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Everything posted by molan

  1. How do you find the 33" scale copes with the B?
  2. This may be heresy but generally I prefer the John Giblin fretless electric years (although Danny also played a lot of these songs live and I've been known to mix the pair of them up before!). I've got stacks of JM stuff at home and rotate them around on my regular listening 'playlist', always finding new things to enjoy
  3. I've managed to be on holiday for the last 2-3 of these but plans for Sept/Oct not yet agreed. If we're not away then I'll def be there and can bring pretty much anything in my sig (although, knowing me, it will have changed by then, lol).
  4. So how's the TH now you've had it a while Clarky? Very tempted by one of these now that BassGear has a few in stock
  5. Pleased to hear you're still enjoying it - great bass that deserves to be played
  6. And tell the police - there's an online resource for reporting scams like this.
  7. Looks less 'relic'd' than some I've seen
  8. Sadowsky basses are universally light, must average 8lbs but plenty around at about 7.5lbs. Needs to have the newer lightweight tuners fitted to avoid neck dive but they've had these for a while now. Speaking of which - you'd be amazed at the difference a set of Hipshot ultra-light tuners can make. Removing weight from the very end of the headstock makes a difference to overall feel and balance.
  9. [quote name='kedo' post='1283980' date='Jun 27 2011, 12:40 PM']Thanks Molan. Interesting comments about the Ashdown cabs. Were the ones you used the Neo type with Neodymium speakers? Thanks Jack[/quote] Hi Jack, I think the ones I gigged with may have been Neos. One was something like a 4x8 and the other was a 1x15. Both bands used them that night and we both really struggled to get Amy sort of usable tone. The 'thump' was there but that was about it Tried all the old tricks of cutting mids to get more modern sound and then boosting them to try and get decent cut through but we both gave up in the end.
  10. [quote name='kedo' post='1283362' date='Jun 26 2011, 09:06 PM']all I can get from the Ashdown is an indestinct bass boom.[/quote] That'll be the 'classic' Ashdown sound then I realise I'll probably get shouted at for this but 'indistinct' is exactly how I'd describe the sound of a lot of full Ashdown rigs I've heard. Some of these have sounded fine solo'd but just seem to turn to mush when the full band kicks in. In my experience quite a few rehearsal studios seem to have these as house amps and I've always struggled to get a decent sound out of them (unlike Trace who used to be the stock house amps in the past). When confronted with one I always try to bypass the pre-amp and use my little Sadowsky pre straight into the power section. Even then the cabs often sound pretty wooly. I've only ever gigged with one once and swore never to use one live again. There are so many options out there it's bewildering. The new Aguilar Tone Hammer is supposed to be great, as are the Genz Streamliners if you want a warmer valvey tone. One advantage to MarkBass is that they are pretty easy to sell on if you don't like them:) I'd definitely look here at the classifieds and see what's available
  11. [quote name='4 Strings' post='1281671' date='Jun 24 2011, 11:34 PM']Did you notice his techie pressing his pedal buttons for him?[/quote] It is a little known fact that I once roadied for U2 at the Marquee all the way back in '79. My principal job was to hold on to this weird rack thing that housed Edges pedals to stop it falling over, lol. I have to say that they were great to watch back then with Bono & Edge really giving it their all. I seem to remember Adam Clayton looking bored at times even in those days. . .
  12. [quote name='chris_b' post='1280945' date='Jun 24 2011, 01:23 PM']This isn't a recent thing. By the end of the 60's it was "known" that pre CBS basses were better. The term was already in use by then; that's only 4 years after CBS took over![/quote] I first started buying NME & Melody Maker in the early '70s (probably around '72) and can clearly remember people advertising 'pre-CBS Fenders then and asking for higher prices than brand new ones.
  13. [quote name='Beedster' post='1280883' date='Jun 24 2011, 12:49 PM']I believe that when I bump into Kylie she'll be instantly attracted to me. If anyone can arrange a test of that theory, please PM me.[/quote] I bumped into Dannii once whilst ligging backstage at a gig in Hammersmith. The guy I was with vaguely knew her and she proudly thrust her breasts at us and proclaimed how much better the new ones looked than the old ones. I had to agree Just goes to show that sometimes the latest models can be nicer than the 'vintage' originals
  14. I tried the 2x 112 option for a few days before I decided on the 1x15 + 1x10 route. Mine was partially driven by the fact that the baby 10 is just perfect for rehearsals and I quite liked the sound combination with the 15. However the 2x12's together sounded really nice as well - are they both with or without a tweeter? BE cabs don't usually have any tweeter level controls. I went for a 10 with tweeter & 15 without.
