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Everything posted by molan

  1. A pro friend of mine ran a pretty exhaustive set of tests on an AG500, TH500 a pair of GS cabs and a pair of SL's The TH/SL combination won the day and on the side by side test the SL's were noticeably louder. He was testing up against a very hard hitting pro drummer as well.
  2. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1336151878' post='1641860'] i thought this was my old bass for a second... those Redeemer circuits are great.... [/quote] I think it was Great bass, my favourite of any recent Fender I've played!
  3. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1336108240' post='1640936'] Three questions please: Is this a bargain, can I trust you, and will I ever get that quality J bass for that money again? [/quote] No, maybe & yes
  4. I know there's a lot of AWESOME old Fenders around at the moment but I'm afraid this is really an everyday, really quite uninteresting, Fender Jazz from 1973. To the best of my knowledge it's all original - it currently has a Badass bridge fitted which is, of course, totally AWSOME, but unfortunately it also comes with an original '73 bridge. Finish is a very dull natural with no AWSOME additions. It's obviously been well played but I'm sure that really reduces its worth as all those people that gigged it over its limited 39 year life probably just thought it was a decent player but not very AWSOME at all. It's a typical old Fender that oozes personality and a hefty girth of just over 10lbs. Although there's nothing AWESOME about the weight I have to assume that all those people that gigged it thought it was worth it. Tough to tell if pickups are original - local luthier seems to think they are AWSOME and are old Fender originals but what does he know eh? Comes with an original '70's hard case which looks rather nice and is very serviceable but probably not even remotely AWESOME. . . Yours for just £1,850
  5. molan


    AWESOME headstock. Is the rest of the bass just as AWESOME? Sounds like AWESOME aftermarket pickups and AWESOME aftermarket bridge with AWESOME routing in the body to make it work.
  6. [quote name='Max Normal' timestamp='1335968194' post='1638785'] I paid £650.00 for mine s/h. Wouldn't sell it though. [/quote] Not for a US one though? IMHO the US Laklands are much nicer than the Korean made ones
  7. [quote name='2x18' timestamp='1335813597' post='1636521'] Its in the heading ---1750 euro Will. [/quote] Not if you're viewing the mobile version
  8. [quote name='louisthebass' timestamp='1335796837' post='1636141'] Popped in there today - very nice shop indeed and met Vic - what a thoroughly nice bloke. And I bought an Aggie 500 TH . [/quote] Excellent - Vic is indeed a very bloke. I was out & about today & nearly popped in too but ran out of time in the end I bought my TH500 from BassGear & really like it, such a great little head. Works really well with the Sl112 cabs too
  9. It's 'Isolated Bass Week' over on All Bass No Treble: http://www.notreble.com/buzz/tag/isolated-bass-week/
  10. Apologies if this has been posted before (I did a quick search & didn't spot it). Worth listening to again though if it has been posted http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=GRjAgl1dQBk
  11. http://www.notreble.com/buzz/2012/04/26/stories-behind-the-songs-jerry-jemmott/ Great player, real 'musician's' musician
  12. Love Zappa & managed to see him twice (on consecutive nights). Fantastic live & operated the band like a true conductor with loads of improvisational sections. The band had Vinnie Colaiuta on drums, Warren Cuccurullo on guitar and Arthur Barrow on bass. Fave albums for me are Sheik Yerbouti, One Size Fits All, Apostrophe & Overnite Sensation. In fact my first wife and I had our first dance to "I Have Been in You" from Sheik Y, lol: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWJZwAOunbM&feature=related[/media] This was swiftly followed by "Jewish Princess" from the same album (she was Jewish, and, especially in later years, something of a 'princess', lol). [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yDarQW7UZc[/media]
  13. I'd be interested in reading this - always like Mr Wobble
  14. I recently tried a Diamond Bass Comp and really liked it. Just the most 'musical' of all the compressors I've tried
