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Everything posted by molan

  1. Eden and Ashdown are going to sound very different. I've only ever tried Ashdown heads through Ashdown cabs and, in my very personal opinion, they've only ever sounded like mud playing through sludge Totally different experience with Eden. Cleaner, punchier, much more modern. Classic modern American sounds as standard and lots of variation available once you get the hang of the Enhance control
  2. There's only 5 of us in the band but we have a pilot who gets his long hail flight allocation quite a way in advance and a drummer who's in 3 other bands and who works on a 'first come first served' type basis. Being able to check if we can make a gig quickly is easier than calling all four other members and cross-referencing individual calendars If I use Google does that mean everyone has to have a Gmail account?
  3. I want to set up a calendar for my band that everyone can access remotely via the web so that we can book rehearsals, block out time for gigs etc. Ideally I'd like everyone to be able to log in individually with a single password and for it to show nice simple colour coded blocks for when people aren't available etc. I'm sure there are a few of these around but just thought I'd see if anyone here has any preferences or advice
  4. I'm guessing you mean 48 inches and not cm? I've checked my strap and it's at 47 inches with about an inch to spare to the shortest position. If you're 48 inches then I'd go for the long strap and wear it short (if that makes sense!).
  5. I got mine from Phil at Bassgear http://www.bassgear.co.uk/accessories/cables/ I'll get my tape measure out and check it for you soon (lying bed at the moment, lol)
  6. On an iPhone and using mobile version of BC and you listing shows up with a for sale price of £107 because the screen runs out of characters - should be good for your view count
  7. Always wanted one of these in red with the cream binding. Played one when they first came out and really liked it. Never seen one with this pickup configuration though. Maybe a custom order?
  8. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1356254901' post='1908353'] Spot on. A store asked me for 50% deposit on a 4 month bass order. Walked away. In this climate its too risky, especially considering it used to be 10-20% and I know for a fact the store doesn't pay for the bass until it actually ships to them. They then have the usual 30 days as well. [/quote] Depends which brand - deposits vary by supplier. There are certainly some that demand 50% up front before they will begin to build a bass. There's also loads of suppliers who will not give any credit and insist on advance payment before shipping. In fact of the, better, ones I've worked with recently I can think of only one that gives any form of credit.
  9. Higgie is yer man - currently cruising the Caribbean and having a particularly fabulous time
  10. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1356218074' post='1908187'] Private sales? As in you and another individual, not a shop? Bass Gear is an amazing store! But one of the things I'm after is a Squier, I'm sure they don't stock those [/quote] I've done it at least three times on a private sale with someone else here from BC BG doesn't get a lot of Squiers in but they did pick up a funky MIM Jazz in PX today if that's any help.
  11. I've done this in private sales before. Never had a problem. I work at BassGear one day a week to help out my friend who owns the store. Pretty sure he'll be happy to agree something along these lines for you. Check his stock and see if there's anything that takes your fancy
  12. [quote name='Cyrene' timestamp='1356129925' post='1907352'] Headache inducing [/quote] Sounds like an Ampeg SVT & an 8x10 at full tilt in a pub band context. . .
  13. Traded a bass with Pierre and everything went really smoothly. He even bought a brand new case for it to make sure it would be well protected for shipment from Germany to the UK. The deal involved an international money transfer in my favour & Pierre handled this without fuss & the money arrived in my account in £ Sterling so I didn't incur any transfer charges. All handled very smoothly and efficiently. Had a good old natter about lots of bass related things along the way Really nice guy and very helpful. Happy to recommend him if anyone is looking to buy or sell
  14. Forgot to add - the rant seems to kick off from a reference to pre-decimal currency. He seems pretty opposed to decimal currency as well so, if anyone has the rig for the gig, they may want to check if they are being paid in old ten bob notes or not
  15. [quote name='Mickeyboro' timestamp='1355996944' post='1905369'] His website is an absolute hoot... [/quote] And contains a ludicrous political rant on, of all pages, his list of gear. Running down the side of his guitar pictures is a long rant about the EU, immigration in general, immigrants taking jobs and houses from UK citizens, how being part of of EU has emptied churches (!) and crippled the NHS, how the police are facist bully boys who kill without fear of prosecution, voting conservative, labour or lib/dem means we have all invoked a 'super heavy control society', some anti-communist rubbish, conspiracy theory stuff, the ruin of our children by teaching them about sex and homosexuality, racist comments about Poles, Nigerians and Filipinos, how Britain is being 'abolished' and on and on and on. These sound like the ramblings of a seriously deranged mind to me. . .
  16. Price seems to have been removed now - how much was it (if it's not a personal question)? Looks like it's a long way from original but, as others have said, if you like it that's not a problem. However if you're after a 'vintage' bass thats close to original spec then maybe it's worth reconsidering
  17. I think search functions haven't worked since we moved to the new platform a while ago.
  18. I have an AG500 as well (the single channel one). The AG is much cleaner, maybe a bit more muscular and with lots of punch. That's not to say that the TH doesn't do clean, it's just a bit warmer. I work (for fun!) at BassGear about 1 day a week and they have both TH and AG heads in plus a few different cabs. If you're not far away you could pop over some time and try them out back to back
  19. Without a wireless setup it's not easy to be sure exactly how you sounded out front. Maybe the other player's mouth was wide open because he thought you were overpowering everything I'm not saying that you were but just that you might have been to his ears. There's a guy I know that insists his live sound kills and all I hear from out front is a dull thud. However, he's happy with his sound so that's cool. I don't think you can really use this as an example to say J basses can't be heard live but P's can. Way, way too many professional gigging bass players out there using J's for them not to work.
  20. The TH500 is a great head. I really can't begin to explain why but, to my ears, it sounds nicer than a TH pedal through another amp (with the onboard pre bypassed). Mind you, I've only ever done this once so maybe with a different power amp it may have sounded better. Might need to watch out in warranty issues if you buy in US and anything goes wrong over her. Aggie customer service guys are great though
  21. Paul Turner can cop the Bernard Edwards style perfectly. I've seen him demonstrate it really close up on Everybody Dance. Not only does he play it note perfect in Edwards's style but he can happily carry on a conversation at the same time
  22. Just spotted it has a D-Tuner as well. Mine also had one of these (although I never got round to fitting it as I don't like them much).
  23. It's been through at least three pairs of hands since I sold it (assuming it's definitely my one). I bought from someone here on BC and sold it to another BC person. He then traded it on to another BC'er and that's where I lose track of it. Does it have Nordstrand or Bartolini pickups? It Barts when I bought it but it came with a set of Nordy's. I fitted them but when I sold it I included the original Barts with it. Pretty sure the next seller also kept both sets of pickups with it.
  24. Pretty sure that's my old Roscoe! I'll buy it back if you decide to sell I can let you know what it's sold for previously as well
  25. [quote name='barkin' timestamp='1355788083' post='1902886'] Wanted, struggled & failed miserably... [/quote] That was me exactly - when I then mentioned it I got 'flamed' fairly heavily These days it's got to the point where if I hear Matt Bellamy's screech on the radio I have to reach for the channel change button!
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