  15. [quote name='davebass66' post='1279975' date='Jun 23 2011, 06:41 PM']Thanks guys...appreciate the help.. My only issue really is getting up there to try it wouldn't be possible. I'd be spending £500 on a potential wing and a prayer! Wonder whether he'd bring it down with him when he moves?! don't think the power would be an issue although the weight maybe as I have the back of a much older man (figuratively speaking of course)[/quote] Whereabouts are you in the 'south east'? I'm in Henley - you could try my two some time (although they are going to sound different to a 2x12 of course!)
  16. I have a 1x15 & a 1x10 from the current range (both bought from BassGear as it happens) and I really like them - both individually and as a pair. I've gigged with both of them on their own and that little 10 handled a hotel wedding party gig in a 7 piece band without any PA support just fine! I think they are relatively heavy, compared to a lot of the current Neo cabs anyway, however their physical size is small. I find them much easier to transport than my Aguilar DB112's were simply because they are quite a bit shallower. I think the 15 goes pretty low & I'd imagine the 2x12 should go even lower given both the increased speaker area and the larger cabinet I find them very 'musical' and not at all clinical sounding (which has been my concern with some more 'modern' cabs). Pretty sure the 2x12 is a 4ohm cab too so that will release full power from your amp BE cabs do seem to be rated quite conservatively in terms of power handling but I don't really understand the ratings that say stuff like 400W continuous power & then 1600W peak. I've certainly run my two with a 450W head at full gig volume without any problems. There was an interesting little Alex Claber article recently that I think said you could run an amp of twice the power of the cab rating. From what I remember it said it's often tweeters that are most likely to blow if you overload a cab & I don't think the 2x12 at BassGear has the Ax-Hi 'tweeter'. I know Jim Wischmeyer at Bag End is an absolute guru when it comes to knowledge about cab design and power handling capabilities so you could always ask him direct if you're worried about this
  17. I love them both - equally! Great find Rick
  18. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='1278800' date='Jun 22 2011, 05:54 PM']Jake, will your forthcoming P have flats on it?[/quote] Good point - both of mine are running of flats at the moment & they sound really nice
  19. [quote name='jakesbass' post='1278547' date='Jun 22 2011, 02:14 PM']And Barrie.. you were posting at the same time as me.... seriously... thanks.[/quote] Any time Jake The two are really quite different sounding so nice to compare them. Just thought I may be heading towards Fleet direction on Saturday evening - not far from you I think?
  20. I've also fallen recently and have been a bit greedy & bought two of 'em! '72 with maple neck & '63 with rosewood. Neither are 100% original but the core of each is definitely there. If you're over this way gigging at some point then you're welcome to give them a whirl and/or borrow one for a bit to see what you think. Off on hols next Thursday for about 10 days so you could take both for a couple of weeks if that would be helpful
  21. If only Goliaths didn't weigh 90lbs Always wanted to try this set up after I sold my old SM400 + Triad rig but I just lug around big cabs any more
  22. Wow - just saw a message on their FaceBook page that says they reduced a Purple Chili 2x15" Neo cab right down to £325! Seems an amazing for something like [url="http://www.bassgear.co.uk/products-page/bass-amps-cabs/purple-chili/pcb215nt-neo-lightweight-bass-cabinet/"]this[/url]?
  23. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1275350' date='Jun 19 2011, 10:36 PM']Cheers buddy, one of the speaker outputs is a little iffy, no biggy but I'm not using it till it's sorted so it's off to the tech tomorrow, going to check the valves are balanced while it's there too. The sound when it was on was incredible though.[/quote] [url="http://www.stevesamps.co.uk/wp/"]Steve[/url] is brilliant with Ampegs if you want a real expert - not the quickest turnaround but a genius when it comes to fixing anything nasty
  24. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1274601' date='Jun 19 2011, 12:18 PM']Sorry to be a noob, what do I do when I get it home before I start playing through it?[/quote] Complete owner's manual [url="http://www.ampeg.com/pdf/SVT-2PRO.PDF"]here[/url]
  25. This head is now sold & heading for Sweden
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