  15. [quote name='geoffbassist' timestamp='1335370925' post='1630096'] I love what Bass Direct are doing. Phil is a great guy and I wouldnt hesitate to recomend them. [/quote] Getting a bit confused Geoff Bass Direct is Mark's business whilst BassGear is Phil's
  16. I have to vote for BassGear - not least because I quite often cover the showroom if Phil isn't around (it's only 20 mins from my house). In fact I'll be 'minding the store' tomorrow Phil, the owner, tries to make people feel at home and is always on hand with tea and coffee and words of advice. I've known people spend 3-4 hours trying out basses and amps with nothing but encouragement from Phil to make sure they are really happy about any prospective purchase He's also enlisted the help of young bassist Vic Davies for a day or so a week and he's always full of enthusiasm too. As well as this he has a sponsorship type deal with Tom Kent who's just graduated from ACM and has been supported by supplying some great basses for him to use on live gigs, sessions and tours One of the things I really like is that most of the stock is only available from BassGear as Phil has exclusive deals with people like Fodera, Alleva Coppolo, Ritter etc. Plus he's always bringing in new stock like the range of Wood & Tronics bolt ons and I hear no less than 4 F Basses are heading over soon. It's great that there are always some of these in stock for people to actually play rather than listening to sound clips an reading about them on TalkBass I think it's good that he's able to set up masterclass sessions too. I know he's had Joe Zon with Michael Manring & Jens Ritter so far and has one coming up with Enrico Passini from Wood & Tronics with Alex Lofoco playing. These things take a lot of organising, not least because they all involve overseas suppliers. So, I will be in 'kid in a candy shop' mode again tomorrow if anyone fancies popping over
  17. I'd love to hear a whole album, I think they could pull it off
  18. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1334665682' post='1619333'] In the link above it states that they are ex demo, so i can see how they arent priced the same as clicking on the gear on the main pages. I would expect to pay less for ex demo anyway but they are good prices i guess. [/quote] I'm in the shop right now Basically what Phil describes as 'ex-demo' are simply his display stock. E.G. They sit on the showroom floor, don't get moved, don't get played at anything above 'shop' volumes and are all immaculate (certainly the MarkBass gear as I've just checked them all over!). The only thing that marks them as being as 'ex-demo' is that they aren't in their boxes still - although Phil does have all of these. Pretty sure most retailers out there would class something that's simply on the shop floor as being 'brand new' I've tried a few of the amp/cab options and the Randy Jackson setup is nice. My personal favourite was the MoMark SD800 into the 4x10. Never tried a MoMark head before but it's seriously nice. Loads of 'heft' through the 4x10. Phil also has a used 2x10 in stock and the MoMark into 6x10's sounded just great!
  19. I had one of these and absolutely loved it. Best bass head I've ever owned but, unfortunately, just too heavy for me It really is quite a weighty beast and I found I could get a lot of the tone I wanted from a tiny little TH500 (matched with the right speakers). However, if you're OK with the weight & want a serious gigging amp then, in my opinion, nothing else comes close!
  20. I think it's a 'proper' sale for a fixed period and finishes on Saturday (as opposed to one of those dealers who always have a sale on). That's probably why the route to the sale prices is only through he direct link. I'd actually seen the prices via an email link an hadn't checked the main site
  21. Ok, so I'm a little biased as I sometimes help Phil at BassGear when he's really busy but I've just seen how far he's reduced prices on his MarkBass stock so thought I'd stick a note up here Some of his new prices (with full manufacturer's warranty) are around the price I've seen some used ones go for in the past! Brand new Randy Jackson head for £699 plus the matching cab at £599. Jeff Berlin combo for £799. CMD 1x12 combo at £699. MoMark SD800 at £656. 4x10 cab at £699. I have to say that the RJ head at £699 is pretty tempting and the MoMark SD paired with the 4x10 ought to sound pretty cool
  22. I've literally just been playing one of these at BassGear in Twyford - sounded really nice
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