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Everything posted by molan

  1. I was lucky enough to play three different sunburst early '70's Ps in Friday. They were hanging on the wall lined up with two rosewood boards either side of a maple one. All three had tort guards. To my ears the maple one sounded the nicest but it was the only one strung with flats so that might have had something to do with it. All three looked great to be honest, the maple was nicely aged ('72) so it didn't have that very light colour lots of modern maple necks have. I'd happily have any of them really - or even all three as they all had different characteristics yet were only about a year apart in age
  2. I bought tickets for this the moment they went on sale because I love her new album with the Roots. Gutted that we now can't make it as we'll be out of the country So, two tickets available at what they cost me [s]£68.50[/s] - reduced to just £25 If you haven't heard any of the new album then this is my favourite track at the moment - love the bass groove on this: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ow-uXO38IM4[/media]
  3. [size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][color=#282828]Picked this up a while ago as a backup for my regular gigging '86 Fodera Monarch and [/color]I've hung on to it for so long because it was a bit of a 'steal' given the build quality & sound. However,[color=#282828] I've since picked up another old '83 Fodera so don't really need this one any more.[/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]It was [color=#282828]made by Nikolai Goliaev, a Russian luthier who's been building professionally since 1989. [/color][url="http://ngguitars.narod.ru/index.html"]http://ngguitars.narod.ru/index.html[/url][/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]He seems to specialise in PRS lookalikes but has also made basses that aim to replicate the look & feel of 'boutique' manufacturers at much lower prices.[/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][color=#282828]This one is obviously based on a Fodera Monarch 4 bolt on. Compared to my originals the body is slightly deeper but it has a more pronounced cutaway to compensate for this. I'm pretty sure more recent Monarchs also have the deeper body so it's probably that this was based on something newer than my two. It was built in 2008 so that would bear this theory out as well. Overall dimensions are very similar but with a more rounded lower horn and a[/color][color=#282828] slightly smaller headstock. [/color][color=#282828]Given the pickup configuration I'd guess it was based on a Wooten signature.[/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][color=#282828]It has active PJ EMG pick-ups (as per the Wooten basses & my '86). Body is mahogany and the top is quite a nice piece of flamed maple which is matched on the headstock. Neck is 3 piece (maple mahogany maple) and it has a really nice thick piece of rosewood for the fingerboard. It's got a lovely smooth satin finish & a nice rounded C shape - actually reminds me a lot of a roscoe I used to own. Bridge is by Schaller & tuners are Wilkinson. All round very good quality components & all nicely carved and put together [/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]The only negative thing I have to say about it is that I don't like the cavity cover very much. It performs its basic function OK but wood colour doesn't match the mahogany body. There are some very tiny marks here and there but this really hasn't been played much or abused. A good test of this is that the EMG script on the pickups isn't marked at all - this normally fades or marks very quickly if a bass is used a fair bit.[/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]My bathroom scales are saying it weighs just under 9.5lbs and the small body shape is very comfortable to play.[/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]The sound of the EMGs is nice and crisp and there's a lot of tonal variation simply by playing with pickup balance. Personally I really like the PJ configuration precisely because of this.[/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Comes with a fairly basic gig bag.[/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]So there you have it - something a bit different made with quality components that sounds like a much more expensive instrument and all for the price of a used mass produced USA Fender [/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]I'm in this for about £750 but will take £700 for it, happy to ship anywhere & to consider trades for something that might be easy to sell on (I don't really need any more basses but I'm a, self-professed, gear whore so you never know what might interest me!).[/font][/size]
  4. You got a mention on Planet Rock yesterday Pete - DJ was talking about tribute type bands and said how good Nearly Dan were & that it was a great name
  5. Thanks for that Lawrence. Sounds a really interesting approach
  6. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1339773154' post='1694164'] Has he tried Laklands? [/quote] Had a go on my US Lakland Glaub 4 - sounded good but hasn't been able to try a 5 yet
  7. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1339771543' post='1694117'] A Lull PJ5 could work, but then I've no idea if that would satisfy the MD. [/quote] Thanks Chris - he's tried Lulls but they didn't really work for him. A bit too 'polite' & lacking in character
  8. I think some of this just comes from a bit of a British mentality to put people down all the time. We can be a very negative race at the best of times and the current economic climate must be making things a lot worse for a lot of people. Anyone who appears to be enjoying themselves at work whilst getting paid for it seems to be a general target for a lot of people. I definitely think that this isn't confined to music related things. I've worked in advertising for over 30 years and am totally used to people putting my profession down and saying what a waste of space we are & how we're all overpaid. It's certainly not the most worthy of jobs but, contrary to popular belief it does actually work - if it didn't clients would keep spending millions of pounds on it. I know this is a real generalisation because of the need for lots of businesses to advertise simply to compete with other advertisers & this has a spiralling effect but hopefully you get my drift. The killer for me is usually about how overpaid people in the 'biz' are. It's certainly a potentially very highly paid job. But, like just like being a musician, if it was so easy then 'everybody would be doing it'! It also kills me when people have a go at associated music biz people like luthiers & retailers. I mean, have you ever met anyone that's making serious money making guitars and/or selling them to the public? I've met plenty of these people and am quite good friends with some of them. Not one fot hem has a huge stash of cash anywhere and most are struggling to balance cash flow just so they can keep going The associated, very British phenomena, is to take a pop at anyone successful. Especially if they are in any way in the public spotlight. Really annoys me to be honest, quite different in lots of other countries where success is celebrated rather than despised. . .
