up surprisingly often. There's a luthier out there that uses, as standard, an ebony that's very brown and looks just like rosewood. It sounds great but many players don't want a brown ebony so he has to offer either a more traditional black ebony or he has to artifially tint his brown ebony to look black. Conversely I also regularly see super dark rosewood that looks like a lovely piece of ebony Either way - I'll make sure that people don't take stuff as described by the owner or at face value whenever possible
  15. [quote name='groovygibbo' timestamp='1344344322' post='1763068'] It is a faded autograph by TM Stevens, he's such a nice guy! [/quote] I'll second that - one of the most open and friendly pro-players I've met Bass looks cool too!
  16. It's Candy Apple Red - it is Jimmy's take on this colour so maybe not quite the same as a Fender. In fact I've seen a few modern CAR Fenders and they are a much deeper red than this one. Jimmy's looks more like it's been around for a while and has some fading (this is how it was from new but, with a nitro finish, it will fade a little more over time). It's a great bass. One of the very best AC's I've ever played - and I've played a few! Personally I like the RA series as I'm quite a fan of early 70's Fenders with alder bodies but the 70's pickup spacing
  17. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1365594504' post='2041471'] The shop will have been lazy and done a Google search for details and identified that (fretted) fingerboards are maple or rosewood... not many fretlesses so they likely won't realise that they would be ebony. [/quote] You can be so harsh John I think the shop took this bass in as a part exchange and were told it was rosewood by the owner who'd had it some time. Generally they wouldn't take something apart that's been bolted together for a long time for fear of woods moving around and unsettling the general feel and action. I have a feeling they will stand corrected and update their policies in the future
  18. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1365355049' post='2038453'] To me it kind of misses the point of P-basses. Just like posh Teles. [/quote] I can kinda see the point in a 'posh' Tele or P bass so long as it keeps to the core of the design ethic but a hollowed out P bass with an F hole and a silly pick guard just seems completely out of kilter with such an iconic design. I genuinely can't imagine how anyone thought this was a good pice of design. God knows what the poor Fender Custom Shop guys thought when presented with this!
  19. They've been around for a good couple of years I think? Definitely been in business since some point in 2011
  20. Right, I'm booked for the day Happy to bring anything I own. Current list of stuff that might be of interest to people could be: Fodera Monarch Ritter Cora (choice of 2) Celinder J Update Alleva Coppolo (choice of 2) Dingwall AB1 Roscoe SKB Fender '63 Jazz All are 4 strings. There's a few others kicking around but these all seem a bit different to the current list. I can probably bring about 4-5 so happy to accommodate whatever people fancy really
  21. I was in the old Bass Centre in Wapping once trying out the latest Trace Elliot arrival, the little BLX80. Given its diminutive size and shape I was sitting down on top of it playing fairly quietly. There'd been a big delivery of Trace gear and I was surrounded by larger stacks of speakers which obscured the rest of the store. I was also trying out a cheap Yamaha fretless and had a go at playing Wherever I Lay My Hat. I had a basic grasp of it but not exactly the world's greatest tone. To my surprise someone the other side of the Trace wall of speakers started playing along and soloing over the top of me. I thought he was a bit 'good' and slowly stood up to look over the stack. To my, even greater, surprise there was Pino with a little grin on his face Needless to say my face flushed with embarrassment, I dropped back down and slunk away with the BLX in my hands to pay for it. As I walked past him he commented that he thought they were good little combos and that I'd made a good choice. I muttered a startled "thanks" and scuttled quietly away, lol.
  22. [quote name='grahamd' timestamp='1365329971' post='2038021'] Marta does a pretty good job here http://youtu.be/HnnewhuLuj8 [/quote] I often wonder just how much of e actual player you're hearing on YT vids like this. On many occasions there's a lot of the original player, in this case Pino, in the mix as well. The really good players seem to have at least a few vids of them playing 'naturally' without the benefit of the original backing track.
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