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Everything posted by molan

  1. [quote name='Johnnysonic' post='1247993' date='May 28 2011, 10:26 AM']Plus 1 on the decal not being right for a '62. That type of logo, with the separate 'offset contour body' part, dates from mid '64, and I have never seen the two parts of the logo placed so close together. Sorry to be so anal, but this raises some serious doubts about the bass. Johnny[/quote] Is there a definitive guide to these headstock logos? I found an article that seemed to suggest the logo was the same from '62 through to some point in '65 when the bound neck models were introduced?
  2. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='1248248' date='May 28 2011, 02:09 PM']who bumps their thread 5 times a day?[/quote] I thought 'acceptable' policy for a blatant 'bump' (as opposed to answering a question or adding new information) was once every 24 hours? Maybe that's TalkBass though - I really must stop spending time over there and getting confused, lol. Edit - sorry, just re-read this, wasn't meaning to sound like I was moaning about you bumping this, just making an observation on general bumping policy thoughts
  3. Boring question but how much does it weigh? Just about ever Wal I've tried has been a good 10lbs+
  4. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='1248145' date='May 28 2011, 12:30 PM']I think the originality/validity of the bass will affect its value far more than whether the venerable NW owned/played it. So if Barrie's estimate of £10-£15k is right, that's going to be pretty pricey for what could potentially be a bit of a hybrid as opposed to an all original. [/quote] The price is how much they are asking for it rather than an estimate of what I thought it would sell for. I think the general implication is that offers need to start at a minimum of £10K and that, unsurprisingly, £15K would snag it immediately
  5. Based on having sold a lot of stuff here in the past (and on TalkBass in the States) I'd definitely say that individual listings are the way to go. Provide as much detail as you can about each bass and some really good quality pictures. Ideally you want to upload the pictures to an external site so that you can link to these here and they'll be shown full size instead of little thumbnails. There are many advantages to individual listings - not least is the simple task of admin; with separate listings for each bass you can amend any details simply and quickly and the thread remains focussed on one bass. Mixed bass listings almost always get messy after a few days if there's a lot of interest. The only real downsides is that it's a bit more work setting each one up, checking listing positions etc. Could consider 'releasing' each bass on a staggered basis so you don't flood the listings too much and it won't be as hard to keep track of each one Advantages of Ebay are that it opens up your potential market to a lot more people and, especially, European buyers who are often able to pay more because of the strength of the Euro vs the £.
  6. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='1248001' date='May 28 2011, 10:34 AM'][/quote] Ooh, this one is nice, cool to still have those mutes in place, I'd really like to try some of these out
  7. Could it be a later neck on an older body?
  8. [quote name='silddx' post='1247746' date='May 27 2011, 11:43 PM']I was just about to recommend Sims. Good aren't they![/quote] I keep chasing after this one - it's on a US Lakland JO
  9. [quote name='JTUK' post='1247517' date='May 27 2011, 07:59 PM']I'll have the TF550-B [/quote] No, me, me, lol
  10. [quote name='bythesea' post='1247430' date='May 27 2011, 06:21 PM']Bit late here Barrie - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=135012"]link[/url]. Also explains why he is selling it.[/quote] Just goes to show the power of imagery - previous thread got 12 posts and this one is now double that number Must admit that I only found out about this yesterday when I got Andy's email
  11. SimS Custom do some very good work - here's one owned by a BC member: Other examples here: [url="http://www.simscustom.com/html/00sprayshop_artwork.htm"]http://www.simscustom.com/html/00sprayshop_artwork.htm[/url]
  12. Estimated price is anywhere between £10K & £15K - wide range but obviously that's going to depend on offers.
  13. [quote name='Highfox' post='1247147' date='May 27 2011, 02:33 PM']Makes me kinda sad to see he's selling it if I'm honest Wonder why? Can't be skint can he?[/quote] I'd heard he was just using his Bass Collection 'Blockhead' Signature basses these days so maybe that's why? It doesn't seem to be showing on the Bass Centre site any more but if you search for something like 'Bass Collection Blockhead' and then go to the 'cached' page rather than the main link you can see it's a direct copy of this original '62. It was selling for about £2K I think
  14. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1247045' date='May 27 2011, 01:32 PM']Isn't Herbie Flower's Jazz a '59?[/quote] Cool - apparently he bought it on October 12 1959, just 11 days after my birthday. [url="http://curtisnovak.com/vintage/JazzBass59/"]http://curtisnovak.com/vintage/JazzBass59/[/url] Now, how do I get hold of it. . .
  15. Check this out: Slightly odd angle for this one, lol Loads more pics here: [url="http://www.andybaxterbass.com/details.php?id=165"]http://www.andybaxterbass.com/details.php?id=165[/url]
  16. I don't think the YOB bass I would want exists - I miss out by 6 months on a late '59 Jazz as they were first introduced in March '60 Although I don't know when the very first ones were actually built - I guess some may have been started in '59. . .
  17. [quote name='muttley' post='1246902' date='May 27 2011, 12:07 PM']Don't forget our 20% VAT as well. To properly compare UK to US prices you should deduct the VAT. After all, VAT is charged by the Gubbishment, not the retailer. Also, prices displayed in US shops/websites [u]do not[/u] include any kind of sales tax.[/quote] Good point - most US states charge between 5 & 11% on top of their advertised prices for local residents (Except Delaware & New Hampshire I think which used to be zero rated states).
  18. Those bumps are definitely worth a bump, or two. . .
  19. [quote name='Lysdexia' post='1246226' date='May 26 2011, 08:52 PM']Bass without distracting elements as requested - illustrating the retro-fit S1 switch between the vol pots. Works a treat.[/quote] Where's the photo of without the distracting bass?
  20. Where did you see it in the first place? Was it up for sale? I'd love to know how much something as nice as this would sell for!
  21. [quote name='Linus27' post='1244873' date='May 25 2011, 10:03 PM']Herry Barry, what about Nick (Old Horse Murphy)?[/quote] I did think about you two as my most likely local candidates
  22. As some of you may have spotted I sliced through a finger at the weekend and won't know for a week or so if I can make a gig I've got near Fleet on Sat 25th June. Set is relatively simple covers stuff, mostly classic soul and some disco - Midnight Hour, Soul Man, Disco Inferno, Hot Stuff etc and the odd rock 'n' roll thrown in for good measure. I don't read so I've nothing written down on any of them but the band has core arrangements for everything and I could happily help out on anything anyone might not know. The band would like to rehearse at least once (ideally twice!) beforehand, also in Fleet. Money isn't great as it's a bit of a favour for a band member's friend's birthday Probably about £50 plus drinks etc. There is a chance I will be able to play so just trying to suss out if there's anyone local who might fancy helping out - maybe even just so the band can rehearse with a bass player
  23. Based on my experience of Guitar Center in the US I'd go for small specialist retailers every time. Never found one with a decent bass person and I've visited quite a few. I must admit that I never go to regular guitar shops any more as I usually find them a waste of time/space. I only ever visit places like the Gallery in London or BassGear in Harrogate as they only stock bass stuff, the people are helpful & they know what they are talking about. I really don't begrudge them a penny of their actual sales price (which is often less than list for larger ticket items because they know everyone likes a deal) because they offer a service the large chains can't compete with.
  24. I'm not sure the mark ups charged by UK Bass Retailers are really that crazy for new stock. I've never met one who seems to be making much more than a basic living out of running his business. We'd be really screwed if they all cut their margins down to 10% and then promptly went bust. They have all getting hammered by online only distributors for a few years now and what would we all do if there was nowhere to go and actually try anything out (other than our wonderfully organised BC Bass Bashes of course!).
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