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Everything posted by molan

  1. So - a year or more onwards and Francis is still the man. Went to see Incognito at the Jazz Cafe tonight and they were on absolutely top form - one of the best performances I've seen from them. Purely by chance I ended up about 3-4 people from the stage and right in the perfect sightline to watch everything Francis was playing, also getting a fair bit of stage sound from his MarkBass rig. Some absolutely amazing playing and so effortless as well. Top, top player
  2. If I ever played on a stage and venue large enough to need one then I can't think of anything I'd rather have than an Ampeg 8x10. Meanwhile, back in the real world. . . Aguilar 12's do it for me. A pair of DB's with a Matching DB750 head or, for an amazing sounding lightweight solution the SL's with a Tone Hammer 500. Only others that come close are Bag Ends but they are generally a little too heavy for me these days
  3. Off to see them at the Jazz Cafe in Camden tomorrow night
  4. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1359069105' post='1949577'] It's so frustrating watching all the exciting updates coming from NAMM - I have a lot of colleagues / musicians I work with over there enjoying themselves and I cannae be there too! Nyaaaarghhhh!!!!! lol [/quote] If it's any consolation I hear it's raining
  5. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1359068704' post='1949567'] Probably!! Though i bet if we opened a poll asking how many members would use this setup the majority would say no [/quote] Be interesting to open up the poll to studio engineers and producers though. . . Funnily enough I haven't had a studio owner, and senior producer, buy a set of La Bella flat wounds from me to go on his studio P Bass because 'nothing sounds better than that' for at least 10 hours (true story!).
  6. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1359067605' post='1949548'] I guess that would make the best bass a Fender P *hides* [/quote] Interestingly every bass sounds good through a B15 and a vintage Fender P sounds pretty good through almost any amp. Does this make a vintage Fender P through a B15 the best combination ever?
  7. The new Aggie pickups look interesting
  8. 1960's Ampeg B15N - the amp used on more amazing studio recordings than anything else?
  9. I played a Brubaker 4 today & it sounded amazing, really top notch build quality as well. These are big money to commission from new! Here's a link to Pierre's bass from Ville's original thread:
  10. This was mine for a short while (but I don't really ply 5's any more so traded it with Pierre). I've bought and sold with Pierre in the past & everything always goes super smooth with excellent communications throughout the process Previously owned by Flanker: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/182462-nordy-vp5-traded/page__p__1783311__hl__nordy__fromsearch__1#entry1783311"]http://basschat.co.u..._1#entry1783311[/url] Really, really nice modern 5 string P bass Here's some pics borrowed from Flanker's original for sale thread:
  11. Someone keeps posting an 'Eye of Horus' bass on US EBay at silly prices as well. It's obviously a scam posting but it keeps appearing!
  12. [quote name='Mark_Bass' timestamp='1358886322' post='1946668'] Hola guys & gals, I've just come back from Bass Gear in Twyford, Berkshire where I've had the most wonderful shopping experience and I just wanted to pass on how happy I was with buying from the guys there. I brought a bass amp and their no pressured approach gave me enough time to to play and try different amps and also indulge in trying out some really pricey basses! All the guys are very knowledgeable, very enthusiastic and are happy to chat. A very friendly atmosphere [/quote] That's because everyone there actually enjoys their 'work' - it's amazing what a difference it can make if you genuinely enjoy going into the 'office'
  13. I'm not sure I've ever been bored playing the bass part in any song - literally never! As others have said, often it's the simplest parts that are the most fun. Let's you sit back and really 'work' with the band and appreciate everything around you. In fact, employing this approach has actually lead to me not playing at all in certain parts of a song to change the feel - I really enjoy being able to do that, lol
  14. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1358802788' post='1945430'] And the ex Dave Swift yamaha upright [/quote] Dave has a few things up for sale at the moment, lol. Bass Direct have a Lull (or maybe even two) and BassGear have a Chapman Stick, a Yamaha TRB6 and a Fender 50th Anniversary Jazz
  15. Here's the neck heel signifying it as a Jeff Andrews prototype: and here's the NAMM 2009 script:
  16. I can't see any changes I did notice the stock list was a bit threadbare. The first 5 brands I looked at on the basses for sale section were all empty? I heard Alex was going part time, are they slimming down stock as well?
