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Everything posted by molan

  1. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1342479715' post='1736049'] I was there. What a great night. I took the kids and they loved it too. [/quote] I could only get a single ticket so went on my own - was surrounded by celebs everywhere you looked though, Paul Weller & Elvis Costello were sitting near me & both, Weller in particular, were cheering away all evening. Someone needs to put a 'Babbitt's Greatest tunes' playlist on Spotify as a tribute tot he great man.
  2. I saw the Funk Brothers show when they came to the RFH and Bob looked so cool just sitting on his stool grooving away - every now & then he'd drag himself to his feet & you could see the band's admiration for him & the audience gave him great applause. Another truly unsung great for many years but at least he got some recognition more recently. Definitely one who'll be sadly missed
  3. [quote name='Bass-Thing' timestamp='1342102732' post='1729632'] Any chance of a pic of the Wes Steed Herbie Flowers j bass? [/quote] Build diary is here - http://basschat.co.uk/topic/117779-herbie-flowers-jazz-bass-replica/page__hl__herbie%20flowers next phase almost complete
  4. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1342253743' post='1732281'] Thanks Barrie but I already have an Oly White 63 P bass. [/quote] Just FYI - mine is a J not a P
  5. On holiday in the USA but flying home tomorrow and in a generous mood type price reduction How about £650?
  6. On holiday in the USA but flying home tomorrow and in a generous mood type price reduction How about £650?
  7. There's an immaculate Oly White '62 RI (brand new body and pickups eyc) with your old neck (from the Herbie Rep) heading to BassGear very soon if that would help with trade options at all?
  8. Celinders have been selling at closer to £2K for a while, this really is a seriously good deal.
  9. Wow, some serious F Bass loveliness here!
  10. Completely forgot about these! Anyone interested at £25 for the pair? They are email tickets so I can send them easily
  11. Ummmm, sonic blue, my favourite colour
  12. I had the good fortune to meet Mr Swift recently - lovely bloke and a great player. On hols at the moment but will look forward to reading this when I get home
  13. Starts thinking - "what can I sell". . . Sunburst '72P maybe, or my USA Glaub anyone
  14. Ah, my old bass. Plays beautifully and looks a dream in trans red. Really nice neck on this one as well
  15. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1340617347' post='1706905'] Is that a white polyestered neck a la Larry Graham? I kinda like the bass bar the headstock [/quote] I've played this, albeit a good few years ago, at The Gallery. I remember the neck being very thick glossy white and it put me off at the time. However, it really was ages ago so my memory might be failing me! I bought a different Randy Hope-Taylor instead, a Modulus Flea custom. I agree about the headstock, by far my least favourite part of this
  16. I've just been through this process for a rebuild project and settled on the new Aguilar. It's been designed to replicate Dave Boonshoft's (joint founder of Aguilar) personal '64 P Bass. Should have it fitted in the next couple of weeks £100 from BassGear http://www.bassgear.co.uk/products-page/accessories/pickups/aguilar-ag-4p-60-p-pickup/
  17. Thanks Schnozz - the cavity doesn't really annoy me, it's just not as 'perfect' as the rest of the aesthetics
  18. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1340571796' post='1706480'] Dave Greenslade's solo tour promoting the Cactus Choir album. I can't remember whether or not Tony Reeves played bass on the tour (he's on about half the tracks on the album), hence the "might". [/quote] Mine was Greenslade, Bedside Manners Tour
  19. Anyone interested in this stunning Glock rig? Can take credit cards (excluding Amex). . .
  20. Reduced to £700 - off on holiday on Friday so won't be around for a couple of weeks. Can arrange shipping whilst away though Interested in trades for US or Japanese Fenders, Laklands, Sandberg etc.
  21. I used to have a little Vinny Bass. Used it as my main gigging bass for a few years. Don't be fooled by the tiny body, these things have tone for days
  22. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1340789530' post='1709512'] How I miss it... [/quote] It may yet stay - all part of a longer term re-shuffle plan. Mostly depends on how the '64P restoration job goes. . .
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