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Everything posted by molan

  1. molan


    [quote name='TimmyC' timestamp='1334354720' post='1615237'] Haha, you actually did. Convert that figure into sterling and pop it in a PM [/quote] Ought to come in at about £240,000 in Soul Sterling but American soul has always been more authentic than UK so that probably devalues it to around £200,000. . .
  2. molan


    [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1334235774' post='1612978'] Would you take my soul? [/quote] Didn't you already trade that?
  3. I just picked up an Olympic White one of these in a complex PX deal - genuinely surprised at quite how nice it is. Some of these newer Fender RI models really seem to hit the spot
  4. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1334255103' post='1613394'] Bonnie Raitt is a goddess. [/quote] She certainly gets my vote
  5. Haven't listened to much of this yet but it's been getting good reviews and has the, ever tasteful, Hutch Hutchinson on bass on most tracks I think. Available to listen, officially, either in entirety or track by track here: [url="http://www.npr.org/2012/04/01/148930343/first-listen-bonnie-raitt-slipstream?ft=1&f=1039"]http://www.npr.org/2...eam?ft=1&f=1039[/url]
  6. [quote name='ashevans09' timestamp='1334235452' post='1612971'] Hmm, I think I'm leaning towards a stageclix, to those using a stageclix, where's the best price I can get one? I'm tempted by the line 6 simply because they're easier to pick up second hand. Also to people who own both the line 6 and the stageclix, how to they cope when out of line of sight/with an active bass? Thanks Ash [/quote] BassGear near Reading stock them - currently listing at £359 http://www.bassgear.co.uk/products-page/accessories/digital/stageclix-jack-system/ I know they've got a spring sale on at the moment and not all prices are listed on their website - might be worth emailing them to see if there's a deal available I've tried one by the way, thought it was great - managed to walk to the other side of the store car park without losing signal!
  7. Quick update from me I took a few people's advice & have had a go at setting up a new band & already have drums, keys & lead guitar sorted! We're getting together next week to discuss material & what we need to finish the line-up - obviously a singer (or two) is going to be needed as only the drummer can sing out of the four of us & we are not going to start a Phil Collins tribute band, lol. Looks like we will be auditioning for some singers so I'll make sure we handle it really professionally. . .
  8. [b]This Rig has now been sold via BassGear in Twyford http://www.bassgear.co.uk/[/b]
  9. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1334138809' post='1611336'] The finish is not good and probably not original, the neck looks too clean in comparison to the body which raises questions, there is serious repair work to the neck and one of the pots and the bridge don't look original either. This might be a great sounding and playing bass but as a Fender, vintage or not, it raises too many questions and it misses out on top money on too many fronts. I think you'd be hard pressed to get 1.5K. But then I'm not an expert. [/quote] I think Chris is probably about right here. The fact that it's 60's rather than 70's makes an emotional difference to some people & will nudge value up correspondingly. Unfortunately the body refin, a neck which looks much cleaner than the body and that headstock erpair, however good it is, are all going to hit value pretty hard I have a few Fender P's at the moment (63, 64, 72, 79) and the only one of those that cost over £2K was the 63 which has an older refin body & early 70's guard but is otherwise more or less original. With a really good refin this would definitely go up in value (I'm basing this on the fact that it's already be refinned once). However you'd be looking at between £280 & £400 for a really good job. With a nice refin, and in a desirable colour, then I think you'd be able to hit £2K, depends on how much that neck repair is going to bother people though. It's certainly enough to put off the more serious collector but shouldn't worry someone who wants a 'player' so long as the repair is really solid & showing no signs of opening up again.
  10. [quote name='Phil Starr' timestamp='1334077527' post='1610605'] For keys you need pretty much the full frequency range and a flat response. I'd suggest using PA cabs and unless you already have an amp then use active cabs. They are usually pretty good value for money too. The bass could then use a sansamp or similar. anything more specialized is likely to work out pretty expensive [/quote] Would the keys just run straight into a powered PA cab or would it also need a small pre-amp (maybe with a DI option to feed a PA?)?
