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Everything posted by molan

  1. Looks like there's not going to be many of us there then
  2. [quote name='ziggydolphinboy' timestamp='1337546054' post='1661837'] hey barrie wheres the wood and tronics masterclass.? hope you are kool dude. [/quote] Details here - bit of a trek for you I think http://www.bassgear.co.uk/2012/04/wt-masterclass-22nd-may-2012/
  3. I'm off to see Enrico Pasini the craftsman behind Wood & Tronics basses at the Institute of Contemporary Music Performance along with Alex Lofoco, who's a pretty nifty bass man, and wondered if any other fellow BC'ers were going? I saw Enrico playing at the London Bass Show this year and he's a really interesting player. Should be great to hear him talking about the design philosophies behind his amazing basses as well I hear there's a few tickets left if anyone fancies it - details here: http://www.bassgear.co.uk/2012/04/wt-masterclass-22nd-may-2012/
  4. Wood & Tronics basses are excellent - Enrico Pasini is holding a masterclass near London this week. I'm really looking forward to it
  5. I bought a 210P purely because it's one of the few cabs that will fit in the boot of a Z4. Very impressed so far
  6. I was running stage sound for Hawkwind once. The band roadies set everything up and then I rigged up all the interconnects to the desks. I walked over to check levels on the mics and when I got near to Dave Brock's one the tour manager yelled at me to keep away from it and ran across the stage at breakneck speed. It turned out that the only person who was allowed to even speak into Dave's mic was Dave himself because he was worried about germs. We then had to wait about 20 minutes for Dave to amble out of the dressing room where the band were partaking of 'refreshments'. He walked to the mic, flicked it with his finger, a thump came through the monitors & he ambled back again. . . I also once worked at an outdoor festival where Sade was headlining with Bad Manners on directly before them. Both bands were using the same core stage setup & vocal mics. Sade (or her crew) had apparently been a bit stroppy with Bad Manners during soundcheck. When they finished their set I saw Buster Bloodvessel take the lead vocal mic, stuff it down the back of his bands and give his bum a really good wipe with it. As he came off stage he said "that'll teach her to 'arsey' with me, now she'll know what it smells like:
  7. I picked up a really useful little MarkBass 2x10 cab recently to use for rehearsals (it's one of the very few cabs that will actually fit in the tiny boot of my car!). It measures 22" wide & just 12" high. I've been using it flipped up on its side so it's effectively now 12" wide & 22" tall. I wondered how it would work if I got a second, stacking, cab and stood them both upright so I'd end up with a vertical 4x10 stack with each 10 on top of each other (hope I'm making some sort of sense here!). The rig would then stand a rather cool 44" high making the top speaker much closer to my poor old ears. This ought to be really good for on-stage monitoring but is there some sort of big traded off in sound? Maybe I'm losing some acoustic coupling benefits by having a smaller contact patch between the two cabs? I've seen TC Electronics rigs set up vertically with a 2x12 underneath & the 2x10 on top but don't recall having seen any others - maybe people do this all the time & I simply haven't spotted it though! [i][b]Edit - using Google search (rather than on-site search) has thrown up two previous threads about this. Sorry folks, must try harder![/b][/i]
  8. Brian at the Lowend has a great rep over on TalkBass. I've traded a few emails and he was super helpful & friendly. Never bought anything from him though
  9. I remember when the 751 first came out there was a general view over on TB that the 750 was marginally better sounding but I think it's a very small difference. I had a 750 and loved it but it was a little too heavy for me in the end. With hindsight (always a wonderful thing) I should maybe have kept the 750 for gigging and bought a TH500 for rehearsal and home use
  10. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1337085077' post='1655093'] I prefer this finish to "relicing/roadworn"... It's called "Damaged desktop". [/quote] I like the ones that have the 'noughts & crosses' on them as well:)
  11. I don't see why there's such a fuss over relicing a bass. I don't see a difference between this and the way clothes have been sold for years, faded denim, worn in leather jackets etc. To me it's just a different finish compared to high gloss, satin, natural wood etc. It takes longer and is actually more personal than some 'factory' finishes so I expect it to be more expensive. However it's way less expensive than buying a genuinely old bass. To me that means it's a nice way for someone to get a guitar that feels played and nicely worn in for a decent price. I can't see this going away - it certainly hasn't with other style items like clothing. . .
  12. My old band had a 'standard' set of 58's for all 5 singers but one day the female lead turned up with a Beta. Sounded great in rehearsal but we had real problems with it live, prone to dropping out (must have been the pattern issues mentioned above) but also gave us some feedback problems. I'm sure it's a fine mic but we definitely found it less 'forgiving' to work with than a standard 58. It went back the next week.
  13. I knew there was a good reason why we've just booked to go to Canada in a few weeks time
  14. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1336736638' post='1650182'] I'll take it Mick! [/quote] I thought you only nought really lightweight stuff John Great cabs these & the Chocolate Thunder is a killer look!
  15. [quote name='lee650' timestamp='1336686855' post='1649663'] Yep my dream jazz too!! If it were a year younger it would be my birth year jazz I always promised myself, just AWESOME!!!! [/quote] I can get my stencil kit out & change the date to '74 if you want Lee
  16. Ah Donny what are you doing to me eh? I often think I'd like a nice old Ricky kicking around for those days when i want to grab a pick & play old Jam & Yes songs
  17. Just traded basses with Ryan & I really have to say he couldn't have been friendlier and more helpful. Definitely someone to trust if you are thinking about buying from, or selling to, him
  18. Previous trades now off - anyone got anything they want to trade or maybe make me an offer on the price
  19. And open for trades - had a couple of offers that I'm seriously thinking about but always happy to look at new alternatives
  20. [quote name='CBbass' timestamp='1336269609' post='1643427'] That is my dream Jazz bass. Only natural and even black block bass which has ever appealed to me. Good luck with your ++AWESOME++ sale! [/quote] Although not totally awesome, it is actually a great sounding bass
  21. You need a boring old Fender Jazz, one of those 'everyday' ones that's been kicking around for 40 years or so and not really very desirable. . .
  22. Given the mediocre state of this bass, and that it has lots of old parts on it, I'm thinking of putting the price up by a few hundred quid. . .
  23. molan


    Is that a refin on a stripped body? Also, is pickguard original?
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