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Everything posted by molan

  1. Nice bass Ziggy - I just love Spector 5 stringers & this one looks particularly nice
  2. [quote name='electriccheese' post='1137089' date='Feb 22 2011, 01:41 PM']Free bump for the nicest jazz bass neck I've never seen! [/quote] Plus 1, that really does look gorgeous
  3. Just realised I've run out of 9v batteries. Anyone got any recommendations on which ones are best? Don't want rechargeable ones though.
  4. molan


    [quote name='Klusee' post='1203992' date='Apr 18 2011, 07:30 PM']Just sold Celinder J to Barrie - nice smooth deal. As a foreigner I have to tell Barrie was very understanding and willing to make every single step of a deal as smooth as possible for which my thanks are going Barrie's way. Barrie is a great guy to deal with, I can only reccomend! It was my pleasure doing bussines with him, many thanks! Ondrej[/quote] And I even managed to pay Ondrej in Czeck Koruna - a first for me, lol. Only incurred £7 money transfer fees as well!
  5. [quote name='Beedster' post='1203978' date='Apr 18 2011, 07:24 PM']Mmm, if you're right it's worrying stuff, and makes you wonder how many cherished vintage basses might have been knocked up in China or Eastern Europe. Or the UK [/quote] I must admit I've been quietly amazed at the number of these vintage basses that pop up all the time on EBay. . .
  6. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='1203481' date='Apr 18 2011, 12:20 PM'] £1500 for an NYC??????? Has the world gone mad???????? [/quote] I've seen people asking this much for Metros!
  7. Just completed an absolutely perfect deal with Ondrej I bought a Celinder J from him and everything went incredibly smoothly - payment was simple to arrange to his bank in Czech Rebuplic and the bass arrived perfectly packed and amazingly quickly. I've had stuff posted from within the UK that has taken longer to arrive! The bass was in exactly the condition he described and arrived with a nice set of strings and all set up & ready to play straight out of the case Great communications throughout the whole process as well - can't recommend him enough if you want to buy or sell anything bass related.
  8. I have one of the Bag End 1x15's - great cab, really like it a lot. £125 is a crazy price, if it was a 'covered' one I'd snap it up to partner with mine, lots of guys on TB claim that 2 1x15's sound amazing together
  9. Surely by putting a 'fake' date stamp on the neck this is deliberate 'passing off' with intent to deceive a future purchaser? I don't have a problem with anyone trying to replicate the exact profile, sound, feel etc. etc but putting a date stamp on that is obviously, and deliberately, misleading feels totally wrong to me
  10. [quote name='bubinga5' post='1201681' date='Apr 16 2011, 11:18 AM']will do straight trade for Fodera[/quote] I see Phil has reduced prices on his NYC's by between £200 & £500 - still a bit more than a good old Fender J though, lol.
  11. [quote name='bubinga5' post='1201163' date='Apr 15 2011, 09:02 PM']Mr Maceo.. great live version.. this is smokin... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgkhThEMRr8"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgkhThEMRr8[/url][/quote] That whole album is great - one of my favourites
  12. Craig Charles' Trunk of Funk show got me into these guys - I haven't found a whole album I really like but definitely some great individual tracks out there
  13. She's using a Ritter Cora apparently: From Jens Ritter himself: “Last July Superstar Mary J Blige felt in love with my CORA 5-String Bass. She immediately custom ordered one and I delivered it to her recently. Now she’s an official new JENS RITTER INSTRUMENTS Player! STANDARD CUSTOMER – No Endorser! The additional cool news is: She started to take Bass Lessons because of the Cora!” I hear the Cora is the most 'jazz-like' of Jens' basses - I really like the look of these, would love to try one out!