  9. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1339764611' post='1693957'] Two basses? [/quote] Funnily enough he already has about 50 Just on a quest for a single 'go to' bass for each gig with his current line-up
  10. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1339764037' post='1693935'] Min 45 or maybe a 50. or don't play those notes on the G string if they have to have that weight about them. [/quote] I actually suggested 55's, lol. He knows he could do this but because he can get what he wants on his 4 strung with 43's he cant see why he can't get it from a 5
  11. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1339760745' post='1693847'] Yes but are the strings the same age in both cases? String age affects a lot of characteristics wrt flexibility and that may well change the perceived timbre too. Just a thought! [/quote] My strings were older than the ones he usually uses but he can get close to the tone he's after with new strings on his new(ish) Fender V. It's interesting that the Fender is getting close to his ideal. I wondered if they are just relatively 'cheap' pickups that are adding thump rather than clarity & the higher end basses are all striving for that modern hi-fi kinda sound!
  12. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1339760468' post='1693840'] This may sound like a stupid question but has he tried muting with foam at the bridge for a more consistent sound across the full range of notes. I know some pros hate it because they have the skill to palm mute but that was how they got that original sound in the 60s and it sounds fantastic (and consistant). I'm sure his MD would love it. [/quote] Unfortunately some of the stuff he has to play is just straight finger style & doesn't require strings to be muted for everything He's even got one of those basses (I can't remember which make) that has an adjustable muting option but apparently it really screws with intonation when it's used.
  13. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' timestamp='1338974298' post='1681726'] Hi Barrie. God Save the Queen Weight is 10lbs (maybe 10lbs 1oz) Not sure who made the pickup as all the Shuker website says is "custom wound pickup". I have a feeling it's Seymour Duncan but I could have made that up. Pickguards are included in the price as I'd have no use for them. [/quote] Sorry Nick - completely missed your reply, not sure how that happened! I'm assuming it's traded now based on the new thread title
  14. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1339758650' post='1693798'] Man up and get a bigger g string? What strings are on you old P? [/quote] That was exactly my first thought He's using TI flats that are something like 43 / 56 / 70 / 100 / 136 These are the same strings that just happened to be on my '72 as well. This was how he demonstrated he could get the sound he wanted from a 43 G string.
