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Everything posted by molan

  1. I see from the NAMM coverage that Fodera have released their latest model in the new 'Standard' line after the Yin Yang Monarch 4 and the Emperor 5. The next model is a Matt Garrison Signature Imperial 5 with 33" scale and 17.5" bridge spacing. Body is walnut with a box elder burl top, three-piece hard rock maple neck, pau ferro fingerboard & Mother-of-Pearl inlays. Fodera/Duncan dual coil pickups and Fodera/Pope custom shop three-band preamp, ebony ramp, 26 frets, & a drop tuner. I think these would usually be strung E to C so would be really cool for higher end chordal and fast jazzy work Matt playing one at NAMM: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-rIVGjhNF0[/media] and a whole 12 minute vid about the decision to make it here: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sD0maOkxeQ[/media] They are only making 30 of these in the first batch and have already sold about 20 of them at $8,750 each! I got a message from Phil at BassGear this morning to say he's ordered one for the UK, really looking forward to seeing this, should be here somewhere in the second half of the year. He's also got two Yin Yangs (the last one sold in under 24 hours!) and a pair of Emperor 5 Standards coming in!
  2. [quote name='essexbasscat' timestamp='1327142680' post='1506845'] And you're looking after a shop full of basses ? Danger danger danger !!!! [/quote] That's where the Ritter Cora came from Luckily my 'shift' is over now!
  3. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1327105534' post='1506640'] It's my birthday in April [/quote] Looks like this is going to be the first one to arrive - its with UPS already
  4. Ok, so I'm cheating a little here, it's more like two full incomings and two half ones - does that allow me three in total? As a couple of people here know I've been signed off work for a while and have too much time on my hands. This has allowed me to rationalise my amps and cabs and also to sell the odd bass or two. Unfortunately this released enough cash to buy some more again! If I get questioned too seriously I'll just say it's all down to the drugs I'm on I'll start at the top in the money stakes - 1963 Fender Jazz, refinished in, the original colour, Seafoam Green,everything else 100% original and has a lovely tort guard and dark rosewood neck - . Looks like a beauty and from a guy who knows his vintage Fenders. Alleva Coppolo RA4 in nitro Candy Apple Red with maple board, blocks and binding. This is Jimmy Coppolo's take on an early '70's Fender Jazz. Made for a personal friend of Jimmy's and a guy I know quite well too. Has an amazing ear for a good bass but who's mostly playing 5's these days. Should be a cracker. Then onto the two 'half incoming' babies: I recently bought the very funky Herbie Flowers '59 Jazz replica that Wes Finn built. I really like this bass a lot, looks great, build quality is excellent and sounds really nice. However it's currently sporting a, slightly modified, Fender '62RI neck. Wes offered to build me a custom neck with a lovely piece of dark Brazilian board, clay dots etc and relic'd to match the body. Should really finish this off perfectly. Leaving me with that modified '62RI neck. . . So I've now bought a new, nitro finished Olympic White Fender '62 RI body with tort guard, fender vintage pickups and stack knobs. Wes is supplying some mild relic tuners and the rest of the missing hardware and I might get a mild relic job on the body to get everything matching. So there you go - effectively four new basses sorted in a very short period (and a Ritter Cora purchased before Xmas). The GAS gauntlet has been been firmly laid down for 2012 and there's still a week of January to go
  5. I don't know who's on keys this year, he's certainly played with them in the past
  6. I'm off to see the wonderful Dotfunk on Saturday at the Jazz Cafe - featuring Paul Turner on bass plus other members o the Jamiroquai band, Paul's band Shuffler, Incognito and the Brand New Heavies - should be awesome! Very excited Anyone else going?
  7. Just tweeted by Phil Nixon of BassGear who's at NAMM - go to the Apple App store & the HT6 iPhone app tuner is completely free instead of $4.99. I don't find it as easy to use as the TC Electronics Polytune but it's free so worth a try! More details here: http://blog.livedesignonline.com/briefingroom/2012/01/18/harmans-hardwire-ht6-fasttunetuner-app-turns-an-ipod-iphone-or-ipad-into-a-polyphonic-tuner/
  8. molan


    [quote name='w_joe' timestamp='1326985713' post='1504745'] Thanks guys! @ Molan: The bass is all original, I hadn´t change a single screw since I bought it. Cheers [/quote] Cool, thanks for confirming. I've previously owned a similar era Fender J that the previous owner ha told me was all original and it turned out that pickups and pots had been replaced which really devalued it Any idea how much it weighs?
