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Everything posted by molan

  1. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1327777120' post='1516695'] i reckon take the Fender Barrie.. see how it pans out... [/quote] Yeah, but which one: '63 P '72 P '73 J '78 J '79 PJ '59 J replica build by Wes Steed (has a Fender neck & decal so just looks like a heavily relic'd J) Too many choices
  2. So I have an audition on Monday & currently weighing up whether to take my trusty old Fodera, a vintage Fender P, my flashy red sparkle Alleva Coppolo P or my relic'd Steed/Fender stack knob J. Luckily the Ritter is out on loan as that's probably a bit too flash for an audition May have to try & suss out if the band are 'traditional' Fender/Gibson types or whether I can get away with the Fodera
  3. I tried a MoMark last week through various different Bag End cabs - sounded great, really clean punchy sound. It was this one at Bassgear: http://www.bassgear.co.uk/products-page/bass-amps-cabs/mark-bass/momark-sd800/ It has the EQ module but was all solid state pre-amp. Loved it through the Bag End 4x10 http://www.bassgear.co.uk/products-page/bag-end1/bag-end-q-10-bx-d-low-bass-quad-10-ax-hi-drive/ I think all the Bag End cabs are super efficient so they tend to really make the most of whatever power source you're putting through them
  4. I don think my original post was very clear! I'm looking for Dunlops in black or gold and have Schallers in black or chrome to offer in exchange. I would also be interested in trading chrome or black Schallers for gold ones.
  5. Wow, that fretboard really does look amazing
  6. Having had a bit of a clearout I've realised I have several sets of chrome & black Schaller straplocks but the only bass I have with Schallers has gold hardware & buttons! I also have another bass with black Dunlop hardware & one with gold Dunlops. So possible trades are: Either black or chrome Schallers for either gold Schallers or gold or black Dunlops. For any of these I don't need the retaining strap buttons that mount on the bass (but would keep them if some wants to swap) and I, in turn have mostly the straplock parts that attach to the strap (although I also have a couple of sets of the retaining buttons as well). Hope all this makes some sort of sense! Happy to add some cash if the trades aren't equal EG a chrome set of Schallers for a gold set of Dunlops etc.
  7. I really like these, Bassgear in Twyford has the head & matching cab. They work really well together
  8. [quote name='lozbass' timestamp='1327682273' post='1515370'] The bass is now sold. [/quote] Excellent - knew there was someone out there for you with good taste
  9. As an owner of both I think it's a tough decision First thing I guess would be that Fodera can make you a bass that sounds like a Fender if you want but then allow i to have a ream of other tonal options as well. I heard a guy up close recently playing a modern Fodera Emperor 5 string. He really knew his Foderas having used one for years as his main bass and he's a top session player. With a few flicks of switches and adjusting knobs on the bass, plus maybe the odd amp tweaking, he managed to produce a great old sounding P bass growly thump & then all the way up through a 70's J bridge pickup sound to ultra-modern hi-fi jazzy tones. Certainly my old '86 Monarch can do a pretty good P bass sound with just the neck P pickup in the mix and tone wound back a bit. However a Fodera is never going to give you that lovely vibe you can get from a truly classic vintage Fender that you know has been around the block a few times & seen loads of gigs. Of course, with Fodera's history only going back as far as '83 then Fender have a good 20-30 years of additional history behind them to get that vibe. If the question was - a Fender no older than '83 or a Fodera then the Fodera would win every time.
  10. [quote name='Tinman' timestamp='1327591091' post='1513874'] I know. Let's all pitch our tents in the Fodera workshop (Occupy stylee) that'll teach them to mess with us consumers! What a ridiculous thread. [/quote] Need to make sure we choose the right time of year - they have no air con so it's roasting in summer and the heating isn't great so it can get very cold in winter. It's also up a few flights of stairs with no lift so we'll need to be pretty fit to run up and down if we need the loo
  11. [quote name='crez5150' timestamp='1327529897' post='1513086'] Typical Agency.... shortlist of one... [/quote] That's exactly what I said to my wife! Then she showed me a vid and I pointed out that the singer came in late and the horns were a) not playing the part correctly and fractionally ou of time. Probably wouldn't notice any of this live but my first thought was that if they can't be bothered to sort stuff like this on their promotional material how 'professional' are they really. . .
  12. [quote name='kevin_lindsay' timestamp='1327530107' post='1513092'] http://www.swaytheband.com/meet_the_band.php Featuring my friend Nick Owen on bass. They're a great outfit - Richard Branson has used them quite a few times in various locations around the globe [/quote] I know Nick - great guy
  13. My wife is working on a team that's booking a band for a big corporate event at the end of Feb. They've been given a shortlist of just 1 band from the agency running the bulk of the event and, having seen some of their material, I wasn't desperately impressed I'm not going to name names here just in case someone knows them! Anyway - she's interested in looking at alternatives so I thought I'd ask if anyone here wants to put themselves forward or recommend someone they think are really good. This is for a pretty high end, top dollar, corporate event - they've already booked a very expensive DJ to play after the band. Style of music isn't fixed but they will be looking for a fairly wide potential range of songs and some real showmanship as well. As an example the band they are currently looking at are an 11 piece with horn etc. Venue will be just outside and west of London. I'd love to try and point this the way of a fellow BC'er so hit me up if you fancy it Probably best to send details by PM
  14. molan