  17. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1358788301' post='1945010'] Great post, nothing can beat a great arrangement... [/quote] I have to admit that the start point was that I kept thinking I was out of tune all the time only to discover that it was the keyboard vibrato, lol.
  18. In my old 7 piece band I used to share one side of the stage with a keys player. He had an oldish keyboard amp with a 15" driver that often sat right next to my bass amp. He played some nice low bass parts, especially on some funkier stuff with a clavinet setting. He often overlapped into frequencies I was covering and the natural vibrato in the clav settings often used to make me think my bass was out of tune. Because he'd spent a lot of time working out these parts we worked together privately on each song and discovered that on some numbers I could play higher up the neck (or simply leave the bass to him), on others he'd pull out and not play the lower parts and on a few we'd really tightly synchronise and play in unison for added punch. Simply working together like this made loads of difference and we rarely had an issue again
  19. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1358753569' post='1944359'] Oh my dear God, well I am not a GAS man in anyway.......... but........... Just had a look at your Fodera's [well not your man Fodera's] And i have say that i am hooked...!! They look stunning. Garry [/quote] My GAS seems to be cyclical - it was mostly for nice natural wood tops and now I'm drifting towards simpler plain colour pastels and the odd sunburst
  20. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1358771967' post='1944633'] Probably cos less stuff is selling? and/or folk need the money? [/quote] From personal experience I can say that high end stuff is most certainly selling - often at full asking prices too! My vague theory was that people didn't get what they wanted for Xmas so were buying themselves little presents
  21. It is entirely possible that my personal stash of basses will have grown by a Roscoe SKB, another Ritter Cora and a Celinder J Update this month, distinctly likely to be an Alleva Coppolo LG4 in there as well and I'm still drooling over a couple of things in the classifieds! Better put a bit more effort into selling something. . .
  22. I had a feeling the nut width was 1.625" - in between classic J and P widths. I've also remembered who it was originally built for back in Jan '09 & a little more history about it It was first made for Jazzer Jeff Andrews (played with Mike Stern plus quite a few others). I'm pretty sure it actually says this on the heel of the neck where its called a "prototype Jeff Andrews Signature" model. I'm not sure if Jeff ever actually played it before Willie Weeks got a hold of it and used it for a Clapton tour (it wasn't his main bass on this tour - hence why there's very few pics of him using it on stage). It was certainly displayed at NAMM in '09 and can be clearly seen on pics of Jimmy's stand. After it returned to Jimmy's workshop he simply labelled it as a 'Signature' model but didn't specify exactly who for. I remember speaking to Jimmy about it and he wouldn't refer to it as anything other than a Signature. I guess technically, because of the labelling on the neck, it's a Jeff Andrews Signature rather than a Willie Weeks. I have a lot a few pics of it from '09 so I've probably got the neck label shot somewhere if anyone wants to see it.
  23. Not sure about wooly - more like wading through a thick layer of mud Used to rehearse somewhere that had all Ashdown gear. Had to use my little Sadowsky pre-amp to bypass the pre-amp. Helped quite a lot but the cabs were still all about low thud and no definition or clarity
  24. I bought this over to the UK. It was previously owned by Ryan Owens (a fine player) when he was playing with the Robbie Seay Band. Here's a vid of him playing it [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwlJl7xT-zI[/url] It's not my favourite song from these sessions (in fact I think it's my least favourite!) but it's the only one I know that's still online. It does show how cool the bass looks strapped on though
  25. I hadn't played a G&L either until one came in as a PX at BassGear where I help out one or two days a week. It's the 1500 model with the single large humbucker in a similar position to a MusicMan. Sounds reallly nice and seems very well made. I'd like to try a twin humbucker model if such a thing exists
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