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Everything posted by molan

  1. Really nice looking piece of rosewood for the board as well
  2. Only looking at the pics on an old iPhone but the checking in the finish looks really nice. Much better than a lot of CS basses I've seen
  3. Isn't some of this due to songs being fractionally sped up or slowed down? I played with Carol Decker once on China in Your Hands and she told me to use the album version to learn because the single had been increased in speed and it was fractionally out of tune if you tried to use concert pitch tuning
  4. [quote name='funkle' timestamp='1358623875' post='1942493'] Mine! lol. Payment sent. [/quote] Excellent - such great basses. Chris C knows how to put a really good instrument together. Nothing flash or overly 'clever', just very classy
  5. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1358612416' post='1942203'] Good point, I retract the Nazi. [/quote] I was awarded one of these at work:
  6. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1358611739' post='1942188'] Hm. I've spent some time in Virginia too. Found no other people there at the same time though. Sure you did everything right? [/quote] Maybe they saw you on that huge tractor and had all run away
  7. I've spent some time in Virginia touring on a big old Harley - lovely state and nice people
  8. Looks nice - seems the seller has travelled all over the world preparing research on it as "the best 64 ever". . .
  9. I roadied for U2 at the Marquee in 1979. I was assigned to Edge to help set up his equipment but got to watch the whole show. Watching Adam Clayton made me think "I can do that, I could be in a band like this". I couldn't and, needless to say, I wasn't It did make me buy a rather nice P bass and start learning to play though
  10. Slightly off topic but I have a first series Eggle LA Pro 6 string. Beautifully made, some very clever design features and sounds great!
  11. Is it me or are the pickup covers larger than standard on the two P Basses? On the tugbar question - I have a '63 original J and I love the way the tort pick guard has shrunk and shows indentations for the tugbar. The original tugbar has also gone out of shape and kinda bent inwards from the screw holes. The indentation in the guard perfectly matches this and shows how these have aged over nearly 50 years I have a '65 as well and, although there's some shrinkage, it's nowhere near as much as the '63. I'd never take these off though!
  12. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1358500473' post='1940190'] I'm surprised no-one said "'ere, Barney, can you do the vocals again, they're a bit, er , flat" Hooky is free to do his thing because the bulk of the "bassline" is sequenced. You could do the same thing on the bottom couple of strings on a guitar, but it wouldn't have anywhere near the same visual impact. That's the clever bit. [/quote] I think his vocals drifting are all part of the 'charm' of NO. I really like them on this song There is a fair bit more going from Hooky on this song than just the high end core riff as well - although I do really like that riff & he looks great playing it, lol.
  13. [quote name='bremen' timestamp='1358510388' post='1940475'] According to my f***ing annoying Nannywall, the whole site is pornography. [/quote] Found it on YT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcjolqpKR4g
  14. [quote name='bremen' timestamp='1358508956' post='1940418'] What's the link? My Nanny Firewall blocks it as 'pornography' [/quote] Lol, it's simply the official video version of Perfect Kiss. For some reason the original video seems to be locked by YouTube and shown as not available in the UK. DailyMotion is a pretty big online video site (just like YT). Maybe it's blocked because your firewall doesn't like the combination of 'online video' and 'kiss' Maybe just try going to Daily Motion as a site & see if that works. If so you can search for New Order & Perfect & it should come up.
  15. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1358505263' post='1940321'] But they are very useful to the less experienced among us, or those buying their first serious bass. It shows them what to look out for, and what sort of set up specs they should expect, that's if BGM can actually be bothered to measure nut width, string spacing, action, neck thickness etc. [/quote] I totally agree - it's just that they'd have to potentially print this in every issue as new buyers come into the market. I think the US mags publish a compendium of reviews once a year & have all this sort of stuff in for new players. The better newsagents used to carry a few copies & keep them on-shelf all year for reference. Probably not practical these days
  16. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1358504970' post='1940307'] I'd expect Fender vintage geeks to be camping outside her door with microscopes, UV lights and threatening to name their first born sons after her if it was the real thing. [/quote] It is getting a bit chilly out here on the doorstep today with all this snow around but my lads, Charles & Yolanda are huddling up to me for warmth
  17. I must admit that I wouldn't really want to see the magazine full of reviews of 'cheap' basses. I like the fact that they review high end stuff that's hard to find and try out. If I want to try a £600 Ibanez or Yamaha etc then I can simply whizz down to the local shop and have a go on one.