    [quote name='w_joe' timestamp='1327159233' post='1507202'] It wheigts about 5.5 kg! Cheers [/quote] Are you sure? That's over 12lbs & I've never seen a 70's Fender coming in quite that heavy (my '79P is about 11.5lbs & that's a pretty hefty beast). Also - do you have a close-up shot of the body that shows the wear mark between the two pickups from a direct 'head-on' view?
  15. I think I may have played this one & seen the certificate which definitely says 1960 & I seem to remember matched the bass serial number. I thought it was odd that it had the later period tone setup but hadn't considered that that's the whole point of a 'Custom' Shop - you can order what you like! Are the tuners reverse winding?
  16. molan


    Quick note from me to say that Josh is a top man to deal with
  17. [quote name='BigJim' timestamp='1327351843' post='1509902'] Played this at bass gear the other day along with the ritter... I want both so much!!!!!!! [/quote] Me too - both are gorgeous. The MTD has that classy understated look & feel whilst the Ritter is a 'one of a kind' tone monster - you have great taste Mark!
  18. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1327440364' post='1511351'] Slightly off topic but to get the ball rolling, I refereed an Under 13's rugby match under the watchful eye of Dean Richards whose son was playing. Don't think I've had anyone in a music setting though. [/quote] On the football topic - I once played in a charity match at Barnet FC and Ray Clemence, their manager at the time, turned up and decided to take over the running of our team as we were losing. I had the misfortune of playing at right wing back and was supposed to hurtle up and down the wing right past him. Now, I've been to a lot of football matches and I've never heard anyone quite as foul-mouthed as him & much of it was directed at me & the right winger as we were closest to him on the pitch. Luckily I scored a goal (direct from a free kick - boom!) which meant we drew but he still bollocked us like crazy when we came off the pitch - I've never played since In music the only ones I can think of are Emma Bunton & Carole Decker from T'Pau. Interestingly, later on in the evening, I had to exchange most of my clothing with Emma B & pretend to be her on stage, but that's a whole other story. . .
  19. I know a luthier that charges approx £3K minimum for one of his instruments - he's forced to live on the premises of his workshop because, even at that price, he can't afford to live anywhere else. His instruments are works of art. Last report I saw said that Chinese average labour rates in the manufacturing business were 88p an hour (that's £6.60 a day if they were lucky enough to only work a 7.5 hour day!). My luthier friend will never be able to compete with this kind of pricing. My solicitor is currently charging me £360 an hour (that £2,700 a day). He's got years of experience and is one of the very best in his field in the country. He could charge less but why would he want to? As far as I'm concerned he's worth every penny because I am currently in desperate need of his services. Yes it 'hurts' me every month when his bill arrives but I always pay it immediately because I want to retain his services - a rare commodity. I've met a lot of luthiers & instrument retailers, not one of them appears to have any sort of significant money to their name - why on earth should they try to reduce their prices to compete with overseas manufacturers who can use £6 a day labour & nice big machines to cut their basses for them? Using your argument I am also seriously unethical - my company charges me out at £1,500 a day (that's a lot more than what they pay me of course). Should I should therefore go freelance & sell myself at minimum wage to be ethically correct? Of course this would mean I'd have to sell my house & maybe live in a caravan somewhere but at least my morals would be ethical. . .
  20. [quote name='geoffbassist' timestamp='1327331116' post='1509407'] ...actually I loved the fodera walnut 5 that just sold from bass gear! I can't even begin to consider Fodera gas. My life's hard enough already :-) [/quote] That was a seriously nice example - the guy who bought it is very much going to use it as his main gigging bass, and he plays a LOT! I must admit that I've met a few Fodera owners and every one of them seems to use their bass as a gigging tool and not a 'hang on the wall' bass. My old '86 Monarch is certainly my first call bass for gigs, rehearsals etc.
  21. Excellent work - looking forward to seeing this
  22. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1327264817' post='1508624'] Wow! Great looking bass but we can't really hear what it sounds like from the vid with all the background noise. Having seen MG with Gary Husband's band and heard his (previous) Fodera live I can say that it sounds wonderful but then you've got to factor into it his amazing technique. The price is an issue though... It is ridiculous: for a third of this price, you could have a UK custom-made uber-bass to your own specs including the string spacing, mid-scale, ramp and high-C stringing! [/quote] I'm sure there will be some better sound clips available soon I guess UK price will work out at about £7K - £1,350 of that is shipping, VAT & import duties though
  23. [quote name='pierreganseman' timestamp='1326537244' post='1498458'] i know thx, i am just useless at checking thread well lets rephrase "due to me being useless at checking this, plz just PM me if you need an answer within hours, otherwise just write on this " [/quote] Hey Pierre, Not sure if you know about the option to 'follow' your own threads? If you set this up correctly you'll get messages when people post replies on your thread just as quickly as a PM
  24. It was Matt Steele on keys but the highlight for me was the Hit Horns - absolutely outstanding. The core band, essentially Jamiroquai without JK, were as tight as a vert tight thing indeed and Paul Turner was in top form and sat just perfectly in the mix (as did everyone after the first couple of numbers). They played a cracking version of Rick James' "Give it to me Baby" with the horns note perfect on those super fast fills. Really good funking gig all round!
  25. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1327171138' post='1507440'] It is down to the treble being directional. Point speakers at his ears instead of knees and it sorts out. [/quote] I found an easier solution - I pointed him at the door & told him never to come back
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