  11. A friend of mine is on the lookout for some sort of decent quality amp/cab (or combo) rig that might work for both bass and keys. I wondered about a nice powered cab like a Bag End with a Sansamp for bass and maybe a simple DI for keys. I've also heard that Roland have offered hybrid combos in the past but I know nothing about Roland gear. In fact, I know nothing about keys either so no idea what sort of set might work Any ideas or advice gratefully received.
  12. Thanks for all the comments guys I did think about the 'we're putting the band back together' idea but shied away from it only because it seems to so tough to get gigs these days. I used to play in & 'manage' a 13 piece soul band a few years back - fantastic gigging experience but a monster pain in the butt keeping everyone together & I guess that's jaundiced my opinion about trying to set something up from scratch & being the chief organiser I do also know a singer who I'd happily work with again so maybe there's something in this idea after all. . . Also - I've just applied for an audition for a regular gigging function band & I know at least half of their set well already. Never know, maybe this is the one
  13. My band 'fell over' a couple of months ago and, due to various personal reasons, I haven't been out looking for anything else until recently. I've had a couple of experiences that, quietly, have really surprised me about some of the people out there in other bands. First up was a group that had been forced to partially disband because three members were unable to continue due to distances involved for gigs. The band advertised for bass / drums / keys. Because my band had split & I was good friends with both my drummer & keys player we thought this might be a perfect match - We even played a fairly similar set list. I contacted the band leader and said I'd be up for auditioning on bass & could probably bring drums & keys with me if required. I got a very positive response although the guy said he couldn't call me for 4-5 days. This was Ok really & we exchanged numbers. Lo & behold, no call, no response to any messages or calls either. Just totally ignored me & I've given up trying to contact him now as he's obviously not interested. You'd think he could at least have bothered to say why he didn't want to see me (& the other two possible band members) or just say he'd found something else etc.? Second experience was a smaller band just looking for a bass player. I spoke to the guitarist for about 30-40 minutes and we seemed to hit it off. He said they were having two sets of auditions & I was invited to the 2nd of these. He gave me 4 songs to learn & a complete set list from which to choose a few more. I dutifully took a day out & learned the main four plus several others. Downloaded originals, checked keys, adjusted with Audacity to their key, spent a couple of hours going through my basses to decide which one would work best with their material / lineup etc. etc.. I sent a couple of messages asking when the next audition would be & explained what I'd been working on without any reply. Then, I'm sure you can guess what's coming, 3-4 days after their first auditions I get a rather curt email saying they found what they wanted and hoped I'd find something in the future. Also that they'd keep in touch in case the guy they have chosen doesn't work out. I have to say that this one really pissed me off - why supply a full set list with keys & stuff and ask someone to learn a batch of songs without even letting them audition. I have to assume that they did the same to other people as well because they'd said they were seeing others the same night as me. They could at least have let me know immediately after their first auditions instead of leaving me to waste time over 3 days learning a large chunk of their set? Just seems rude to me - or maybe I'm being too precious over it all
  14. Always think the AD200 is such a cool looking head
  15. Had a few trade offers on parts of the rig but trying to keep it all together because it just looks so nice as a full rig. Could trade parts of it if I know it's all going
  16. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1333395186' post='1601178'] Oh Lordy, soiled underwear [/quote] Looks even better in the flesh
  17. [b]This Rig has now been sold via BassGear in Twyford [/b][url="http://www.bassgear.co.uk/"]http://www.bassgear.co.uk/[/url] Fantastic Aguilar rig for sale in their ultra-cool Chocolate Thunder finish - looks great on stage and adds a 'touch of class' against all the identikit black rigs out there! It's difficult to describe just how nice this looks in this colour but everyone that's seen it has been really impressed - Including the 'top name' player that used to own the cabs and head cover - it was previously his 'club' gig standard rig Only selling because my back has been playing up recently and, even though these really aren't that heavy/bulky, my new Aguilar TH/SL rig is just that bit easier to lug around. Everything is in great condition apart