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Everything posted by molan

  1. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1362293677' post='1997960'] I just want to say a huge thanks to Bluejay for representin' BC this year and to Barrie for inviting us sit in with Bassgear. Not only did Bluejay donate her time but she also organised the banners. I think next year we're going to have to look seriously at being bona fide exhibitors. I would have been there but flights and resignation and contracts and tax things and logistics worked conspired against me by a week. Still...there's always the SE Bass Bash [/quote] It was great to have the BC presence next to us for the weekend - Silvia was even conscripted on Friday to help us build the stand and get it ready for Saturday The organisers were also really friendly and, with a bit of shrewd negotiating from BassGear's owner Phil, let us extend outwards to increase the BC presence which meant we could use a pop-up display stand for the BC banner - just don't tell the guys at Fodera as it was their logo and brand stuff we covered up for BC. . . Of course the best bit was seeing some old friends for a natter and making some new ones
  2. [quote name='rushbo' timestamp='1362335252' post='1998560'] Far worse was the rumbling from the TC Electronics stand which made my fillings vibrate on a number of occasions. [/quote] Unfortunately they are the same at every show I've seen them at - total disregard for any sort of quiet period arrangements and always stupidly loud and/or slamming really low volume rumblings at everyone around them. At one show I was at the other exhibitors almost organised a lynch party to make them quieten down a bit. I get the fact that they are an amp and effects company so they want people to hear their products but this disregard for everyone else is just downright rude at times. So pleased I was just about far enough away not to have to put up with the worst of their excesses
  3. I don't find their profiles differ much but some of them have a very flat radius board. They make my wrist ache when playing them for a long time
  4. [quote name='vmaxblues' timestamp='1362252599' post='1997667'] I went to the first, would never go again because of exactly this, non-stop slap bass (at this show, apparently there isn't any other playing style), so annoying, and I am a bass player! HEADPHONES PEOPLE (to the organisers) [/quote] The Bass Gear stand is a 100% headphones only zone And we even lashed out a couple of hundred quid on some better ones with improved sound insulation properties! Only one person was onboxious enough to try and over-rule our policy. He asked if he could turn the speaker on from the nice little Carvin amps we're using (which have decent headphone pre-amps) and I explained we were not allowed to have speakers on in our area. I plugged him in, set up the amp left him to play. Left him to play and he simply waited for me to start talking to a customer. Then he turned the speaker on pretty loud and started to play - then I simply turned the mains plug off on his amp He wandered away muttering something. . . Oh, and the noise levels are way better this year than in previous events
  5. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1362264738' post='1997844'] Sounds rough Ben, what caught your eye then? Was a great day, loads of great gear - made sure I didn`t try anything in Andy Baxters stand - I could have happily bough the lot untried, some amazing basses in there. Was great to meet some Basschatters face to face at last. And The Greek is spot-on, I tried very hard to not like that Aggie Tone-Hammer, but was completely unsuccessful. I need one, no really, I do! [/quote] Was it a pedal or the head you were after? I saw a lot of TH pedals on display but, from what I could see no-one had any in stock The TH heads are great. I love my TH500
  6. [quote name='Platypus' timestamp='1362263164' post='1997824'] Ha, soon as I saw the Stingray Classic and the price tag, I said to Phil, that it wouldn't last the weekend. As it turns out it didn't last the day! Someone got a great bass at a bargin price. [/quote] My bets of the used basses to sell tomorrow are - Manson John Paul Jones Signature, G&L L1500, Conklin 7, '71 Fender Jazz and maybe a Fodera (The Anthony Jackson 5 was played a lot today and, by Fodera standards is looking very cheap!).
  7. Another top tip from the BC corner - an 'informed' person tells me that the number of entries on the BassGear 'win an Aphex Exciter pedal hasn't been that high compared to last year. Obviously this increases chances of winning one These are cracking pedals which got a very good review in Bass Guitar Mag the other month & they retail at £155!
