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Everything posted by molan

  1. I tried this recently and thought it was a bit of a monster: [url="http://www.bassgear.co.uk/products-page/bag-end1/bag-end-pd10bx-d-powered-low-bass-double-10-ax-hi-drive/"]http://www.bassgear.co.uk/products-page/ba...10-ax-hi-drive/[/url] I used a SansAmp Bass driver deluxe in front of it and had the flexibility of a 100w powered cab with three footswitchable programmable pre-sets from the SansAmp - great fun
  2. [quote name='peteb' post='1243638' date='May 24 2011, 11:00 PM']It could well have made all the difference if it had a set of steel 45-105s on and I could have got the action down a fair bit (it was the red 4 BTW) Would love to have tried out those three basses when I was looking for a jazz bass - I would imagine that there wouldn't be much between them and you would pick the one that just clicked with you for some unidentifiable reason I really liked the look of the Will Lee Sadowsky but it was way over my budget…. BTW have you ever tried a John East active circuit? A phenomenal piece of kit that really gives you a great active jazz sound with loads of clout[/quote] It was that same red one that I used for the test To be honest it marginally won overall but there was some bias in my 'sample' as the other two people preferred a much brighter sound than me & the Fodera really nailed an aggressive rock tone for one guy Funnily enough I have a real problems with the J East pre-amp. I just don't get on with them at all. I've had a few basses with them and they seemed fine if you just left everything well alone but I didn't like them once I started to 'tune' them :9 Just goes to show - horses for courses, lol.
  3. [quote name='peteb' post='1243574' date='May 24 2011, 10:14 PM']It was quite recently (in Bass Gear in Harrogate) so I assume that it was quite a recent model It was a stunning looking instrument (probably the prettiest looking jazz bass that I have ever seen) and I am a big Fodera fan so I really wanted to like it, but it didn't really do it for me! Perhaps if I had 30 minutes with an allen key and a heavier gauge set of strings it might have been different Unfortunately I have never played a US Sadowsky, so I can’t compare it directly. Would definitely love to try one out properly as I imagine it is probably what I had in mind when I was looking for a ‘super jazz’ (which ended up being the Mayones with the East preamp)![/quote] All of Phil's basses are the newer models - I've had a go on all three of them Was the one you tried the red 4 or the natural 5? Your theory about strings and set up is really interesting. Most Foderas come with 40-100 nickels and a vaguely medium height set up. I helped Phil at the London bass show this year and we literally had two people in a row that tried one of the NYC's and one said the action needed drastically lowering and that he was surprised that Foderas weren't set up with a super low action. The very next person said he couldn't get a proper feel for it with the light gauge strings and such a low, 'unplayable', action! Just goes to show you can't please all of the people all of the time, lol. I know that I've seen basses 'transformed' with a different set of strings and a set up that suits me. Just changing something as simple as this makes them feel totally different and this improved playability makes them actually 'sound' better to me as well - all totally subjective of course! Speaking of which - I once ran a little test at my place with three different people and a Sadowsky Will Lee NYC, a Celinder J Update and a Fodera NYC. Each person chose a different one as their favourite!
  4. Is it the same as this one at BassGear? [url="http://www.bassgear.co.uk/products-page/accessories/tech-21/sansamp-1-u-rackmount-bass-preamp/"]http://www.bassgear.co.uk/products-page/ac...nt-bass-preamp/[/url] If so then Phil has them in stock at £269
  5. [quote name='LukeFRC' post='1242469' date='May 23 2011, 11:43 PM']so with the preamp in, aye it wasnae bad, but with it off.... awful. I wouldnae buy one[/quote] I must admit that it's the active pre-amp in a Sad that really does it for me. Not when it's whacked up full mind I always think the passive option is just there for when your batteries fail on a gig, lol.
