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Everything posted by molan

  1. Hearing that Carl Carlton track reminded me of this - the original, and far superior, Valentine Brothers version of Money's Too Tight to Mention: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfkJ04tfYs4
  2. Have just spent 2 hours playing obscure 70's funk and disco on this Ritter Cora: Some of these riffs I know really well but have never managed to get my fingers round them in the same way I can on the Cora. Makes it worth every penny to me
  3. Vic Wooten was the first person I saw using one - I figured if it's good enough for him. . .
  4. Damn but that Alleva Coppolo sounds fantastic in Paul's hands!
  5. I've become quite friendly with Paul since being introduced via Nick Wells (Paul lives about 15-20 mins away from me). I think he's a fabulous player and a super nice guy. I've seen him playing, techically complex, Bernard Edwards lines whilst chatting away and showing me how Edwards used his thumb nail for some of those percussive sounds he got. He's a dab hand at Jamerson as well
  6. [quote name='ash' timestamp='1324671387' post='1477004'] I had a Musicmaster my first bass when I was at school, my Mum & Dad got it for me mail order from Kingfisher Music, secondhand and shop soiled for the princely sum of £85 - I sold the bass on of course ([i]if anyone out there has a cream one with a large darker oblong patch on the upper front of the body that may be my old Musicmaster [/i]) but I still have the original price ticket and the owners manual! Great little basses - have a nostalgic bump on me. [/quote] My first bass as well, also a white one that I picked up in '79 brand new from the Fender Soundhouse in London for £110. Sold it about 4 years later and bought a synth - remembe this was the early '80's Didn't play bass again for a very long time I don't even have a picture of it now, in fact the closest I've got to any memorabilia is photo of my wedding cake which was modelled as a life size replica of the bass! Anyway - great little basses that can cop a really nice vintage thumpy tone, especially with those flats on, and the short scale is surprisingly fun to play
  7. I have a '72 P and a '73 J both of which have obvious old sticker marks and both of which look great because o them
  8. But if you only need to know one thing about the funk then this is Bootsy's basic funk formula: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHE6hZU72A4 Or here's the longer version from Rock School featuring Larry Graham, Bootsy, Tony Maiden & Nile Rodgers - there's a slightly dull section in the middle that you could skip & then come back in when Tony M & Nile R show some nice little funk guitar tricks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HvPxNW7iyY&feature=related
  9. Ok - so I'm in complete Bootsy listening fixation now, lol. One of my favourite more recent albums of his is P-Funk University (when I say 'recent' it's still quite old but 20 years newer than Ah The Name is Bootsy Baby!). Here's how he's using the Mu-Tron: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROWRRyvhR5o And a more straight ahead Bootzilla funk workout: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aC7iB964MD0
  10. Fabulous looking bass Wes, looks more 'original' than my '63 P bass
  11. Ah, the name is Bootsy Baby - the mighty Bootzilla is one of my all time bass heroes. First saw him live in '79 at a full on Parliafenkadelicmentthang night with The Horny Horns, Parlet, Brides of Funkenstein, Bootsy's Rubber Band, Parliament & Funkadelic (the mighty Gary Shider did indeed wear his nappy on both of the nights I went). I was lucky enough to meet him last year & chat with him for a few minutes - obviously larger than life but still really quite humble when I mentioned to him that I'd seen him in '79 as he believed that was the first time he'd played live in London with the Rubber Band. The core of Bootsy's sound is his, collection, of vintage Mu-Trons plus a selection of delays, phasers, distortion etc. However I've also seen him with just a little MXR M82 Envelope Filter & he still managed to get that great bubbling funk sound Here's 9 minutes of classic Bootsy from 1977 - might be too excessive for some but worth a listen all the way through to hear lots of great bubbling Mu-Tron for the first 5 minutes or so & then he starts beefing up the sound and playing harder bringing in distortion etc. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-A_dyD8arE[/media] Here's another from the same album that shows Bootsy just noodling around with that classic bubbling under Mu-Tron - I've just been playing along to this with an MX M82 & my Ritter Cora, I can get surprisingly close to the sound he's got on this track: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLxcVKSJmuY&feature=related
  12. Why go for 'valve sounding' when you can get one with a real valve in it Use what the pros use: A-Designs Reddi - expensive but supposed to be the best there is! I know a serious touring pro & session musician who swears by these There's lots of info about them online but here's the first video review I found: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejEmNT_pvU0 Of course, you know who's going to be stocking these soon. . . Our very own Borntobemild from BassGear
  13. Looks lovely, always fancied a Spitfire and I have a real thing about white basses with a hint of fading
  14. molan

    Sei jazz

    [quote name='Harry' timestamp='1323775140' post='1466776'] picture added with the pick ups in and Alex posing with the bass......... [/quote] Nice one H, Coming along really nicely
  15. Love it - I'm another one in the 'if only it was a 4' camp. Would look great next to my red metal flake Alleva Coppolo KBP4
  16. I use UKForex, great service, decent exchange rates and a flat charge of £7 per transaction. Really helpful if anything gets lost in the various banking systems as well.
  17. I use UKForex for international transfers - super efficient service & a flat charge of only £7 However, shipping & import duties would negate a lot of the savings. Only really worth doing if you were actually in the USA. Could also use their prices to negotiate with another supplier if anyone is in the USA pre-Xmas
  18. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1323546168' post='1464524'] Not selling but for sale at £39.65. The only one that sold recently fetched £5.49. [/quote] Good point! It threw me that the guy selling at £40 had 10 copies for sale
  19. Has anyone been able to compare quality against Aguilar original equipment? Aggie stuff is way more expensive!
  20. Have you tried calling them? Maybe they've got an email problem
  21. [quote name='paul j h' timestamp='1323543594' post='1464494'] Thanks guys for the suggestions so far, The Guy Pratt book is 1-2 months delivery time, which is a shame as i fancied that one, [/quote] Just looked on EBay & it's selling for £40 for a paperback! Maybe it's out of print?
  22. Pretty sure Phil has a pic of a Standard & a Custom hanging side by side (both sold now). I'll message him & see if he can post it here
  23. [quote name='Toasted' timestamp='1323421826' post='1463065'] They're doing other "Standards" too, aren't they? Emperors and such. [/quote] There are currently two Standard models. A Monarch Yin Yang 4 and a new Emperor 5. All are 'fixed' builds with zero options on finish, pickup configuration, number of strings etc. All are built in batches and every batch sells out very quickly! I'd guess that they are likely to bring out one new version every year / 18 months. BassGear have two of each of the current models on order - looking forward to trying them
  24. I was funking around with my MXR envelope filter just this evening, got some great Bootsy-like tones from it
  25. I've played the one that BassGear used to have http://www.bassgear.co.uk/products-page/bass-guitars/fodera/yin-yang-standard/ I think it arrived over here and was sold in under a week! Fodera can sell all they can make of these & I know Phil has ordered more for delivery sometime in Spring I have to admit that I approached it quite negatively - not least because I owned a, much more expensive, Yin Yang Custom at the time. However it really won me over after playing it for a bit. Looked great even though it obviously doesn't have the amazing split wood build quality of the Customs. Sounds was rich & full with plenty of attacking snarl & growl but if you soloed the neck pickup & wound the tone off you could get a great Precision type thump as well. Not sure if the guy who bought it is a regular here or not - maybe give Phil a bell or send him a message & I'm sure he'll be able to give you a more details
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