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Everything posted by molan

  1. After the success of this year I'm pretty sure I'll be back again in 2014
  2. Very unlike me but I really quite fancy trying one of these! Looks cool in trans red too
  3. No AC's in stock at BassGear at the moment. Sold an RA4, an LG4 and a KBP4 in the last couple of months and that depleted the whole stock Next in will be a new LG5 - built along the lines of a '66 with bound neck & dots, olympic white with matching headstock
  4. [quote name='Highfox' timestamp='1364906351' post='2032393'] Sorry to of messed WoT around on this one. I'm looking to buy new... [/quote] AG500 was discontinued a while ago
  5. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1364657524' post='2029316'] The RH450 was not my friend. I'd rather play giant elastic bands than use that amp again. [/quote] Yep that was me too. Sounded OK at home and was quite singularly the worst live sound I've ever had I thought it might have been the artificial cut on the high end and picked up a Staccato to see if it helped but couldn't live with that either. Edit - I should add that I spent a lot of time setting up each of the three channels for the tone I wanted. I also checked all the 'guide' settings from the long Talkbass thread and used some of these as a base. I really thought I had everything set up perfectly and then bang (or to be precise, complete lack of bang!) - complete tone suck in a live situation. I was so disappointed, possibly more so than with any other amp I've ever owned
  6. Surely it's simple exchange rate stuff? £ has weakened against both the $ and the €. Prices of many US and European manufactured goods have risen recently The retailers won't be making any extra profit if their core purchased instruments have risen in cost. Of course, if they've put up prices of stock pre-price rise then they are looking to make a bit more profit.
  7. I played a 5 string one of these in a shop this week and it really surprised me how good it was. One of those brands that's kinda passed me by over the years but the current batch of Japanese made Yamahas really do seem to be quality instruments
  8. [quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1364739869' post='2030187'] I've had new and vintage (70's) Rics. I think book price for a '79 at 2k is a little adventurous - prices seem to be £1000-£1300 at the moment. Obviously a little more for really clean examples. You can often grab a 4001 for less than a new 4003....but that's a whole other can of worms! Great source of info on this kind of stuff is Joey's bass notes - http://www.joeysbassnotes.com/Rick_maint.htm As for a 'golden era', in Ric terms you'd be looking at a (around) '73 and before - toaster pickup, checkerboard binding, etc. Prices on these are considerably higher than a 'standard' 4001. [/quote] Definitely agree with this. Little variation on Rick prices from anything post '73 to present day. Checkerboard binding definitely adds decent value but still less then a good quality J or P from a similar era.
  9. Need to be very careful about phase matching if you're swapping in a P with a J. My favourites are EMG's in a lower cost bass with 'cheaper' body woods (you'll be hearing the pickups more than the wood with EMG's). Or the new Aguilar PJ for a great hum cancelling quality core tone. I've heard these in a '70's P bass and they sounded great. Another new set that impressed me at the London Bass Guitar Show were Fatboy PJ's. these were, I think, fitted in a very basic Mex Fender and sounded very natural and 'organic'
  10. Well - that was good then! The band were all individually excellent but Paul really stood out tonight. I've seen a lot of seriously good live players in my time but this really was a man absolutely at the top of his game. It's a bit of a cliche but his live sound tonight was tone to die for. Very possibly the best live bass sound I've ever heard. Great depth, powerful punchy mids and fabulous snap and sizzle on the high end. Really hard to describe the tonal quality we were hearing and it sat absolutely perfectly in the mix. For those gear heads amongst us he used his '66 J for most of the evening and strapped on the Alleva Coppolo 5 for one song which added a real 'muscularity' to the, already, great tone. Core rig was an Aguilar DB751 and a pair of GS 4x10's. Paul is usually a DB man but the GS's seemed to add a bit more bite to his tone. Looked like there was Reddi feeding the desk and I think his pedal board had a Diamond Compressor, an Akai Deep Impact, an original Musitronics Mutron plus some more. There was someone filming all night, if a live film manages to catch just how good the sound was it'll be a killer watch!
  11. [quote name='kevin_lindsay' timestamp='1364570055' post='2028327'] Please put positive vibes out to Paul and his family as his oldest son has been in and out of hospital since Tuesday. Still needing further medical attention. [/quote] Heard from Paul earlier today. Band on stage at 21:00 sharp. Paul probably won't be around for long afterwards Everything crossed for his son's speedy recovery
  12. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1364474638' post='2026941'] Fair enough . I played a 70's- style ash bodied bass and that may explain the extra weight . [/quote] Jimmy generally has three main J type ranges: LG - Alder body, 60's pickup spacing RA - Alder body, 70's spacing LM - Ash body, 70's spacing Basically you've got 60's, early '70's & late 70's options. Not as specific with the KBP series though.
  13. molan