  9. Just realised I've never left any feedback for Mark & we've traded a few things back & forth. Always great to deal with - top man all round
  10. Primus at the RAH - sounds somehow 'wrong' to me, lol
  11. Totally agree with everything above The other great thing about a Squier is that it'll hold value really well - precisely because it is THE perfect starter bass (as well as being a quality instrument in its own right). I'd really work on amp & pickup settings and then maybe think about pedals & stuff. Well worth checking out the used section here for stuff like this. Will save you a packet on new prices and means that if you don't like something you can usually re-coup your money back again here on BC.
  12. molan


    are the pickups, pots & all hardware original?
  13. [quote name='Linus27' timestamp='1326921686' post='1503903'] I can get you prices or a very rough estimate. The 30th Ani Streamer will be £42 million pounds. The rest will range from £4 million to £12 million pounds. They will also tell you that the Pro and China models are just as good as the German model in quality but the only difference is the German one will cost you a lot more but there really is no difference [/quote] And if you're a dealer you'll need to take at least three of each, plus some amps & cabs (that you'll never sell!). . .
  14. [quote name='pigsinspace' timestamp='1326928580' post='1504047'] If you can't / won't post neck pics, could you elaborate on the "water damage" ? Thanks [/quote] I spoke to Rory on Monday and he said he'd be away for much of this week and would try to get some new pictures at the weekend
  15. OK - very quick test MB Tube 800 vs MB MoMark Sd 800 vs ToneHammer 500. All into a single Aguilar SL112 (tweeter turned half way) and using a Steed Herbie Flowers rep J bass with flat wounds. I started with the TH500 as it's what I have at home - nice warm muscular sound, definitely 'voiced' to sound vintage but a decent top end even with flats. Clarky - you know what these sound like so i won't dwell on this one Then the MB Tube 800 - on Solid state only this was much cleaner & sharper. If anything a little too clean for me & seemed to lack a bit of 'depth' after the TH. N.B. I didn't touch any tone controls on any amp, everything left completely flat. Then I wound the tube control all the way round and the overall tone warmed up a lot, still not as vintagey sounding as the TH and no hint of break-up with the passive J bass. For me, the killer setting on the MB800 was pretty much bang in the middle of SS & Tube - this now had all the depth of the TH500 but with more bite & presence. Clarky - in terms of size the Tube 800 is pretty much bang on the same as the TH500. Slightly deeper but that's about it. The MoMark was a whole different experience - ultra clean & hi-fi sounding. Really picked up finger noise, even from the flats, and sounded a bit too harsh for me. I've played this before through a 4x10 though & it sounded awesome as a growly rock head
  16. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1326979287' post='1504590'] Thanks Gareth, I did think about that - thats a great deal! Also the Markbass LMTube 800 which has a ton of power and the option to dial in or out the tube preamp [/quote] I was trying the MB Tube 800 yesterday through a Bag End 1x15 - sounded great to me. Easy to get a crystal clear sound or add warmth from the tube if desired. I've got the Herbie with me today - will give it a blast & let you know how it sounds
  17. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1326905800' post='1503559'] Please do let us know the price of the Contrabass when you've decided on it/got word on it, Barrie. [/quote] So here's some camera phone pictures of the Anthony JAckson from the previous owner: Obviously it looks much nicer in real life Haven't spoken to Phil yet but I'm guessing it's going to sit just below the £5K mark N.B. Mods - apologies if I'm breaking any protocol(s) here, just trying to help a friend and answer questions as they come up. I'm only helping out in the shop so not actually offering stuff for sale
  18. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1326906181' post='1503568'] I would have tried the Musicman Reflex 5 over everything...if its there. I want it!!! [/quote] Yep, it's hanging on the wall - I was too frightened by all those knobs! It looks absolutely unplayed - I'll give it a whirl tomorrow If you're at all interested then zap me a PM and I can check anything specifically or take a camera in if you need more pics etc. I can also contact Phil on pricing or any PX deals etc. It's a 'shop-owned' bass that came in PX for a Fodera recently
  19. Of course - while I'm minding the store I get to set prices (as the saying goes - whilst the boss is away. . .) Make me some offers people (by PM if you're serous, lol). PS - I'm not on commission, or even any payment except free tea & three days of 'candy shop' heaven