  15. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1339758312' post='1693791'] If money is no object, and going from how good Shukers JJ Sig bass looks (and reads), why not see if they can help out with a 5 string Precision type bass, made from Ash. Though have to admit, I also find this - even on my 77 Ash Bodied Precision. I rarely touch the G string, preferring the higher frets on the other strings to get the thickness - plus it makes me look flashier to the untrained eye [/quote] Funnily enough we had a Shuker 5 P custom bass with an EMG pickup to try & I think it came about the closest to the sound we were trying to achieve. I'd forgotten about the JJB bass though, definitely worth considering
  16. We did discuss using effects pedals but he really wants to just go direct (the gig involves a hugely changing set & the MD is very demanding about maintaining a 'natural' sound). It's surprisingly frustrating really because the tone he wants exists on old P basses but not anything more modern and with 5 strings
  17. I must admit that I can often hear the difference with a live guitarist who's using a, mostly digital, multi-effects unit rather than natural distortion )or clean sounds for that matter) from an amp. To my ears it sounds 'processed' and a little unnatural. I can totally see why a small floor effects pedal or rack unit into a modern light weight power amp & cab is more preferable to lugging around a beast of a valve amp & heavy 2x12 or 4x12 stack It's certainly something I've heard people describe as sounding 'digital' although, of course, this isn't really very accurate
  18. So here's an interesting little question for everyone. . . I spent some time with a seriously good pro player yesterday and he's had a bit of an issue for one particular gig he currently has. His MD wants an older school deep thuddy kind of sound but clear note definition. He's using Thomastic Infeld flats, muting with his palm most of the time and picking with his thumb. Definitely a neck pickup only sound so P basses were most obvious option. Sounds really quite nice actually Anyway, his issue on most basses is that the first three - four frets on the G string sound too 'thin' on most basses and he's having to work around not using these frets which is pretty annoying as he's obviously having to play whole songs in different 'unnatural' places. He can get the sound he wants from an older Fender P - his preference is late 70's ash bodied ones. However, he needs a 5 string for lots of songs &, of course, Fender weren't making 5's back in the 60's / 70's. The closest he's actually found so far to the sound he wants is from a fairly recent bog standard US P5. It's a good workhorse bass but he feels he can get a better quality of overall tone from something a bit further up the quality scale. Money is not a major object here as it's his working tool. It was really interesting to hear him playing a few different basses and demonstrating what he meant - I could clearly hear the issue on everything apart from my '72P bass (not a 5 of course!). So - anyone got any thoughts on this? He's loathe to try a much heavier G string as he has a favourite gauge of TI flats. It would be easy to say that the tone he wants doesn't exist but it's certainly there on a vintage P & a relatively modern P5 as well. We discussed simply moving the lower pickup of a P bass so that it's closer to the neck than the bridge (like a Warwick or Spector 4 string) but I'm not aware of anyone who offers this option on a 5 string? All thoughts or recommendations much appreciated
  19. [quote name='Platypus' timestamp='1339703147' post='1693117'] It's working ok for me, Barrie [/quote] Just tried with three different browsers on two different machines and each one says the site server is down - how odd!
  20. What scale is it Ziggy? Just asking as I know quite a lot of W&T 5'ers are 33" strung E to C
  21. [quote name='Hamster' timestamp='1339688965' post='1692787'] Date: Saturday 29 September[b] 2011[/b] [/quote] I'll need to get a quote on a pre-owned time machine. If I get one at a decent price anyone want a trip back with me?
  22. [quote name='lozbass' timestamp='1339701447' post='1693088'] Pow, no problem at all - I hope all works out, a really lovely bass with some pedigree. Platypus, sorry to mislead, it's the sonic blue '65 J - apparently belonged to Yolanda Charles - it looks stunning with a great re-fin. [/quote] Damn - just tried to look at this & the Gallery site is down
  23. Tough call Ones that spring to mind are: Musicman Bongo Gibson Thunderbird Fender Mustang & Coronado Kramer aluminium neck Vigier Marleaux Jerzy Drozd GMR Mayonnes Linc Luthier Valenti Carl Thompson Lowend Elrick Groove Tools Human Base Lightwave Reverend Carvin Brubaker Kinal Rick Turner Must be plenty more, lol
  24. I have some sympathy about running an SL112 on its own. I much prefer the sound of two of them stacked. I've had a very similar experience with other relatively small stacks I've owned - Berg AE 112's, Aguilar GS 112's & DB112's, Bag End 1x15 & 1x10 (which was a great little combo by the way). Did you play around much with the tweeters at all? When stacked I like to turn the lower cab tweeter right off & the upper cab about half way. However, when using just one cab I prefer the sound without a tweeter at all - no idea why but this just seems to 'work' for me Not sure if you've mentioned this before but what are you currently using?
  25. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1339578550' post='1690724'] No please, not this...I can't stand this track since Simply Red killed it!! If you looking for a Gregory Isaacs track surely it's got to be: [/quote] I totally know where you're coming from on this one - a combination of Simply Red & Glaxo Smithkline kinda killed this for me for a long time but my memories of those have faded a little now. It would never be my first choice Gregory song & John Public or Loving Pauper would definitely be ahead of it. My only rationale was that for a covers band audience it might be worth having some numbers that a, less knowledgable audience will recognise Here's Loving Pauper for those that might not know it - such a good song. Saw him singing this live back in 77/78 at Reading Town Hall of all places, lol. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OzlIuq47qA[/media] Also - just in case anyone is reading this thread to pick up on reggae stuff then this is a classic song with about a zillion different treatments - here's the same lead vocal with quite a different production mix & some great backing harmonies http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wM_m1EJRGjI
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