  18. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1358502500' post='1940250'] A Fender Jazz 55 is also known as a Fender Jazz Super 55? [/quote] I could be wrong but I can't imagine Yolanda C naming a bass after a set of aftermarket pickups? Seems more likely that BGM interviewer and/or proof reader made a mistake when she was discussing her beloved [b]1965[/b] Fender Jazz that she's been playing for years and is often photographed playing. The fact that she says she doesn't use it much any more and that it's been listed as for sale at the Gallery seems to reinforce this: [url="http://www.thebassgallery.com/product_details.cfm?ID=2292&type=Bass%20Guitar"]http://www.thebassga...e=Bass%20Guitar[/url] If she did call this bass a 55 you'd think a bass 'expert' magazine might have picked up on the fact that you couldn't buy a Fender Jazz until 1960 and/or asked her if she meant she'd fitted some Super 55 pickups. The worst thing is that, if you're a picky bugger like a lot of bassists are, then you might not realise BGM is littered with errors and it might come across that Yolanda either doesn't know what she's talking about or, as often happens with musicians, is claiming to own something ultra-rare to make out she's somehow a bit more 'special' than other players. From what I've seen & heard this really isn't the case with Yolanda. My money is on a mistake by the magazine. . .
  19. [quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1358468882' post='1940001'] Massive like. [/quote] http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xlccjb_new-order-the-perfect-kiss_music#.UPiZUaFQT1o
  20. I must admit I was quite impressed to discover that the usually intelligent, erudite and eminently sensible Yolanda Charles owns the only example of a Fender Jazz that was built before Leo himself even thought about making it. " I also play a Fender Jazz 55, which is is lovely but I don't use it so much these days" This was such a major piece of news that it was not only in the body copy but also highlighted in bold text as a headline on one page. Of course, I'm really not surprised, after all, this must be a very unique instrument given that it pre-dates any other known example of a Fender Jazz by at least 4 years (5 officially but Herbie Flowers possibly owns a 'pre-production '59). No wonder she doesn't take it out to play much it must be worth hundreds of thousands of pounds. . .
  21. New Order - Perfect Kiss Gotta love Hooky: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x22m8u_new-order-perfect-kiss_music#.UPiWbKFQT1o
  22. Hooky is the big draw for me this year. Seen Nate Watts and Guy Pratt before and very little interest in the other master class artists. In fact this thread just got me to play Perfect Kiss very loudly - what a simply fabulous piece of music!
  23. I see the Diamond Bass Comp reviewed this month was grossly swollen in size and weight from the one I've tried (and been so impressed with). Also surprised to see that the Canadian manufacturers have moved production to the USA and that astinishingly this move has significantly reduced the price. Not only that but they've added four new controllable knobs and other features as well. Meanwhile the Aphex Bass Exciter has dramatically shrunk in size and weight whilst swapping country of manufacture from USA to Canada and an increase in price. Despite this price increase it seems they've reduced the number of controllable knobs. One would almost think the complete feature set as shown in the technical specification right at the top of each page for each pedal had been somehow swapped around but, as they are such different pedals, I'm sure this can't possibly be the case. . . ?
  24. What make is the 1x15? I've heard a zillion arguments about matching speakers sizes but I've seen plenty of pro players using multi-speaker set ups and have never once thought that they sounded 'wrong'. There are a lot of things that are fabulously designed from a technical point of view. Doesn't always mean they sound great I would, however, look at matching cabs by make, design, sensitivity etc. of course there's also simple stuff like matching cabs by size so that they stack ok and, if it bothers you (it does me) that they actually look ok together on stage. If the 1x15 is a Trace then the Trace 2x10 matches really well. Stacks perfectly, good tonal fit, options to swap back and forth if you want just the 1x15 with the double bass etc.
  25. Only seen Gouche live once - such a great player! Always seems such a nice guy too
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