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Everything posted by molan

  1. [quote name='XB26354' timestamp='1349417738' post='1825985'] If someone in the UK buys it the VAT is liable upon arrival at UK Customs, so US$ price (including shipping) converted into GBP, 3.7% import duty then 20% VAT added to the sum of UK price, shipping and duty. [/quote] So that works out at: $8,750 for the bass $200 shipping $2,121 duties and VAT $11,071 in total Dependent on prevailing exchange rate and cost of buying currency that's about £7,100 in total? Just wanted to check as the forum rules say that everything listed should show a price
  2. I'll be there working on the BassGear stand again with Phil and Vic The best news for me is that this year we'll be in a new, much quieter, location away from the worst of the slap-fest! We'll have a jam-hub again for people to play through that actually want to hear the instrument they are trying instead of just 'showing off' at insane volumes
  3. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1349465317' post='1826808'] Hey man, did you notice any difference in the built in limiter circuit compared to the 'regular' Markbass heads? [/quote] Can't say that I really noticed any obvious limiting going on with the MoMark, just felt 'loose' and powerful - not sure if this helps, lol.
  4. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1349431192' post='1826154'] Agreed, unless the bass stops playing, then it sounds empty. As I found out when I stepped on the jack lead and pulled it out! [/quote] I played one gig where we played the lovely 'Play That Funky Music' and in the interval our lead singer came up to me and said how much he loved what I did in the section after the guitar solo and that I should definitely do whatever it was more in the future as it really added to the dynamics of the song. I'd actually decided to not play anything at all & let the drums carry the rhythm to create a bit of 'space' in the song. . .
  5. Product placement went all legit about 18 months ago - it was much more fun when things were slipped in surreptitiously
  6. [quote name='BassBunny' timestamp='1346833246' post='1793673'] American Guitar Centre are selling off all the display MoMark stuff from their tower and I think Bass Direct have 20% off at the moment. [/quote] MarkBass have been offering MoMark kit at a discount for a while now. Once you've lashed out for the basic chassis the individual modules can be really quite cheap. I used one of the solid state 800 pre-built units a few times. Sounded great though a 4x10 + 2x10 stack
  7. Does anyone other than another bass player in the audience ever notice if some is nailing the exact original part or not? I used to aim for being close to the original but, having listened to lots of fabulous live versions of songs, have realised that many great players move around their original lines anyway. I genuinely think that about 99% of the audiences I've played to in covers band gigs wouldn't have a clue if I played the original lines or not - come to think of it that goes for 99% of the guitarists and drummers as well In fact I often play totally different parts at rehearsals and ask bands which version they prefer, most days I just get a totally blank look. . .
  8. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1349362976' post='1825327'] It's a bit like when I was really chuffed to see an oven made by the company I used to work for (literally) pop up in the first episode of the new series of Doctor Who, I think my wife's reaction was the same as yours. [/quote] I used to arrange product 'placement' in TV programmes many years ago. It was always fun to see products i'd placed in the corner shop in Corrie and the bar in Emmerdale. Also placed various Nintendos in a string of other programmes and used to sit there counting the amount of screen time we'd achieved, lol.
  9. Do you know how shipping, import duties and VAT would work? Also, how would the Fodera warranty operate?
  10. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1349283427' post='1824299'] That's the most 'headed' headless bass that I have ever seen! [/quote] That's exactly what i was just thinking
  11. [quote name='k-sad' timestamp='1349196910' post='1823159'] "before they were bought out" U sure of your infos mate? STUNNING monarch btw [/quote] I'm with you on this one - surely Fodera is still a private company and Vinny works, at one stage or another, on everything that goes through the workshop?
  12. I have a friend who is an absolutely massive Anthony Jackson fan and he only recently discovered that AJ was playing with Hiromi at Ronnie's this week. If anyone is going & might know of a spare ticket they could make a fellow bass player a very happy man indeed
  13. Have you checked TalkBass? There's a guy there looking for exactly the reverse trade! Perfect match . . .
  14. I have seen Metros drop below £1,000 but not very often. If condition isn't perfect and/or there are any issues with electrics then it's still a good price but not a 'crazy' bargain. If it's in good condition, plays well and everything is as it should be then £900 is definitely a good price.
  15. Looks really nice - what scale length is it?
  16. I thought the iPad on the top bass was simply his way of sending messages to the real bass player standing behind the curtain like Lina Lamont & Kathy Sheldon. . . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wI4jJq98tU
  17. What a surprise - Muse come across as crass manufactured pop that's been processed and produced to 'perfection' whilst Lydon appears to be a genuine performer . . .
  18. [quote name='eubassix' timestamp='1348477753' post='1813930'] Could happen .. but will take an eternity. Any Cheque would have to be signed in blood and accompanied by a Contract for your soul...(man).... [/quote] I'm fine on the signing with blood element but not sure mu soul is worth much any more
  19. [quote name='Platypus' timestamp='1348436458' post='1813710'] Barrie, I think it's fair to say that you have had one of everything at one time or another! [/quote] I've never had a Dingwall
  20. I spy a trend in pricing - does this mean it may eventually be available for an, appropriately devilish, £666
  21. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1348155012' post='1810130'] Less than a mile from my home and I am in the recording studio in NW London all day ... sod's law [/quote] And I was only going to see you as well Will be there about 1:30 - I'll be the one wearing a black Paul Frank T with a pink Fender Musicmaster pic on the front, lol
  22. [color=#000000][font=arial, sans-serif]And even though I'm feeling good,[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=arial, sans-serif]Something tells me I'd better activate my prayer capsule. . .[/font][/color]
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