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Everything posted by molan

  1. Such a pretty bass 5750 views and not sold - maybe people just don't like pink basses very much
  2. I played a couple of Ritters earlier this year and was really impressed by the workmanship and feel of them. Unfortunately they weren't amped up so couldn't hear what they sounded like. Heard on the grapevine that there might be a UK distribution deal for Ritters coming soon which will actually see some in stock for demo purposes I saw via another site that the Smithsonian really does only have one bass currently in its collection. Some places said it was one of the very first made but their own site says it's a '55 / '56 model. Meanwhile they have about 30 different six stringers. . .
  3. Looks like black wins despite a late rally from tweed
  4. [quote name='JTUK' post='1316963' date='Jul 26 2011, 01:08 PM']Classic black DB series for me. Best looking cab around by miles, IMO. and not half bad sounding either..[/quote] Interesting to see Black is romping away with it so far. I'll own up that I bought Chocolate Thunder, with a matching coloured head, as a replacement for the Hot White. This was partially based on a recommendation from a bit of a 'name' player that said they looked cool as a full set but also because they just happened to pop up here for sale! The brown range looks really nice in the flesh but tough to say what I would have bought if I'd been given 'free rein' to choose any colour.
  5. [quote name='steve-soar' post='1316934' date='Jul 26 2011, 12:56 PM']White, of course. [/quote] Funnily enough that's the colour I just sold - looked very cool though
  6. So I've recently swapped colours of an Aguilar DB112 rig and absolutely love the colour of my new ones. Meanwhile the person who bought the old ones also really likes them so we're both very happy Given that many speaker cabs are just plain old black I wondered how many people would prefer a different colour if given the choice? I'm not sure how many Aggie dealers actually stock anything other than black so maybe the others are custom orders only? Here's the current range anyway:
  7. I remember reading a book that was really helpful in terms of how you 'think' about playing which basically said if you concentrate too hard and try to think about every note then you'r playing can become worse. It was more or less saying, as others have, that relaxing a little and trying not to over-think about everything can lead to a much more natural and organic feel to your playing. Really helped me to overcome some live performance barriers at the time
  8. How about one of these: Or these: Love this product shot, lol: Sorry - forgot product links: [url="http://www.fretbase.com/blog/2010/06/the-heads-up-strap/"]http://www.fretbase.com/blog/2010/06/the-heads-up-strap/[/url] [url="http://www.neckheavy.com/index.html"]http://www.neckheavy.com/index.html[/url]
  9. Not that far away from me & my new bass playing neighbour - maybe 80-90 mins I guess. Make sure you don't clash with SE Bash though.
  10. Loz is yer man - currently has both
  11. Sounds great, Pee Wee has a pretty impressive history. Pretty sure he was Van Morrison's main horn man and MD for quite a while as well as his stints with JB & Maceo etc.
  12. Anyone watch the Hawkwind programme afterwards? I once monitor engineered for them at a gig - absolute hoot & they kicked some serious ass live!
  13. [quote name='Sparky Mark' post='1313435' date='Jul 23 2011, 12:47 AM']As well as the Sansamp BDDI, you should also consider the Tech 21 VT Bass pedal. It's great for classic Ampeg blues and rock tones.[/quote] +1 to this - the VT pedal is really cool & the Deluxe version with foot switchable options is even cooler! [url="http://www.bassgear.co.uk/products-page/accessories/sansamp-bass-driver-deluxe-preamp/"]http://www.bassgear.co.uk/products-page/ac...-deluxe-preamp/[/url] Now that Phil has moved south he's probably not that far away if you want to try the various Sansamp Tech 21 pedals
  14. Looks like a 'must watch/record' to me [url="http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b012p5vv"]http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b012p5vv[/url]
  15. [quote name='pumkinkin' post='1312554' date='Jul 22 2011, 11:46 AM']seems possible judging by [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=joJT9KjIs2M"]this video[/url][/quote] Clever - just a basic mixing desk option so you can set whatever mix you want (including zero level from the other 4 inputs if required).
  16. Forum rules say all basses for sale must show a price
  17. Cool - can each input be soloed so that just that person can hear what they are playing? I.E. Could 5 people in a demo room all use one of these and just be listening to themselves and not any sort of band mix?
  18. I think he meant these ones: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CELESTION-300-WATT-RMS-BASS-BINS-Pair-/260819061503?pt=UK_ConElec_SpeakersPASystems_RL&hash=item3cba070aff#ht_500wt_1156"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CELESTION-300-WA...f#ht_500wt_1156[/url]
  19. Check this little slice of rare groove: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uxQkqmXOjQ"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uxQkqmXOjQ[/url] No idea who they were but I did see a copy of this on 7" sold for $735 to a collector in Japan!
  20. I'd buy from the States - plenty of dealers will 'quietly' ship CS basses to the UK for way less than this, at least £1,000 cheaper (even after taxes & duties!). Officially they are all banned by Fender from selling new basses outside of the USA but quite a few of them have 'ex-demo' or 'used' stock they will sell
  21. Nice story Nick - As a recent convert to trusty old P basses I can see why this one is special for you. I used to drive past Don Mackrill's all the time and often stopped outside to peer through the window (it was usually a Sunday & they were always closed!). Often had something interesting in the window & always some great saxes
  22. 2 of my friends have these and absolutely rave over them!
  23. [quote name='JTUK' post='1306983' date='Jul 17 2011, 07:37 PM']If you only want to take one cab, then it has to be the 210 for a quiet gig. A 15" on its own is a terrible cab, 99% of the time, unless it has a horn, IMO.[/quote] The Bag End 1x15's are amazing, definitely a standalone 'gigging' cab
  24. Bought an Aguilar rig from Nick yesterday and had a good old natter about all things bass as well. Seriously nice guy and a fantastic person to deal with
  25. For my last similar gig I took a 1x15 and a 1x10. Tried them both and the sound was quite boomy, this was a room issue more than anything with the cabs. Tried the 15 on it's own and still a bit over-powering so switched to just the 10 on its own and it sounded great Easily loud enough and sat perfectly in the mix of a 7 piece soul/funk band.
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