  8. [quote name='Platypus' timestamp='1362258315' post='1997767'] Hey Barrie, was good to catch up earlier. Did the Wal 5 sell today? Made my way over to have a look at it and saw the 'sold' label. P [/quote] Yep - sold really early in the day. Could probably have sold it two or three times. At least one guy came back to buy it after playing earlier in the day and looked like he was going to burst into tears when he saw the sold sign on it MusicMan Classic also went, that was a cracking price for an essentially brand new bass, over £600 less than a new one at show price I saw elsewhere! Custom build Ritter order also taken which is some fairly serious money. Helped by having Jens Ritter to help with the fine points of detail (although he was shattered after just 1 hour's sleep last night!). Can't remember what else went but there are quite a few serious bargains lurking in the used stock. . .
  9. Only £30K worth of Ritters Two of them are mine though - top left and bottom right. At new order prices there's close to £30K of Foderas in shot as well!
  10. So happy I was in the quieter zone this year. Could hear myself and chat to customers without crazy noise levels. Sold a few nice basses too today and met some nice people along the way. We were betting on which of our pre-owned bargains were most likely to sell and two of our top three went today Must get off the stand tomorrow and go for a wander around the other stands!
  11. Late update on stand layout After some friendly negotiation with the organisers we've extended the width of the stand by a few metres and should have a nice big pop-up stand with a BassChat logo on. It's right by the entrance to the main hall on the left as you enter. Even more exciting is that, due to a relatively late cancellation there's now a big empty area in front of the stand. Late this evening the organisers put four large sofa-type seats there. Might help give people a place to rest in between trudging around the stands It's directly in front of the Bass Gear stand. Also a quick plug to confirm that Jens Ritter will be around to chat to people at 15:00 on each day and we'll also co-ordinate with Dave Swift to come along around some BC meet times in case anyone wants to chat to him about the life of being Jools Holland's first call bass man for 22 years! Looking forward to seeing you all there
  12. I've been really watching the development of the Jule Monique pre-amp for a while and it's been getting absolutely rave rave reviews from users over in the States. I see they've now teamed up with Demeter to offer either a little power amp that fits perfectly beneath either of the Jule pre-amp designs or a fully integrated head with the Monique in the front end in either rack mount or standalone form factors. Everything I've read about these suggests they could just be the 'perfect' amp for me! A god friend has a Monique pre & I'm really excited to get a chance to try it out Some pics: Monique in Dove-Cage metal Monique in funky bamboo! Integrated 800w head As Jule put it - All Tube, All Love Also - check this review on just how good they are supposed to sound! http://btpub.boyd-printing.com/publication/?i=118550&p=8
  13. Does the M in the serial number mean this is a made in Japan Metro model?
  14. On both days we'll have Jens Ritter available from 15:00 (directly after the BC times) if anyone wants to chat to him. It's not a big public speech or anything. He'll just be around for a natter with anyone who wants to ask him about his basses, design ethos, etc. He's a lovely guy and just about the most enthusiastic builder you'll ever meet! We'll also have Dave Swift around on both days too. I'll try to get his times to match the BC ones as well. Another great guy, full of stories and anecdotes from the zillions of gigs he's played on
  15. Usual boring question - how much does it weigh?
  16. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1361733432' post='1990080'] Cheers, Barrie - the head sounded awesome, too. [/quote] You used the AG? Also cool Make sure you download the vids before they get removed.
  17. [quote name='MURT' timestamp='1361673819' post='1989210'] Price change - I got my exchange rate a bit out before I think. €2900 so whatever that is in pounds. [/quote] On today's exchange rate it's about £2,525 theoretically. Cost of buying currency would nudge it up though.
  18. I think it's only 250w with an extension cab. 150w as a standalone unit. It's also not a neo speaker - cant afford one in this price bracket
  19. I help out now and then in a bass shop and I have to admit that we hardly ever get any lefty players in or even enquires for them. Could be a bit 'chicken and egg' though as we rarely get any lefties in stock to begin with. I think we've sold about 3 in the past year out of 4 we've had in stock. We've had a Wood & Tronics one in for a while but I can't remember the last time we had a left handed player in to even try it
  20. Couple of quick questions - what's the scale length and how much does it weigh?
  21. What sort of thing are you looking to trade for?
  22. My wedding cake was a replica of my first ever bass, a '78 Musicmaster in Olympic white. Unfortunately I don't have the wedding photos but will see if I can 'borrow' them for a bit
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