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Everything posted by molan

  1. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1321826838' post='1443605'] Didn't they start making Jazzes in '62? [/quote] I think technically the first, and possibly only one from that year, was finished in 1959 & is owned by Herbie Flowers. 1960 was the official first year of production.
  2. Another nice bass from the 'ever-dependable' Andy
  3. The new editor is left-handed - might explain something. . . Not sure if it's just me but I definitely see more left-handed people around these days. I sat in a work meeting recently and there were maybe 6 or 7 lefties in the room out of about 15 in total.
  4. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1321726102' post='1442497'] yeah wonderful modern soul music aint it B... [/quote] Whole album is on Spotify - have been listening to ever since trying out your little taster track Kendra Cash is coming up next. . .
  5. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1321711457' post='1442280'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwffrBlWL7k[/media] [/quote] Loving this one Andrew
  6. [quote name='Shawman' timestamp='1321542981' post='1440427'] awwww min! sorry to hear that [/quote] I still have my original '86 zebrano topped Monarch and part of the deal on the Yin Yang has seen a glossy new solid flame maple Ritter Cora arrive at my house http://www.bassgear.co.uk/products-page/bass-guitars/ritter/ritter-cora-4-late-lounge Will try to get some better pics sorted as the ones here don't really do the finish justice (it's darker with a deeper flame but probably very hard to capture!).
  7. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1321650463' post='1441738'] To my eyes there's probably a very good reason [/quote] I'm with you here!
  8. Ummm, complicated question in my view. I've owned both and generally prefer MarkBass because I've found EBS to be too clean & almost 'clinical' sounding at times. Can sound great on first hearing (like when tested in a showroom environment) but potentialIy 'wearing' after extended listening. I always think of EBS gear as being for a hi-fi slapper's tone whereas I think MarkBass has more tonal versatility. However, not all MB cabs sound great & a lot of people use MB heads but other brand cabs. Having said that, I've heard a lot of people with full Mb rigs that sounded really good in a live gigging situation. Of course, as other people have already said, you really have to try them out - for a lot of people EBS represents sonic nirvana and you might just be one of them
  9. These Alleva Coppolo LG basses really are examples of Jimmy Coppolo at his very best. Beautifully made and just so 'playable' with a really wide range of totally usable tones - it's pretty much impossible to get a bad sound out of one of these! His electronics are the most musical around in my opinion, anyone that might be interested really shouldn't be put off by the fact that this is an 'active' 60's type bass. There's the simple passive option if required but the pre-amp really has to be heard to get a feel for just how good this unit is
  10. I really don't like that yellow - let's hope it's not a production final colour! I'm now selling my TF550 if anyone's interested. Great amp but doesn't seem to work brilliantly with my new super light Aggie cabs & I'm more wedded to the extreme light weight of the Aggie's than I am the sound of the TF Haven't put it up for sale properly yet as I thought I had quite a keen buyer but he seems to have gone quiet on me now so I'll get round to it soon.
  11. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1320089786' post='1422254'] I saw that BassGear in Twyford have just had a shipment of these in - will definitely try to get over there & try them out soon! [/quote] Quote revision "I saw that BassGear in Twyford have just had a shipment of these in - will definitely try to get over there & [s]try them out[/s] [b]buy[/b] some soon" Whilst at BG last Friday I was fortunate enough to hear first a 'name' funk player try out a TH500 + 2xSL112 rig & then a really nice jazzier style guy. I've tried them out a few times this week & just couldn't resist the combination of stupidly light weight and deep punchy lows plus nice clear highs all at a pretty decent price. The weight is just astonishing - I can lift one over my head with virtually zero effort - not a particularly useful ability but hopefully you get the picture, lol. I've tried them with a few different heads but the TH500 seems to work better than any of the others I've managed to use. No great surprise here of course because they were designed to work with each other. Looks great as well
  12. That's a nice solid 11lbs in 'old money' - my '79 P is even more than that I think. I used to hate some of these older heavier Fenders but some of them balance so well & have such a great core tone that it's easy to get past the weight issue & just concentrate on how good they sound
  13. [quote name='silentbob' timestamp='1321474068' post='1439708'] Hi, don't take this as a complaint, just letting you know this for reference. I was receiving email notifacations for my pm's until a couple of days ago, but now i'm not. It's not a big deal for me as i come onto the site every day anyway, just thought you may want to know. [/quote] Same for me - when the site first moved over to the new platform my Gmail decided some messages were spam but once I'd rectified that it was fine for a week or so. Now I'm not getting anything at all
  14. Do you mean you'd like to trade it for something worth more & you'll add £200 to any potential deal?
  15. Nice bass, light weight, well balanced and, although it's passive it still has a great punchy sound
  16. [quote name='Shawman' timestamp='1321022182' post='1434480'] Molan's VW Yin-Yang Fodera edit - looking at Molan's sig...i'm SURE i saw it there [/quote] It was - but it's been sold in the last few weeks
  17. [quote name='paragon' timestamp='1321351608' post='1438015'] +1 - too much choice! [/quote] but mine is the cheapest, lol.
  18. [quote name='fuzzylogic' timestamp='1321222902' post='1436765'] I don't know how you ended up with it again, but good luck with sale. For anyone who my be interested, Barrie is a very nice guy who doesn't mind letting you take plenty of time to play and make a decision. And as a bonus cup of tea isn't too much trouble : - ) [/quote] Thanks Mr Fuzzy Seems to be Sadowsky NYC month here at BC. I think there's 4 or more of them up for sale at the moment!
  19. I think I'm gonna sell mine TB550A with the "switch" - absolutely immaculate, not a mark on it anywhere! Have been alternating with an Aggie 500 for a while & also trying out a simple little Tone Hammer which seems to partner nicely with a pair of SL's. Personally I think the TF & SL's aren't a great match but it works brilliantly with the DB's
  20. Looks amazing and a very good price for one of these
  21. I've got a pair of SL 112's on loan at the moment. Cannot believe how light they are! Haven't had much time to really listen to them at any sort of volume yet though.
  22. Wife is up for it - need to get step-daughter 'buy-in' now Could bring pretty much any bass in my sig - either a clutch of old Fenders or some of the more 'esoteric' stuff like Fodera / Alleva Coppolo / Celinder etc.
  23. Steve is a lovely guy as well - met him a couple of times and been to see him play a solo gig once. I'll admit that I find listening to an entire album of solo bass a bit tough but great to go and watch him live Good teacher too.
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