    Bass Direct

    Most of the specialist dealers will sell on commission - rates average around 17.5% depending on value, whether final sale is on credit card, etc.
  14. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1364473389' post='2026913'] I found Alleva Basses to be meticulously well made - absolutely perfect , in fact - but a little bit on the heavy side for me . [/quote] They vary a lot in weight - I have two J's and both are pretty 'standard' Fender J weight
  15. Pleased to announce that Mrtcat has won a pair of tickets to see Shuffler at the Jazz Cafe in London tomorrow night courtesy of Paul Turner himself. Although the tickets are free it seems that Mrs Mrtcat may be trying to wangle a new frock out of the deal - sounds fair to me Should be a cracking gig - still some tickets available on the night if anyone wants to come along for some serious funk & grooves [url="http://mamacolive.com/thejazzcafe/listings/upcoming-events/8377/shuffler/"]http://mamacolive.com/thejazzcafe/listings/upcoming-events/8377/shuffler/[/url]
  16. Best P bass I've ever played was an Alleva Copollo KPB. The 5's are pretty rare and there's a long wait for a new one - of course, one reason is because Jimmy can sell every one he can make!
  17. [quote name='D.I. Joe' timestamp='1364376869' post='2025498'] I was hoping to really like that head but it didn't sound as good to me as the F1 or the Kilo. It could just be that I needed a liitle more time to play with the EQ, but to me it sounded a little muddy in the lows and the highs sounded a bit harsh for my liking - just not as tight as the F1. Then again, I was using Hartke cabs so it would be nice to try the MB heads out with the matching cabs. Guess I'll have to try a TH at some point too. So...much...gas!! [/quote] Was it a TT500 or an 800? I've not tried them back to back but it was an 800 I used recently (in fact I may even have another go today!).
  18. Don't discount the TT heads either. They partner really well with MB cabs. I tried one with an MB 4x10 last week and it sounded really nice. Personally I prefer it to both the LM and F1 / F500's. For a warmer sound I'd go for an Aguilar TH500 over all of these three - worth auditioning one of these as well.
  19. I've heard of people who have simply posted back their purchases via USPS with a fixed value for insurance (USPS limit is $650). Obviously there's an insurance risk though. Also - Bass Central will negotiate heavily on price. Don't believe their list prices!
  20. I'm with Dingus. For me the USA NT basses knock spots off the Euro models. I've owned a few of both and a couple of my US ones were amongst the best basses I've ever owned. The one thing I would say I that I always found the 5 strings had a something bit special about them and I preferred them to their 4's. Hard to explain exactly why but the 5's just really 'worked' for me
  21. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1364288375' post='2024245'] Markbass amps to me sound great through Markbass cabs. The NY121 is a great little cab, I have it as an extension cab to my Mini CMD121 combo, although I mostly use the combo on its own. For the music styles quoted, and your description of volume, a 1x12 would undoubtably do the job fine. [/quote] I gigged for a while with a Mini CMD121 and a Traveller 115 as extension cab. They sounded great together!
  22. A lot of people here don't like MarkBass cabs as much as their heads but personally I think they can work very well. Especially when paired with an MB head. The little Traveller 2x10 can sound great if properly used and you can find them for £300. I've also used one with an MB 1x15 and the two together are a great full range combination Or you could buy a Barefaced cab and sell it a few weeks later without losing much money - anyone else noticed how often that happens?
  23. That's a pair of 100lb cabs there - price is probably as much due to the weight as anything else
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