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Everything posted by molan

  1. Just managed to listen to the vid on a decent system - sounds fabulous!
  2. For reference the BassGear stand will be in the entrance hall area, I think Ernie Ball & Overwater will be in this area as well. It's designated as a 'quiet' zone on both days so should be free from the potential slap-fest in the main hall I'm minding the store this week as Phil is away visiting funky bass suppliers in the USA & I've uncovered some guest list options for both days of the show. Details are on the big LBGS thread - post #183 http://basschat.co.uk/topic/187878-london-bass-guitar-show-2013-2-and-3032013/page__pid__1985929__st__180#entry1985929
  3. Not sure if this is the correct place to post this but I've managed to uncover some guest passes that give free entry to the show, through Bass Gear in Twyford, and they are being given away via the Bass Gear Facebook page. All you have to do is 'Like' the page and then send an email to BG as per the instructions you'll see there. https://www.facebook.com/BassGearUK There's no commitment to do anything other than to like the page & subscribe to the monthly newsletter so I hope I'm not breaking any rules (mods - tell me if this is a problem).
  4. Do you mean literally any other Fodera or are you looking for something specific? Maybe a bit of a guide, as in 4/5/6 string might help a little
  5. [quote name='thehook77' timestamp='1361471474' post='1986307'] Rules are rules, it was only meant to be a bit of fun and I am sorry if you don't appreciate it. Apologies to murk , rest of you can take a running jump [/quote] Great, just what a forum needs. Another person who thinks it's ok to break the, very few, rules we have here and that it's fine to insult people at the same time. . .
  6. If the pickups are '67 then I guess that means it couldn't have been completed until 1967. Wouldn't that mean its actually a '67 bass rather than a '66?
  7. My favourite colour! I have a '63 in faded SFG with tort guard. Such a cool colour combo
  8. I had a go on a Cunetto relic at BassGear the other day. Really nice bass and had a good 'authentic' feel to it
  9. [quote name='ZenBasses' timestamp='1360717991' post='1975502'] And it's all mine awesome bass [/quote] Excellent!
  10. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1360602967' post='1973165'] So where is the Lull review then? Obviously it must have been written, and the photographs taken so why isn't it in this months issue. As consumers we were cheated out of 4 pages in the previous one, so they should have been included for free is the current issue. [/quote] Probably too tight on deadlines. Depends how/where they are printed but sometimes the next issue is all put to bed (apart from the odd small adjustment up front) by the time the first issue appears. This would shunt it back another issue.
  11. I've tried 6 or 7 different ones and the only one that works consistently well on my iPhone is the TC Polytune. However it doesn't work as well on my iPad mini. Struggles to track the lowest notes.
  12. We always had Alesis ones, I think simply because they were pretty cheap and seemed to do the job OK
  13. Don't come a lot thinner than a Sadowsky Will Lee - even narrower nut than a vintage Fender!
  14. Check this out - he plays 100 guitar riffs back to back in a single take and it's all tabbed out: http://www.soundslice.com/yt/xiC__IjCa2s/
  15. It sounds pretty amazing too!
  16. I have to say that usually the words 'Custom Shop' and 'Tele' used together fill me with dread - the Tele is kinda the ultimate 'workingman's' instrument and shouldn't be made to look too flash. However, this is a beauty! Love the colour
  17. [quote name='Son of the Wear' timestamp='1360326658' post='1968627'] I saw Weather Report at Newcastle City Hall many, many years ago (think I may have posted about this before). Ironically enough, what struck me at the time was the fantastic live keyboard sounds that Joe Zawinul used - sounded really 'organic' (for want of a better word) rather than electronic. Wayne Shorter and the drummer (I think it was Chester Thompson - but it was a long time ago) were great but I found Jaco the least impressive of the lot: can't argue that he is an amazing player but his solo bit was just tiresome and 'flashy for the sake of being flashy'. [/quote] Have to agree - I saw them in London and Jaco grated on me all evening. I'm sure this is heresy in bass playing circles but I found him really uninteresting live
  18. [quote name='rOB' timestamp='1360260993' post='1967710'] ooo, who is it? [/quote] I'm not allowed to say He is stupidly good though!
  19. I worked with Universal for a while (on two separate occasions in fact). I met the heads of each division and a lot of other senior people. Almost universally (see what I did there) unpleasant people to work with. So, so pretentious and self absorbed, one of them told me, in all seriousness, that without him there wouldn't have been an Amy Winehouse - I've read a fair bit about her and listed to some good radio docs, his name was never mentioned. Another told me he 'invented' Mumford & Sons. Tried to make out he'd come up with the image, style of music, etc etc in some sort of Svengali like way. I spent about 5 years working in movie promotion as well and, whilst the movie guys were tougher, they weren't in the same league as the music biz people for out and out pretentiousness. I've had a couple of good friends at smaller labels and independent management and they are so much more professional, switched on and dedicated to their bands. Much more interested in generating success for the band rather than simply puffing their own egos
  20. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1360181370' post='1966367'] I have got some fantastic band names stored up in my head for the right occasion , and I am willing to give you one if that is what it takes to save you from being in a band called Spinal Groove . Just give me the word and a truly memorable band name is yours to keep , my friend . But definitely [i]no[/i] to Spinal Groove . [/quote] Johannesburg
  21. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1360180239' post='1966337'] It's actually a massage technique. [/quote] You see, I quite liked that about the name too, lol Maybe I'm really not the right person to be voting on it (I didn't come up with it).
  22. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1360179932' post='1966325'] Is this you? If not, that's name is taken. [url="https://soundcloud.com/bloodsweattones/spinal-groove-dont-look-for-me"]https://soundcloud.com/bloodsweattones/spinal-groove-dont-look-for-me[/url] [/quote] I did spot that but it just seems to be a name used for one song - plus he seems to be in Sweden so it's far enough away not to worry me We'll only ever be playing pubs and clubs so no worries about recording rights. To be honest my biggest concern is that someone I regard as being one of the best funk bass players in the world is coming along to our first gig (he's the guitarist's mate), lol.
  23. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1360179283' post='1966303'] Not keen, me. I feel "Spinal" draws too strongly towards Spinal Tap, leaving "Groove" weakened. The covered artists you mention were present in the age of the Spiral Groove though, so maybe change the name to that? Radial Sulcus! best, bert [/quote] That was actually the first choice! But, as Discreet points out it's been picked
  24. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1360158507' post='1965778'] Saw Gary a few times. I'm never sure whether his Blues albums should come under the headig of 'innovative' or 'bandwagon jumping' but there's no doubt they inspired many , many players to listen to Blues music , and to Blues guitarists that may have faded into relative obscurity. Incredible technical player with a lot of feel - shame his later audiences seemed to be just musicians with their notebooks out though. His band made one of the worst howlers I've ever heard at a big gig when supporting B B King in Sheffield. Completely cocked up the ebd of one song. Still - I shall continue to enjoy his music while not elevating him quite to the ranks of a Clapton or a Green. [/quote] I saw him just after he'd got all the acclaim for the blues albums at The Empire in Shepherds Bush and, whilst he obviously had loads of raw talent, it remains pretty high up on my list of most boring gigs ever. The band sat in the background looking disinterested whilst Gary threw himself around up front. Definitely a 'muso' audience all watching every move he made. I think that, apart from free pub gigs, it's the only time I've walked out of a gig early as it all got quite depressing. I still play the albums from that era though and try to put the gig out of my mind
  25. Quick update - Poll amended to be less black/white
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