  14. Excellent news - of al the basses I've bought and sold over the past couple of years the only one I really miss is my Roscoe SKB4. Should never have let that one go Gard is a great guy to deal with - so helpful and friendly
  15. [quote name='chuck_stones' post='1200334' date='Apr 15 2011, 09:56 AM']PM'd[/quote] And on hold pending usual stuff
  16. [quote name='chris_b' post='1200455' date='Apr 15 2011, 11:17 AM']All (both ?) JJ's Precision basses were stolen.[/quote] Wasn't one recovered about a year or so ago? Bass Player Mag ran an article on it - way over the top editorial about you could [i]feel Jamerson't presence in the room[/i] sort of stuff
  17. [quote name='chuck_stones' post='1199427' date='Apr 14 2011, 02:19 PM']Hi there...is this bass still available?[/quote] Yep - it is sitting happily in its pristine G&G case waiting for someone to call out to it
  18. [quote name='4 candles' post='1198673' date='Apr 13 2011, 08:43 PM']If anyone is able to help me out and post a link to the original post , I will say a prayer for them!![/quote] I consider myself 'saved' [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=116755&hl=sadowsky"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...amp;hl=sadowsky[/url]
  19. This was mine for a while - great bass, super light, all that Sadowsky famed playability and tone and looks really cool on stage (white & maple always looks great as a stage bass, lol) Really nice seller as well
  20. New Bootsy album coming soon: You can hear Bobby Womack singing on the new single on the album's home page - Don't Take My Funk Away: [url="http://www.bootsyalbum.com/"]http://www.bootsyalbum.com/[/url]
  21. [quote name='Beedster' post='1198528' date='Apr 13 2011, 06:50 PM']OK, I know it's a personal decision, but the latter case is what the feedback thread's for Barrie?[/quote] Yeah I know - I just didn't want to get into a protracted row about it. With hindsight I should have said something as it might have warned others off. I have to own up that a few months later the seller approached me to buy something I owned but hadn't actually put up for sale - I said he could have it for about £200 more than I paid for it (more than twice the price I'd paid) and he took it so I thought I'd kinda got my 'retribution' that way. Not anything I'm particularly proud of though. . .
  22. [quote name='chuck_stones' post='1198565' date='Apr 13 2011, 07:11 PM']Never say never Molan!! I bet you'd nail it if you tried.[/quote] I remember trying it out when the original single was released - I still have it on 12" Interestingly I've just been listening to a view version on YouTube and there's quite a few speed variances kicking around. I've heard this before on YT but never noticed it as obviously as this!
  23. [quote name='iconic' post='1198509' date='Apr 13 2011, 06:32 PM']this is a simpler version [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GZcX3vkrlA&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GZcX3vkrlA...feature=related[/url][/quote] I really like this version! Wish I could play something like this with such a 'fluid' feel but I think it's never gonna happen
  24. [quote name='Johnston' post='1198221' date='Apr 13 2011, 02:41 PM']Can you delete your own thread or does a mod have to do it???[/quote] OK - so I've kept quiet about this, and I'm not going to name any names, but I had something similar happen to me recently with someone deleting their own thread which had no replies. I was offered something for a particular price so I thought I'd try to check out its value. Couldn't find anything similar here so went to Google to see if there was one somewhere else. Lo & behold the first Google listing that came up was for BC. How odd I thought, must have mis-typed the search in BC. I hit the Google link and the thread had disappeared. Went back to Google and looked at the cached version - there was the very same item from the same seller being listed at exactly a quarter of the price he'd just tried to offer it to me at! Needless to say I queried the price and walked away from the deal. Seller said original listing was a 'mistake. but we're talking a pretty big differential here and a completely deleted thread. . . In fact while I'm on the subject, lol. I bought an amp here a while back that had an intermittent hum. It didn't happen when I tested the amp but once it had been on for a while it kicked in really badly. Seller claimed it had never happened to him & I let it ride. I then went searching a few specialist sites to see if i could find out what the problem would be. . . Big surprise - I found a thread from the seller (using the same name as here) on another site explaining the amp had a problem and asking for help. The guys on that site said it sounded a bit nasty and might cost a bit to repair. The seller then openly requested in his thread that the mods delete the thread. They didn't so it was a clear record of what had happened. I took the decision not to get involved in a big hassle and sold the amp to someone who was a decent tech who thought he could fix it himself. Luckily he did so it all worked out Ok. Just goes to show that the old Caveat Emptor ruling definitely applies here as much as anywhere else
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