from a small tear on the top of one of the cabs (which has been repaired with matching colour tape). I always sit this cab as the lower of the pair so it's not noticeable in general use. One of the cabs has velcro on the underside to mount a MarkBass amp-stand which is included in the sale. This allows you to either angle a single 'monitor' cab on the floor up towards you or to angle the upper cab if used as a stack. The head was racked from new but I've now replaced the rack bag with a matching Aguilar Chocolate Thunder head case. I've seen black heads in Aguilar's coloured cases before but not a coloured head with matching head case Both cabs are the versions with tweeters & variable controls (people often buy 1 with tweeter & 1 without but with mine you have the option to set the tone however you want with each cab). I have a full set of Aguilar padded covers for the cabs and the head as well to protect them in transport. There's also a foot pedal to switch between the two channels of the head. Full details on the head here: [url="http://www.aguilaramp.com/products_amplifiers_ag500.htm"]http://www.aguilaram...fiers_ag500.htm[/url] & Cabs : [url="http://www.aguilaramp.com/products_cabinets_db112.htm"]http://www.aguilaram...inets_db112.htm[/url] These deliver a great live gigging sound with plenty of tonal flexibility and all night long reliability I don't really want to split these as they all look so good together. However, if someone wanted just the cabs to go with their AG500 or AG500SC black faced head, then I'd consider swapping the heads over so that they could keep all the Chocolate Thunder gear and I'd end up with the black faced head. I should say that I have already offered this arrangement to someone so it's posible everything could go very quickly! Current retail on these (from Guitar Guitar/Thomann) is circa £970 for a head, £600 each for the cabs, £110 each for cab covers, £150 for the head case, £65 for the head cover & £25 for the MB amp stand = a whopping great total of about £2,630! I'm looking for just £1,350 so that's nearly half price for a pro quality rig with lots of flexibility for different sized venues
  18. [quote name='juliusmonk' timestamp='1333351375' post='1600244'] Alembic must have the best marketing in the world... Although if you fork out 10k, you better convince yourself that it is the ultimate bass. I can also understand that. [/quote] Alembic have a marketing campaign? I think the only 'marketing' they do is making new basses and letting people play them. Their base price is really high (although all the US dealers discount on the list prices) but the main reason they demand such high prices is simply that people are prepared to pay them. Once initial depreciation is knocked out you should find that a quality used Alembic will hold value really well. I've owned 3 or 4 and have never lost money on any of them. [quote name='juliusmonk' timestamp='1333351375' post='1600244'] Cumbersome is exactly the word I'd use to describe the Alembics I tried. I was expecting something that would play itself! [/quote] I think 'challenging' might describe how I've found them. The ones I've had have forced me to think differently about how I play - they can be really, really critical of any sort of technique flaws but they can be very rewarding to play once you've mastered them. Every one I've had has been quite different in sound to the other, despite the fact that all have had relatively similar pre-amps and switching options. One of them really was absolutely beautiful and a joy to play. However the fact that I had to work so hard to adjust my technique to play it eventually meant that I decided to move it on. As others have said - definitely something to try before you buy. The Alembic forum can be a really useful source of information. Once you get the hang of 'talking' to the guys there they can be super-friendly. I met a couple of them (including the chief moderator) on a trip to the States and they could not have been friendlier
  19. Hope it goes well today folks - I tried the lefty Wood & Tronics that Phil had at BassGear. http://www.bassgear.co.uk/products-page/bass-guitars/wood-tronics/wt-quintessence-ej-frost-lh/ Great fun trying to play upside down
  20. Only caught the last couple of songs last night but really impressed. Great horn section - although TOP were pretty damn impressive too! Third time I've seen Daniel Pierce on lead vocals this year - each time with a different band, DotFunk, Shuffler and now PB and each one was really good Not bad for an x-Factor 'failure' . . .
  21. Is it this one David? If so then it looks pretty cool
  22. Looks like my trans white Sadowsky has been sold as well now - nice one Phil
  23. I'm not sure if Steve http://www.stevesamps.co.uk/wp/ really counts as a retailer but he'll give you great advice on what to choose and may have some spares in stock. He did an amazing job on my old SVT and sold me a pair of valves for way less then I'd previously paid
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