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Everything posted by molan

  1. I'm loving this little number by Prince's girlfriend - the bass just seems to propel the song along. . . She's not bad looking either. . .
  2. [quote name='dafonky' post='1068685' date='Dec 24 2010, 12:53 PM']thanks... heard of this preamp they were standard in the old celinder basses ? but can't find them on google[/quote] Damn - looks like their site has disappeared so maybe they've either gone out of business or don't sell direct to the public any more
  3. What about the Greengrove pre that's fitted as standard in a lot of Celinders? That's bass cut and boost and a lovely passive treble roll off. I hink Greengrove will sell these direct.
  4. I owned an 11.5lb bass for a while and it just killed my shoulder and left arm after any length of time spent playing standing up. It sounded wonderful but I just couldn't live with it as a gigging bass This particular one was built using a very heavy core wood and the only way around the weight issue would have been to cut chambers into the body. Conversely I've also had a couple of sub 8lb basses and found the body neck balance didn't work for me. I regularly found myself having to use my left hand to support the neck a lot more than I'd really like. I have experimented with Hipshot ultra-lite tuners and these cured the worst of the neck balance problems though - not sure why more people don't fit these as standard, they can make a huge difference to both balance and total weight. Overall I reckon the 9lb to 9.5lb mark works best for me these days
  5. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1067495' date='Dec 23 2010, 09:41 AM']Eeeeh... just remembered. Howard brought this to a gig we did round his way, and let me play it. Here's a crappy quality clip which I'll post just so you can check out the look of glee on my face at the beginning. ha ha. (techie note - it's string with D'addario Chrome flatwounds)[/quote] I always think sonic blue is the best colour for live stages
  6. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='1066842' date='Dec 22 2010, 02:52 PM']Looks great ey!! cant wait to get my hands on it!! Just the shipping to worry about now![/quote] And watch out for those import duties! I've used both USPS & FedEx for shipping from the USA recently, both worked fine with advantages / disadvantages to each
  7. I reckon you need another Sadowsky NYC but a P instead of a J - I hear there's a nice dakota red one with matching headstock and a custom neck profile coming up for sale soon. . . In all seriousness though - if you're happy with what you've got then I'd just stick with it for a while & see how you get on with just one bass. The big thing, as others have said, is not to splash the money on stuff you don't need whilst you're thinking about the next possible purchase
  8. I have one of these that's very similar - lovely basses Don't know why but I don't really play mine much either
  9. I'm really loving my '86 Monarch as an all round bass at the moment, playability, tone, feel, balance etc. but it has a zebrano top wood and matching headstock which isn't my favourite. If I ever spot something similar with a different top wood I may be reaching rather rapidly for the cheque book. . .
  10. I've seen SB playing live recently both as solo and a 'house band' member - felt like he could get pretty much any sound he wanted from it. When he was laying back to let others solo over the top of him he really had a great groove going and held the bottom down really well
  11. Actually it's even cheaper - only 59p! I just downloaded it and it works perfectly - simple single string tuning and then a super fast double check across all strings simultaneously
  12. [quote name='AttitudeCastle' post='1058907' date='Dec 14 2010, 07:56 PM']Is it the long awaited new Yamaha Attitude LTD III? Back in the colour from the LTD I series? which i named "excalibur blue" as i played one and knew nothing would match the tone! (and nothing has!) If ANYONE hears ANYTHING, even rumours, about the Attitude, PLEASE PM with everything you know [/quote] He definitely announced it as a new version of the bass and said it would be released in the spring I think. I couldn't really place the exact colour, I think he referred to it as a 'new' blue colour but again I could be wrong!
