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Everything posted by molan

  1. I've been lucky overthr last year in that I've always been able to try any amp / cab combination in some detail. After all this testing I've really come tithe conclusion that different heads work better with some cabs than others. Certainly enough for me to decide that I would only buy an amp once I've found the cabs that work best with it.
  2. [quote name='bassvid75' timestamp='1339266312' post='1686175'] Interested on selling only the cab? [/quote] Could be - zap me a PM with what you have in mind
  3. I've tried one of these and it was as clear as a bell without a trace of hiss at all. I was able to make it distort with a very powerful active bass with all the onboard tonal options whacked on full. I'd never do this in actual playing situation though so it wouldn't bother me.
  4. I've tried a TH500 with a Diamond optical compressor and it nailed the punchier sound really well. Personally I don't tend to use compressors much but if I did then I'd definitely go for the Diamond. Most 'musical' compressor I've ever heard. I have A/B'd a Streamliner vs a TH and thought they were both very good. It was the way the TH worked so well with the SL's that really clinched it for me though
  5. Just sold a MarkBass LM Tube head to Andy & the deal couldn't have been any smoother. Really friendly guy to chat to along the way as well Now - someone buy his Ampeg cab from him so he can get a new cab to go with his nice new head. . .
  6. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1339149705' post='1684316'] If you aren't on commission already... you should be. [/quote] I promise you I'm not Bassgear is a whole 15 minutes drive away from me so I pop in all the time for a natter & a play on whatever is in stock. I sometimes fill in for Phil if he needs to take a day out for collection or delivery - my favourite ever voluntary job
  7. I've bought loads of basses without trying them first and pretty much all of them have been exactly as described. With a used bass I'd always try to strike up a conversation with the seller. You can usually tell quite quickly if he/she is a trustworthy person. I think new Fenders are a lot tougher to feel safe about. Some are just great, I've owned a 2010 J that was one of the nicest Fenders I've ever played but you do hear some horror stories about dodgy frets. misaligned necks etc. On balance most new ones ought to be fine & if you buy from a dealer & it's dodgy then you can get a replacement/refund - just a bit of a hassle if it's a long distance shipping job
  8. [quote name='1976fenderhead' timestamp='1339026064' post='1682741'] Thanks to everyone who gave me their tips, I will be going to the Bass Gallery this Saturday to test pretty much EVERYTHING they have there, but based purely on specs and design (and affordability) I'm already GASing slightly for Aguilar, followed by Genz Benz and then GK. Of course this all may change once I actually hear them... [/quote] Gallery doesn't have TH500 or SL112 in stock according to their current web site
  9. I played this at [url="http://www.bassgear.co.uk/products-page/pre-owned/bass-guitars1/xotic-xj-1t-5-pre-owned/"]BassGear[/url] last week: Really nice 'refined' bass I thought. I'm not really a 5 string player but it looked really nice hanging on the wall so I just had to have a quick blast Some very nice touches, like the wooden pickup covers, and lots of tonal options.
  10. I based my calcs on the DB series: 4x10 is 98 lbs & the 2x10 is 59 lbs (40% less) GS 4x10 is also 98 lbs according to Aguilar web site so I guessed the the 2x10 is going to be about 59lbs as well. Musician's Friend in the States are listing it for sale still (it's actually discontinued now) and they say it's 62lbs. Great little cab by the way. The GS series really rock
  11. According to the Aguilar site the majority of DB & GS cabs are more or less the same weight. The GS 210 isn't listed any more but by using some pro-rate weights from the 410 & 212 I'd say it comes in at 59lbs
  12. [quote name='Hutton' timestamp='1338988416' post='1682002'] I think the puckups are different. [/quote] I think you are correct: "[color=#666666][font=HelveticaNormal, sans-serif][size=3]The American Standard Jazz Bass is the same sleekly versatile, best-selling instrument it has always been, and it’s now upgraded with Fender Custom Shop ’60s Jazz Bass single-coil pickups"[/size][/font][/color]
  13. Hi Nick, A few questions: How much does it weigh? Do you know what make the pickup is? Are the pickguards included in the price (I'm assuming not but thought I'd check!).
  14. Check out Alex Lofoco. He's seriously good at double thumbing and I know he teaches as well
  15. Good question, My '64 P came with its original case but the poor old thing has definitely seen better days and could do with some TLC. I've not come across anyone who can restore old cases
  16. Before you start opening it up it might be worth simply whacking a jack lead in and out of the socket over and over again. Then flip every rotary control back and forth repeatedly. It's amazing how sometimes a head can just 'lock up' in certain positions if it isn't used for ages or is simply left with every control pot in the same position. TBH it sounds like it needs more than this but it's worth a try anyway
  17. Just read a review that suggests it's possible to remove the AG500 head from the combo and use it separately. However a 'standard' AG500 head isn't usable in the combo because it's lacking the 6 hex bolt fixings to lock it into place. Do you knowif this is correct? Also - I think the cab might effectively be a GS212 (I know the 1x12 combo used a GS112 as a base) don't suppose you know if that is right as well?
  18. [quote name='1976fenderhead' timestamp='1338903178' post='1680820'] I do find that option very tempting... How do you find the 'Drive' in that amp? I had an Aguilar Agro and didn't like it, so if it's a similar character, it's not for me... Also, a bit annoying that you can't just footswitch that on or off... [/quote] The Agro is the same as the saturation circuit on the AG500. I used to have an AG500 & really struggled to get a usable sound from that channel (I now have the SC single channel version). The Th is a totally different beast. I set the drive about 11 o'clock and it adds some nice warmth without being over-powering. Have to wind it up a fair bit to bring any distortion in. It would be nice if it was footswitchable but it's really designed as an enhancement to the core sound rather than an 'effect' I think. I saw two guys at a masterclass recently and one of them was a pretty serious jazzy chordal type player with a through neck Wood & Tronics. Not really the sort of person you'd imagine liking a TH500 / SL112 rig but he sounded amazing & he really loved the rig (it was loaned to him). Playing along with him was a major slapping, double thumbing guy who also had the same set-up. Really very different styles but both had their heads set virtually identically & both sounded as good as each other. Really surprised me just how versatile these can be
  19. I've owned lightweight MarkBass, Genz Benz, GK, TC Electronics, SWR, Epifani, Bergantino, maybe a few more as well For my money the Aguilar TH500 paired with the SL 112 cabs offers the best core tone with a decent amount of flexibility. I have to say that matching the cabs with this head really seems to bring the best out of both. The head can be a bit too warm for some people (in fact I've just picked up an Aggie AG500 which is cleaner and crisper than the TH yet still works well with the cabs). I find the cabs a real revelation. Stupidly light yet they go seriously loud and sound great for all different types of music
  20. If you liked the Xotic then BassGear have a lovely burgundy red 5 in the pre-owned section. There are so many 'super jazz' options out there though that it's difficult to recommend anything. Are you after something fairly true to the original J passive build or do you want a very variable on board active circuit? Having tried most of the super J's out there I've settled on an Alleva Coppolo RA4. It sounds great passive but you can dial in some sweet bass and treble boost if required. The RA is jimmy's take on an early 70's J. He also makes a '60's, the LG and a late '70's, the LM. The latter is getting great reviews everywhere at the moment
  21. Nice, quite rare to see a Monarch in this colour combination and with JJ pickups
  22. [quote name='mikeh' timestamp='1338756385' post='1678991'] I've just put it on the bathroom scales and it went 10lb 8 [/quote] Ouch - I can see how that might get wearing on a long gig Have you tried one of those really cool Mono straps? Might help your shoulder a little
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