  20. [quote name='blind pilot' timestamp='1326902525' post='1503474'] If it were me - I would be all over that Wal! Kleenex would most likely be required! [/quote] The Wal is a commission sale & not actually in the shop at the moment
  21. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1326898411' post='1503394'] The Killer B there looks amazing! They are fantastic looking and sounding basses. Were I in the area I'd go out of my way to pop in and say hello. When will photographs of this Anthony Jackson Fodera be coming on the site? Can you tell us a little more about it, like how much it will be selling for? [/quote] The Killer B is pretty cool - had a quick blast on it, nice neck As today was officially 'rig day' I brought my 'reference' old Fodera Monarch along and have been playing it through: Aguilar TH500 & a pair of SL 112's - my reference rig at home to get my ears tuned to the location. Next up was a gorgeous chocolate brown AG500 plus 2 x DB112's. Much cleaner & buckets of mid range punch. Then switched the TH into a pair of Bag Ends, a 1x15 & a 1x10 together, this is a really nice combination, plenty of heft from the 15" but the 10" with tweeter adds more high end than the SL pairing. Next up was a MarkBass Tube 800 head into a very funky looking Bag End oiled birch 1x15". So long as I left the speaker emulator things alone I managed to get a great sound from this with loads of volume. Could easily gig with this at a pub / small club venue I reckon. Plenty of clarity & really didn't need a tweeter. Then it was over to a new MarkBass Randy Jackson signature head & cab - I've played this rig before & it's another favourite. It really can pull off a surprising mixture of both older tubey tones and clean precise modern sounds. My Aggie rig edges it for the kind of sound I'm after at the moment though. After all these 'baby' rigs it was time for some serious noise! Genz Benz GBE 750 head into a Bag End 4x10 with tweeter. Awesome volume (and tHis is an 8ohm cab not 4). Way too many switches for me to fiddle with here but the footswitch lets you toggle between tube / FET, both combined plus a low & high end boost & a mid cut. Loads of great tones available here, Cool overdriven tube right through to ultra clean modern hifi sound. My favourite was setting an approx tone I liked for each channel then using the footswitch to toggle between them on the same riff. Both channels combined adds some real volume - had the roof panels rattling and discovered the sweet resonant spot that makes one particular pnal vibrate ike crazy Great fun all round & still more options to try. The one thing I should say is that I've not come across a single combination I haven't liked yet, lol. I'm back here again tomorrow - not sure what to play with then, lol. N.B. I have attempted to 'pay my way' a little today by re-arranging a whole stack of equipment, clearing out the store cupboard & setting up more cabs & amps than usual so people can switch between them a lot quicker The Anthony Jackson doesn't have a price yet - should know tomorrow. It's a 2005 double cut model, figured walnut top, mahogany body, ebony board & mother of pearl dots. Here's a vid of it action [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R53w7KDbZYA&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R53w7KDbZYA&feature=related[/url] If you jump to about 6:50 you can see/hear it. Maybe sounds a bit brighter than this (certainly with me playing it through the TH500 + SL112 rig anyway).
  22. [quote name='nobody's prefect' timestamp='1326882719' post='1503089'] Ah, so this is the bass that's better than the limited edition redwood top one I sold here? Must be one of the best fivers around, because even that bass was fantastic, fabulous etc... But it didn't have six strings, so it had to go. [/quote] I'd say more 'different' than 'better' - the redwood one was gorgeous but just too heavy (for me anyway!) to gig with. I think this one has more of a range of tones as well, the redwood had one particularly nice focussed tone to my ears whereas this one has maybe a few more options.
  23. Back in the store today - might take some of my own basses to try through the various rigs
  24. check this thread: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/108400-doing-a-shuker-course-now-finished/page__p__1004761__fromsearch__1#entry1004761 Probably a few others too - sounds like a great thing to have a go at
  25. oh my word - where do I start! I've just the day surrounded by these: and then I came home to find this next to my desk: don't even get me started on other Ritters - my current fave raves. . .
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