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Everything posted by molan

  1. I have some - they work reliably, scrunchies don't, end of story for me. As far as I'm concerned, at £6.66 each they are a huge bargain relative to their usefulness, especially against lots of other 'talent enhancers, lol. In fact they account for about 0.2% of the value of the bass my ones are currently siting on & they certainly contribute significantly more than that As it happens I spoke to the manufacturer recently in the USA. They've been desperate to get prices down by outsourcing overseas but every set that comes back has flaws and simply doesn't work properly (either immediately or after a little use) - at which point they just turn into an expensive scrunchie. Apparently they've tried lots of potential suppliers but no-one has been able to replicate the local USA manufactured items properly
  2. [quote name='markorbit' timestamp='1348077926' post='1809019'] Molan, I have done the dirty deed and ordered a UK Heritage B15 some time ago, hence, the mass clearout to raise the funds. I also fancy a Ken Smith Black Tiger BSR5TN in the future so it's a case of swapping gear around in order to get there. [/quote] Cool - I tried one of those when they first came out about 2 years ago. Didn't get long enough to play it though because some bloke called Daryl Jones tipped up & the Ampeg rep hoofed me off the stand It also made me lust after one but I decided to by an original rather than the Heritage - partly because it was about half the price of a new one . Picked up a '67 which I really like but not sure I'd want to be taking it out as a rehearsing or gigging amp and running the risk of damaging a genuine little piece of vintage kit (although this doesn't bother me with any of my older basses - must be the valves I'm afraid of, lol).
  3. [quote name='markorbit' timestamp='1348060242' post='1808643'] Yes it is. And if/when my B15 successfully arrives that will be up for sale too! [/quote] Oh no, a Monique into an IP112 (with a 2nd 112 for gigs) is pretty much my perfect setup. . . Have you bought the B15 yet or still hunting (I have one of these that I just bought, lovely thing it is too!)?
  4. [quote name='Louisiana Boy' timestamp='1347924973' post='1806850'] Thanks for posting this very informative quote. I hope to find a clean one soon. They are getting harder and harder to find. [/quote] It's a shame you are so far away - I know of one good condition one for sale and another that's absolutely brand new, still has the little plastic bags over the tuners & cover on the scratchplate!
  5. molan


    [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1347897439' post='1806329'] Geddy. Tsk tsk, Barrie! [/quote] That's vaguely heartening actually as the only bass-playing Lee I could think of was Will but I knew he mostly played Sadowsky. I dislike Rush with quite an intense passion - one of those bands that make me zoom for the 'off' button whenever they come on the radio, totally unlistenable! Despite my extreme dislike of the screechy Mr Lee's whining voice I do quite like his basses though
  6. molan


    Apologies if this is a dumb question but who is Mr Lee?
  7. Physically they might fit together as they are pretty similar depth & width. However the 151P is fractionally deeper than the Aggie so you'd really need to sit them together to see how neatly they stack. I'm not sure they'd look great as a pair given the very different styles? If the 151P combo has the same sensitivity as the 151P cab then you'd have a good sensitivity match as both cabs would be more or less 100db (assuming Aguilar & MB measure sensitivity the same way). MB stuff does sound quite different from the Sl though. I really couldn't say how they sounded together without really listening to them. The MB NY151 is a perfect match for the 151P if you want a more uniform 'look' and tone.
  8. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1347749269' post='1804685'] can't wait to see that. I remeber when there were photos of the steed it looked pretty awesome. [/quote] This is the Steed (but without the new neck that's just been fitted: And this is the '65:
  9. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1347739284' post='1804572'] but it probably makes the dude who has it happy - a bit like your steed bass. Though your steed bass is like an ultimate of a good looking bass! oh, and you've got a 50th Anni Jazz.... ok going way off topic! [/quote] And an original '65J due to arrive soon that's the same colour scheme as the Steed but, if anything, even more 'knackered' looking, lol.
  10. I always have a Sadowsky external pre-amp unit with me. Simple bass/treble/volume set up. Have never had to use it for an amp failure but great in rehearsal studios with crappy old Ashdown heads as it allows me to bypass the horrible muddy pre-amp stage
  11. [quote name='pjcarty1' timestamp='1347467259' post='1801278'] [b]My Dad bought this guitar just before I was born. I was born Dec '73.[/b] [/quote] Not that I'm calling this into question but I'd trust Rick's knowledge of Fender dating ahead of someone's memory. If it has obvious things that date it as a '74 then it sounds like there's some queries about either dating or whether this is a completely original bass?
  12. Isn't there a restriction on multiple listings of the same bass here on BC
  13. I just looked at this too - just looks 'wrong' to me somehow (and I don't have an issue at all with relic'd basses usually!)
  14. [quote name='rallyeluke' timestamp='1347442520' post='1800741'] How much are they new? [/quote] In the UK & with shipping, duties & taxes paid for you're looking at about £10,150. . .
  15. [quote name='lozbass' timestamp='1347550622' post='1802351'] Lovely Molan - classy [/quote] Sums me up really - should be my catchline
  16. If you don't sell the GR to BassDude then I might be interested
  17. Just picked up one of these: Saw one on US Ebay & just couldn't resist Anybody want to buy a Korg Pandora PX3B. . .
  18. [quote name='Gordon Thudmaster May' timestamp='1347461194' post='1801149'] Don't want to scrutinize but the serial no dates your bass '76 [/quote] By '76 the three bolt neck would have been well established. Might find a few '74's with 4 bolts but nothing later as far as I know. Might suggest the serial number doesn't match the neck (or maybe the neck / body has been converted from 3 to 4 bolt?)?
  19. In your first post I see you mentioned a Fender P but then later on you say you're not interested in Fenders? Just checking as I have a Fender P Special to sell/trade at the moment
  20. How about contacting MM direct? Surely their customer service people would have something to say about this?
  21. I had one of these a couple of years ago and, foolishly, thought I could organise them and get them into shape. After 3-4 rehaearsals of listening to one guitarist play ludicrously loud, the other constantly being ou of tune and a drummer who lost time every time he through a 'fill' into the basic rhythm I finally gave up and walked away. All three of them had been in bands before, were reasonably mature (late 30's / early 40's) and all hopelessly deluded. If you get a good feel at an audition then musical ability isn't always the most important thing. A good Attitude and mutual respect, along with some basic organisation can go a long way. Doesn't sound like this lot had any of these Also, charging for an audition is complete no go. I've genuinely never heard of this before!
  22. These are fabulous basses, played one when BassGear had it in stock
  23. Nice little trio of basses here Might want to change your thread title as it makes it sound as if all three basses are 5's
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