  6. [quote name='peteb' post='1242452' date='May 23 2011, 11:20 PM']Yes I have and TBH was a little disappointed! Truly beautiful looking bass but nothing special to me in both tone and playability – I recently bought a passive Mayones jazz and dropped a John East preamp in it and the Mayones is a nicer instrument to play and sounds much better IME and costs more than £1.5k less! Honestly, I really wanted to like it – especially as by far the best bass I have ever played is a top of the range Fodera![/quote] How old was the one you tried? They've really improved over the last 18 months or so. I'd definitely rate them up with an NYC Sadowsky now.
  7. By the way - as I'm here and talking about NYC's - has anyone tried the Fodera NYC range? I'm obviously biased as I'm a bit of a Fodera nut but I think the recent ones are every bit as good as the Sadowsky NYC. I've got a sunburst PJ4 sitting next to me right now & it's great - gorgeous neck and feels like it has more tonal options than a Sadowsky does. Price seems to sit bang in the middle of a Metro & an NYC Sadowsky. This kinda makes sense as the wood comes from USA, is cut by hand in Japan & then sent back to USA for assembly so I guess they are a 50/50 construction
  8. [quote name='BB3000S' post='1242326' date='May 23 2011, 09:52 PM']Oh man, I feel a bit of Metro GAS setting in - would love a B&B Metro... What about the NYC chambering and the Metro lack thereof? Played an amazing Metro at a friends' the other week, would an NYC have been as nice? My friend thinks No Way. Me, I absolutely love everything about my supposedly routed NYC. Anyway, where's the best place to look for Metros in UK? [/quote] The older NYC's aren't chambered but are still as light - apparently it was easier to get quality lighter weight tonewoods but they struggle to obtain these now. I must admit that I do prefer the NYC's but, as others have said, I think it's mostly in the fancy woods & some of the birdseye necks that you can really see any difference. Guitar Guitar seem to be about the only place with a decent actual stock of Metros.
  9. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='1241682' date='May 23 2011, 02:52 PM']Thanks mate!! I was waiting for a buyer [/quote] It's an NYC
  10. I've just agreed to buy another one!
  11. As a near uncontrollable buyer and seller I can say that used Sadowsky basses have always been easiest for me to sell to sell here on BC. My most recent one sold before I even put it up for sale here!
  12. I still miss my old Factor - great basses and that 6 position pre-amp is brilliant for quick changes between tones for a gigging player :0
  13. Quick vote for Luke as a really nice guy to deal with. Great looking bass too!
  14. You really need to find out how many words are required - makes a huge difference to how you approach anything like this.
  15. [quote name='lowregisterhead' post='1234790' date='May 17 2011, 07:57 PM']I know! Birdseye and flame! What's not to like? :-)[/quote] Wow - only just spotted this, how come Fender are suddenly putting a lot of the custom builders to shame with all these 'exotic' necks!
  16. I know this isn't what you were looking for but it makes fascinating listening if you're playing Superstition - some original mixes of the song showing how it was put together [url="http://homerecording.about.com/od/mixingyourmusic/a/mixing_superstition.htm"]http://homerecording.about.com/od/mixingyo...uperstition.htm[/url]
  17. [quote name='Robert Manning' post='1224544' date='May 8 2011, 09:20 PM']I love think theres anything cooler than a jetglow ricky 4003, or a sunburst blinged up 70's Jazz. What do you guys think! Just a bit of fun really![/quote] I've always liked the look of the earlier Jet-Glo 4001 with checkerboard binding Sunburst really doesn't 'work' for me on a 70's J though, in fact it's just about the only colour I really don't like
  18. [quote name='KK Jale' post='1224396' date='May 8 2011, 07:23 PM']Cool semi! That's an Old Kraftsman, basically a re-badged Kay.[/quote] Cheers KK - it sounded great! Dave alternated between the Kraftsman & the P bass all evening and got just the perfect sound for each song. Even my wife mentioned how great the bass tone was and said she could actually hear the difference between each bass
