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Everything posted by molan

  1. Don't forum rules say you have to state a price in the for sale sections?
  2. Herbie's is autumn of '59, oldest one I've ever heard of (he paid well over the odds for it as well $79!).
  3. There's a big residential studio near me that looks amazing & was once owned by Trevor Horn. I know a couple of pros that use it. It was first used owned & used by Alvin Lee I think, then Dave Gilmour took it over & then Trevor Horn installed all of the high-tech stuff & lots of big names have used it since then for recording. http://www.hookendstudio.com/recording-studios.php
  4. [quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1338314912' post='1672656'] Indeed, it's incredibly loud (not that I need that), the lows are full yet controlled, and the tweeter control and "colour" give a nice sheen to the sound to avoid any danger of mudiness. Very happy.... Mind you, the 1x12 cab stack looks a good option too! [/quote] I always thought those 15's would work well as a pair. They can go pretty low on their own but they don't get 'boomy'. Running a 2nd one should fill the sound out nicely without it all becoming just low bass. I tried the pair of Bag End 15's when Phil had them & they sounded great. First time I've ever tried 2x15's together.
  5. Woo hoo - that looks great! I wondered about exactly this set up. I bet the 2x15's kill
  6. [quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1337348595' post='1658627'] [/quote] Did I hear that a second cab headed in your general direction as well? If so, I bet the stack looks awesome!
  7. [quote name='Jesso' timestamp='1338245816' post='1671704'] Ouch. I like that. [/quote]
  8. I'm listing these here on behalf of a friend who is currently in Italy (but also over here in the UK quite regularly). He bought this rig in June of 2011 and they've barely been used at all. Originally intended to demo various basses so even the little use they've had has been at 'home' volume levels. He estimates they've been used for just a few hours. As you can see from the pics below each item really is immaculate. Very rare over here in the UK. Here's some info on the Soul II head: [url="http://www.glockenklang.de/en/products/products_bass.htm"]http://www.glockenkl...oducts_bass.htm[/url] It's essentially a crystal clear 440W (into 4 ohms - which works well with this 4ohm cab) head with "articulate & powerful sound reproduction" - gets great reviews, real pro-quality piece of kit There's less information about the Double on their web site: [url="http://www.glockenklang.de/en/products/products_bass.htm"]http://www.glockenkl...oducts_bass.htm[/url] But there is a small review from Bass Player on a rig exactly like this with more details here: [url="http://www.glockenklang.de/en/products/products_bass.htm"]http://www.glockenkl...oducts_bass.htm[/url] Quite a few luthiers use Glock as their reference systems, Sandberg, Marleaux, Ritter, Clover, Human Base, MTD etc. etc. I think that if such A grade builders see fit to use Glocks to test their basses it kinda gives you an idea of not only how good they are but also how clean & clear they must be - designed to let the bass' natural characteristics shine though without loads of colouration Here's what Bass Player mag said about Glock gear in a review: [size=4][color=#000000][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"[b]Even with the EQ set flat, it's hard to imagine a more detailed, hi-fi, deep, and overall pleasing bass tone.[/b]"[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"[b]if only the very best will satisfy your gear tones, check out a Glock—if for no other reason than to hear what near-perfect tone sounds like.[/b]"[/font][/color][/size] [b][size=4][color=#000000][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"The Soul head and Double cab are an excellent match. With the EQ bypassed the Glock rig sounds smooth, effortless, and relaxed, with exceptionally refined detail and a clear focus. Transient response is quick and well controlled without sounding clinical or dry. It really brought out the low-string growl of our Lakland 5-string, and it's one of the few amps we've tried with our Underwood-equipped German upright that didn't require an external preamp to sound really good. "The upright sound is very natural, open, and musical—the Glock reveals the true character of every bass you play through it.[/font][/color][/size][/b] [color=#000000][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][b][size=4]If you have an expensive high-end bass or a fine vintage axe and you're looking for an amp that enhances its subtleties, the Glockenklang Soul and Double should be on your must-audition list—if you have four grand to spend."[/size][/b][/size][/font][/color] Priced at €1,900 (about £1,520 at current Euro exchange rates) - these literally are 'as new' items. Shipping will be on top of this and will depend on location. Not looking to split these at the moment as they just work so well together i
  9. Lol about the use of drummers The DB751 is a great head - real 'set it & forget it' type thing. Most people run them completely flat, maybe engaging bass boost if required (but I don't think you'll need that with your cab setup!). I know BassGear in Twyford, near Reading has just placed an order for a 751 - I was talking to the buyer yesterday. Could probably get another in if you're buying new.
