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Everything posted by molan

  1. [quote name='kingofthestuntmen' post='1306565' date='Jul 17 2011, 12:18 PM']I had a quick (unamplified) play and, apart from the [b]uncomfortably high action[/b], all seemed well.[/quote] Might be worth taking an allen key to see if the trussrod is functioning OK - fixable if it isn't but a pain & a fair bit of cost if it's knackered
  2. Obviously depends on a whole stack of stuff - not least whether it's 'playable' or not! Lowest price I've seen a, mostly original, late '70's P sell for on EBay was about £950. Did you get a chance to check if the neck was true and could he guarantee that all the electrics worked OK? Worst case scenario is that it's a genuine Fender neck but everything else is replacement (which would obviously massively reduce the value). Best case is that it's all original, in which case it's gonna be worth up to £1500+ (I've seen them go for more than this if there's something particularly 'desirable' about them).
  3. [quote name='Gary Williams' post='1302372' date='Jul 13 2011, 02:22 PM']Someone buy this type Bump![/quote] Ok - if you insist
  4. I get a near unlimited free supply of Mars bars (and most other Mars products) - should I set up a shop here if there's enough demand?
  5. I have a few sets of twins (but none identical!): 1963 & 1972 Fender Precisions in sunburst (soon to become triplets with a '64 on its way) 1978 & 2010 Fender Jazzes in chrome blue & olympic white 1986 & 2010 Fodera Monarchs in zebrano & yin yang finish A pair of Celinder J's, one is 90's vintage shape in sunburst and the other is a a newer J update in trans red I really need tog et the camera out now don't I!
  6. My '78 J has a set of these - sounds like an 'active' bass without actually having an active pre
  7. The '71J deal has just fallen through However, the '64P is completed I was going to get it finished over in the USA but might get it over here first & then decide. It doesn't have a pickguard so I have lots of choice! Sunburst is probably the only option that's out as both my '63 & '71 P's are that colour already.
  8. I see these are a frightening £250 new in the States! Wonder if there might be room in my case next time I'm over there. . .
  9. [quote name='Clarky' post='1304076' date='Jul 14 2011, 10:14 PM']As they will be re-fins whatever colour you choose, it makes no difference whether you go original colour or not IMHO. Forget that they were both oly white and go for whatever colours you like best. I vote for a fiesta red P (a la Pino) and a sonic blue or seafoam green J [/quote] Ah Clarky, you know me too well, that's exactly the combination I'd first thought of! I have to admit that Oly White with a tort guard on a J is a really nice combo as well (and it has the original tort guard already).
  10. So I've been looking at a pair of old Fenders in need of some restoration and thought I'd ask for some thoughts from the BC massive about colour choices One is a '64 P and the other a '71 J. Both have been stripped back to natural wood, one looks decent but the other has a nasty poly finish over the top of the natural stain. Based on some colour remnants on each bass it looks like both were originally Olympic White. I'd been thinking of some Fender pastel colors like Sonic or Daphne Blue, Fiesta Red, Seafoam Green etc. However the painter I spoke to thought that if I was restoring them then I ought to consider trying to get them back to their original finish. I don't have anything against Oly White but not sure I'd want to go for two old basses in the same colour. So - what does everyone think?
  11. Yep - forum rules say you have to give a price in a for sale listing
  12. Pics might help for a £4,000 bass sale
  13. Looks cool - tried the Purple Chili 2x15 cab in the BassGear sale recently and thought it was pretty funky. Hadn't really heard of their stuff before.
  14. Cool - will do some research What's the casing like on each of them and do you have power supplies and/or the attachment cables?
  15. I have an old Nightbass SE and have often thought about dragging it out for a play again What are the differences between the X-11 and X-15? I see the X15 has a couple of expression pedals but not sure I'd use them that much.
  16. Definitely don't stop mid-song, expect the guitarist to get through (even if he's got a floyd-rose and goes out of tune!). Wait for him to pick up his spare guitar and carry on again I've only once been in a band where the guitarist had only one guitar and he used to break strings all the time. Luckily it was a hard tail and not a trem model and had a quick change bridge. However we eventually insisted he buy another guitar (or change his aggressive playing style / gauge of strings) because it made us look so unprofessional waiting for him to change strings all the time. Luckily we had a singer with a gift for nattering to audiences but it still didn't look great
  17. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='1298548' date='Jul 9 2011, 07:47 PM']Thanks Barrie. I have to say that this is the only PJ ive played where the output from both pickups is virtually identical in volume. It makes it a lot easier rather than having to worry about changing volume etc when switching pickups! The neck feels like a cross between a P and J to me, so very comfortable. I owe you enough favours as it is so youre more than welcome to try it out How's the injury by the way? Bump by the way [/quote] I'm away in Nice on hold at the moment so not around to do try out Dead skin nearly all off the dodgy finger but nerve endings damaged so not much feeling in it unfortunately. Doc says it may come back, but then again maybe it won't Because the skin is all new it feels a bit odd, will take a while before I can play properly but should be able to bumble through stuff when I get home
  18. I seem to remember reading that some of these have some issues overheating due to design of the ventilation. Have you had any problems and, if so, had them looked at by a pro amp man? Also - is the only difference between the cabs that one of them has a horn or are there other design differences?
  19. Looks pretty cool - really getting into Fiesta red as a colour at the moment
  20. Looks like a great gigging bass Nick. I have a bass with PJ config with a flick switch like this and it works brilliantly. I use the P only for some songs and both pickups for others. It also has the twin volume controls for balancing levels but doesn't have individual tone per pickup. If this had a narrower nut I'd be seriously tempted as a backup to my number 1
  21. That particular Sei was quite 'polite' - not sure if it was the woods or the combination of pickups & pre-amp. I've certainly heard others that sounded very different. Don't see many Sei J basses up for sale, not sure if that's because people hang on to them or just that Martin hasn't made as many
  22. Got any pics? I've owned 2 early Original 5 headless basses but don't have a record of serial numbers Traded the most recent one back to The Gallery but not sure if they still have it.
  23. Umm, not trying to be difficult but it's not really a 'Matt Garrison' bass at all is it? It's not a model he's ever played, it has the wrong scale length, made of different woods and has a completely different set of electronics installed. I can't really see how it's going to play, sound or feel like a 'Matt Garrison' bass? Wouldn't that make it a copy of a standard Fodera Imperial with a deeper cutaway? Doesn't mean it isn't nice to play or won't sound good of course
  24. [quote name='Jul-D' post='1294831' date='Jul 6 2011, 03:25 PM']Sorry Molan my basse has 34" scale and the B is tremendous[/quote] Ok, just checking as I know Matt Garrison uses a 33" scale. So does he now play SP Guitars as well as Fodera? I've only ever seen him with a Fodera as far as I can remember. Also - doesn't he use walnut bodies with ebony boards and Mike Pope pre-amps?
  25. And thank you back Clarky - have been lying in the sun for the last hour or so with the 4CD compilation 'Ain't no Saint' on the iPod. Working my way through the live stuff at the moment - I saw him live many times and he could be a very 'patchy' performer at times but on his good nights he was just mesmerising
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