  19. Founds some pics of Dave - can anyone identify the semi & also work out if that's a Pino he's playing?
  20. Went to see Lucinda last night at House of Blues in New Orleans. Great little venue with a seriously good house sound system. Second time I've been there and sound was really good lasttime as well (Thievery Corporation a few years back). Her bass player was a guy called Dave Sutton who I've never really noticed or heard of before. Last time I saw Lucinda he was buried in a wall of mud at Shepherds Bush However last night his out front sound was to die for. Rich round notes cutting through a, very sharp crisp mix, with amazing definition and clarity. Really one of the very best live sounds I've ever heard! And what was he using to achieve this? Good old Fender P with a classic Ampeg head and what looked like a 6x10 (do Ampeg make one of these?). Couldn't tell if it was an original old P bass or maybe something like a Pino signature - whatever it sounded killer. He also used an upright and some sort of very funky semi acoustic. I'm on a phone now so can't post pic links easily. If you look at his MySpace page you'll see pics of all three basses
  21. [quote name='chris_b' post='1219585' date='May 4 2011, 09:15 AM']Hey Barrie, can you get me a copy of the Dumpstaphunk CD? They only sell them at the gigs. Please..................[/quote] Local shop has 2 for sale - Listen Hear at $11 and Want Sum at $17 First one may be either an EP or an album with a few long tracks!
  22. [quote name='chris_b' post='1219636' date='May 4 2011, 10:59 AM']Dumpstaphunk uses 2 bass players, Tony Hall and Nick Daniels, both ex Neville Brothers. You probably already know this, but on the 5th May they are at the Contemporary Arts Centre with Soulive and Lettuce. 3 birds with 1 stone![/quote] That's the gig I saw - it's actually all of the bands in my title post! Bit of confused info flying around locally though - some places say it's 2 gigs on the same night. Others suggesting it's a post Jazz Fest thing so won't start until really late at night
  23. I'm in N'Awlins at the moment and checking the local gigs. Already have tickets for Lucinda Williams on Friday and thinking about Greg Allman tomorrow. Just spotted a 'funk night' full of bands that I know a little bit about but not a huge amount. Anyone know much about all of these? A local guy told me Dumpstaphunk were 'the nuts'
  24. [quote name='TheGreek' post='1216436' date='May 1 2011, 11:33 AM']They come highly recommended by Victor Wooten...[/quote] I've seen Wooten describing how useful he finds them - Billy Sheehan as well
  25. I'm over in the States at the moment in an area where the Fender P pretty much rules the roost - Nashville & Memphis, the centre of all things country, home of the blues, where rock 'n' roll began, the source of soul (insert favourite marketing slogan here. . .). However I managed to track down a few pretty crazy basses in Memphis & got to try them out First up was this outrageous Lowenherz - never seen one of these anywhere before! [url="http://www.martinmusicguitar.com/products/bassguitars/products.php?pcid=48281&pid=56731"]http://www.martinmusicguitar.com/products/...1&pid=56731[/url] This bass was described by my, ever sufferin', wife as "so ugly" that she refused to take a picture of me playing it, lol. I found it really hard to play with any sort of fluency as that middle pickup really got in the way. The guy in the shop had no idea what all those flick switches did either, lol. Then I tried a pair of Ritter 5 strings [url="http://www.martinmusicguitar.com/products/bassguitars/products.php?pcid=48281&pid=56031"]http://www.martinmusicguitar.com/products/...1&pid=56031[/url] [url="http://www.martinmusicguitar.com/products/bassguitars/products.php?pcid=48281&pid=56009"]http://www.martinmusicguitar.com/products/...1&pid=56009[/url] These were a whole different world, sounded great and seriously nice to play. The latter of the two was particularly nice and it felt like I could whizz around the fretboard playing stuff on it Oh, I also had a quick blast on this whilst the sales guy was dragging all the 'exotica' out of the storeroom (they don't even display these basses & rely on internet sales for them - all three were owned by the same crazy Chilean guy apparently!). [url="http://www.martinmusicguitar.com/products/bassguitars/products.php?pcid=10068&pid=45538"]http://www.martinmusicguitar.com/products/...8&pid=45538[/url] Felt really nice. . .
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