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Everything posted by molan

  1. Seriously thinking of pulling this one back into the fold now that I've moved a few other basses around but thought I'd give it another little try here just in case there's any interest
  2. Keep thinking this one has gone but seems to have gone quiet again so thought I'd remind people of just how nice it is
  3. All possible trades have fallen through on this one so a quick bump to say it's still available
  4. There's 14 pages of great funk here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=70165"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=70165[/url] A lot of these won't fall into the easy category but loads of material to check out for some inspiration
  5. Here's more of a 'groove' than 'funk' track from William De Vaughn - killer song: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDTXljIqxRE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDTXljIqxRE[/url]
  6. Umm, not enough Sly here Let's remedy that: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YXPJOUD7G0"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YXPJOUD7G0[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IPEQNYD6oI"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IPEQNYD6oI[/url] And this one as much for the costumes as anything else
  7. Some more Dexter Wansel from '75: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdvopZTLBi0&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdvopZTLBi0...feature=related[/url]
  8. [quote name='alexclaber' post='1095451' date='Jan 19 2011, 06:23 PM']many other SMPS amps being able to handle any worldwide mains voltage and frequency without the player doing anything.[/quote] Pretty sure that's what my TC Electronics head does
  9. I see the Tone Hammer has a Switching mode power supply (SMPS) - does that mean it'll run anywhere in the world without the need for step up/down transformers? I also see they are now officially listed all over the place in the US at $699 - that's about £450 UK price (obviously taxes & stuff will whack this up though!).
  10. [quote name='4000' post='1093223' date='Jan 17 2011, 10:28 PM']Molan me old chap, that really is stunning and a fabulous price. Best of luck with the sale![/quote] Thank you Mr 4000 I've got a buyer on standby but won't know for a few days if it's definitely sold or not.
  11. [quote name='AllTheBassP' post='1094677' date='Jan 19 2011, 12:01 AM']hi barrie, what price have you on sadowsky j, thanks paul[/quote] Hi Paul, The trans white J is priced at £1,700 & the P is £1,900
  12. Must be someone put there lusting after a mint condition Sadowsky P
  13. [quote name='ceritas' post='1086121' date='Jan 11 2011, 09:34 PM']Hi I'm interested for an exchange - fender jazz bass 78, black, rosewood in original shape. Everything is original on this bass. It is without a case. If you are interested please send me an e mail on [email protected]. thank you Cera[/quote] Already have a '78 in the house I'm afraid
  14. Can't beat a Monarch Sure you don't want an NYC Sadowsky or maybe a nice Alleva Coppolo
  15. Apologies for slow responses from my end - I've been locked out of BC all day! All my Macs, iPhone and multiple browsers just coming up with 'not allowed access' messages. Just managed to log in on my old BlackBerry It's possible this bass may be sold - I got a possible straight buyer towards the end of last week but not confirmed yet. I'll update ASAP (assuming I can get back in!).
  16. That's another nice bass Andy - I had a vaguely similar 5'er for a while and really liked it. Looks like immaculate condition too
  17. I've recently been using a DB750 into a GS112 for a couple of rehearsals in a large, acoustically 'dead' room against a drummer who's not desperately loud. It coped really well and didn't need a lot of driving to get to some pretty serious volumes. It was backed right up against a wall & raised about 2-3 feet off the ground. Had to boost mids on the amp to about 3 o'clock but everything else flat.
  18. Thought this one was sold but back up for sale again
  19. molan


    [quote name='Chunks' post='1084123' date='Jan 10 2011, 12:35 PM']Bought an Eden WTX360 from Barrie he even approached me with the offer from another thread. very helpful and put up with my uming and ahing cheers[/quote] Thanks Fred - it was a pleasure Just to explain (in case ayone thinks I tried to hijack someone else's thread) - I'd seen an identical amp up for sale to the one I had so I waited for it to be sold before listing mine as I didn't want to 'flood' the market with two amps at the same time. When the other one sold I spotted that Chunks had been looking for one via the other thread so I offered him mine at the same price the other one sold at
  20. Tell him to get it listed internationally. The Ramones are an institution in the States, there's even a street named after Joey Ramone in New York (well, if not a whole street then a 'corner' anyway, lol). I saw the Ramones at the Roundhouse, supported by Talking Heads & The Saints I think. They played there a few times though so probably a different gig, lol.
  21. Ok - so I thought this was more or less sold but looks like it might not happen now so thought I'd resurrect this little baby again Price is £1,150 shipped anywhere in the UK
  22. [quote name='Gwilym' post='1083383' date='Jan 9 2011, 06:14 PM']hi Barrie, how's it going? As far as I know the chambered bodies weren't developed as a weight loss tool, rather an experiment with creating a more resonant instrument. I seem to recall recently reading (probably on TB) that MT was going to phase out making these models, I don't know if that's true or not, but I'm sure it would probably always be available as a custom option anyway. This is around 8.5 lbs, probably about a pound lighter than the others I've played, and on the light side for a 5-er I imagine. Cheers G[/quote] Hope it sounds as good as it looks Reason for asking is that I read an interview with Roger Sadowsky and he said that he started working with chambers because he simply couldn't find wood of the quality he wanted that didn't weigh a ton. I saw Mike T (along with Joey Lauricella, Jimmy Coppolo & Jens Ritter) speaking at Bass Player Live last year. Seemed a really nice guy and, unsurprisingly had a huge amount of knowledge about luthiery. I've shown the event below purely because it's the only official pic from Bass Player that I managed to sneak into - it shows the back of my head, lol :
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