  10. [quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1338067079' post='1669323'] I think the US and Skylines can vary majorly - i personally prefer my skyline to the US one. Still feels better than most of the fenders i've tried imo of course! If you're not happy with the MM i would trade. Laklands have brilliant necks - not sure on the width of the JO5, but my DJ4 has a lovely thin one. Trade, then if you find its not for you - trade it again. [/quote] It's definitely a personal choice on US vs Korean/Indonesian Laklands. Personally I think the US ones blow the Asian ones away, way nicer to play & much better fit & finish than any of the far eastern ones I've owned. I don't think they are worth twice the price but you pays your money & makes your choice Nut width on the DJ & JO 5 should be the same. I must admit that, having owned both in 4 string format, I would have said the DJ has a slinkier feel to it than the JO. Could be neck profile or that dinky little body that just makes the whole bass feel smaller
  11. £5K for a transition P is a lot of money in this market. The 'celebrity owned' reference adds very little to the value unless there's a stack of authentication &, ideally, some recorded songs and/or videos with it. Definitely over-priced either way. . .
  12. The JO is a fine bass. American Laklands are better than the Asian ones, IMHO, but this doesn't mean they aren't really well put together. I wouldn't have thought there's any difference in value. If anything I'd think the JO was potentially worth more (unless the MM has been modded with something like a John East pre-amp - these are seriously good by the way).
  13. Only if you have a very strong back - or a couple of roadies The 751 is pretty weighty but it's still a one man lift, those Eden cabs are some serious weight 90-95lbs for an XST 4x10 & about 75lbs for the 1x18. Unless you're playing massive stages or festivals (and with little on stage monitoring) I'd say this really is overkill The 751 is a great head, personally I'd marry it up with Aguilar DB series cabs though.
  14. I've fitted Ultra Lites a few times - depending on the weight of your original tuners they can make a huge difference. I had a Sadowsky that was crazy neck heavy, worst balance of any bass I've ever owned but the Ultras transformed it. I remember weighing the difference between the stock items and the Ultras and it was huge. If you think about the physics of having all that weight hanging off the end of the neck thrown way out to your left you can see how much difference it make to balance if you put lighter tuners on. You can get them with Schaller or Fender type tuners as well Also in chrome, black & gold and different fittings (make sure you get the right size!) I've always bought mine from the States, about £70 for four I think.
  15. [quote name='stoker' timestamp='1337951390' post='1667930'] Very nice Indian in Twyford (wife used to live there) that does an all you can eat curry buffet on a Sunday! [/quote] If it's the one I think it is then you can bring your own booze - really cuts the price down
  16. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1337949476' post='1667887'] I met Phil at the recent Lefty Bass Bash. Although not lefthanded himself he's a big advocate for Lefties. If I knew nothing else about him that would be enough for me. He recently sold one of my basses for me, and got me an excellent price too (over £100 more than I asked for - without a peep - on here). Deal with complete confidence. [/quote] Ah ha - I wondered who's bass that was I sold it last Saturday for you. Bit embarrassing initially as I knew nothing about Regenerate basses so I had to zoom off and Google them like crazy. I know a decent amount about most of the stock but because I really can't play left handed I hadn't actually picked this one up I am now a minor expert on Rod & his basses Did you know yours was one of the very first lefties that he made? Now gone o a very good home down in the West Country
  17. [quote name='Onox' timestamp='1337896057' post='1667261'] Any AWESOME soundclips or videos? [/quote] I'm afraid I don't have anything recorded with this bass It's available at BassGear in Twyford near Reading if anyone wants to give it a blast
  18. I'm covering on Saturday if anyone fancies popping in Great place to come and just try a few seriously nice basses with free coffee & biscuits thrown in for good measure
  19. [b]NOW SOLD[/b] So here's another not particularly awesome bass - a simple classic US Fender P bass in good old black 'n' maple finish with two different pickguards, tort & plain black. It's all original as far as I know apart from the professionally routed J pickup at the bridge. The pickups are a matched pair and work really well together. Each pickup has a master volume control so you can balance across the pair and switch between classic P only sounds or the added bite that a J at the bridge can bring. My personal favourite setting is to bias to wards the P by having it full on & then to wind the J back about a quarter turn & a little bit of treble cut from the global tone control With the P only it has that big beefy P sounds that you only seem to get from the heavier late 70's P basses Speaking of which - It is a bit of a weighty beast but balance is really good & the previous owner used it for regular long gigs. Overall condition is great, there are some wear marks but nothing really untoward. I genuinely can't remember which of the two pickguards is the original, I think it's the tort one but the all black looks pretty cool as well. Comes with a well used Fender ABS hard case, not original but pretty hard wearing & covered with cool stickers It's difficult to put into words but there really is something quite 'special' about this one - I'm just not really a P player & am trying to thin out my herd of old Fender P basses I'm asking £1,500 for this given condition, sound & sheer playability of this bass. Happy to consider trades for basses or amps/cabs so long as they are relatively easy to sell & there's a cash balance in my favour. Here's a sample pic - I have lots more :
  20. Got this out for a quick blast at the weekend, still not awesome but definitely quite nice Here's a big bright picture of the body - lots of flash making it look shinier than it really is & highlighting the wear & sticker marks (which I kinda like really!)
  21. Just traded basses with Mattias & everything went as smoothly as could be imagined He also gets my award for the greatest amount of, high quality, gaffa tape ever used to seal a box, very excellent packing indeed
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