  13. Here's the kind of thing I was talking about:
  14. [quote name='fender73' post='1058567' date='Dec 14 2010, 02:29 PM']Tell me more...please....![/quote] Billy S casually pulled it out of a case at Bass Player Live in LA a few weeks back. He said he wasn't supposed to show anyone but felt he was among friends - could have been a stunt but it did seem like he was just excited to show it off. I can't really remember that much other than it was light blue and had really heavily angled neck retaining bolts to make the neck/body joint even stronger. I think he may have mentioned playing slightly with pickup positions but not 100% sure about that bit Loads of people took pics and were filming on small cameras so may be some footage out there on YT.
  15. I saw Juan Alderete at Bass Player live this year as a late replacement for Andrew Gouche and thought hebplayed some really interesting stuff. Didn't go down a storm with an audience of mostly jazz and funk people. He got OK applause but there was a real atmosphere that he was just filling the support slot. I finally got round to downloading some Big Sir and was amazed to hear how many of his bass lines I remembered really clearly - bear in mind that this was close to 2 months ago and at an entire weekend of non-stop bass noise, lol. Worth checking out if you fancy some interesting / hypnotic fretless bass playing electronica kinda stuff I'm on the train so can't easily post any links
  16. No surprise that I'm voting for the Fodera Victor Wooten basses I've owned a string of Sig basses but the only one I've ever bought because of the player association was my Bootsy Star bass - just had to have one but it really was too impractical and it's residing back in the USA now. I guess all you Yamaha Attitude guys will be Gassing for the new Sheehan model that's coming out next year - I've seen the prototype, looks cool
  17. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1057780' date='Dec 13 2010, 08:33 PM']Sorry for going off topic Molan, but Aggie have announced a Tonehammer 500 Watt micro amp. Very lightweight! Not sure I'd prefer that over the TH pedal, but the quality will be very high. Bump for these great cabs![/quote] Cool - I hadn't seen that. I thought there was probably a head coming out when they announced the lighter weight cabs. Could be a great little light weight combination.
  18. [quote name='JTUK' post='1057696' date='Dec 13 2010, 07:26 PM']If weight wasn't the issue, I would definitely go for a 750 as well...might even do that anyway.. I would like to see an Aguilar DB amp around 500-550watts and 20 or so lbs... I don't think the AG would be better than my beloved SM400 but a DB550... love the thought of that[/quote] Totally agree on this one - the DB750 is a weighty beast. I'd love to see a slimmed down version but I have a feeling that the weight and the tone are a direct factor of each other somewhere
  19. I remember when I bought my first decent turntable back in '84 (a Linn Sondek I still have to this day - albeit somewhat upgraded since then!). It was paired with a Yamaha amp and some nice old Kef speakers. I had a couple of tracks that just seemed to 'work' really well with it. First up was the original 12" of Your Love is King, the overall production sounded great at the time. Never quite had the same effect on the LP version though. Next was the album version of Yes' Owner of a Lonely Heart. This song pretty much sold me on the hierarchical importance of a hi fi system - whatever sits of the front end of the sound chain will make the most difference. I discovered later that loads of hi fi shops used to use this song to demo new stuff for people because of the way it leaps out of the speakers at you, lol. Off topic but might be one for you BB5 - I eventually found another song that I tended to use as my 'demo' track when moving the system around or trying out new speakers etc. The full 12" version of Helping Hand by Arthur Miles. This shortened YT version sounds very flat by comparison but thought you might like the song PS - back on topic - Sade used to live in the penthouse flat above one of my mates on the edge of Islington / Highbury Corner. He said she looked stunning pretty much any time of the day. He also insisted she was a Gooner (easy walk to the ground from her place) but we never got any substantiated proof of that, lol
  20. I'm a recent convert to the 'Aguilar sound' having picked up a DB750 head which I really like. I'm currently using a pair of GS112's with it but would really like to try the DB112's instead as I think they will suit the kind of sound I'm after from the head. So I just wondered if there might be anyone out there who fancied the reverse situation and might want to swap! I think the DB's come in a little more expensive than the GS series so I'd obviously be happy to make up the difference in value. Could be up for just trading one of the GS's if someone has a single DB they want to trade - not fussed which of the GS's (one has the variable tweeter the other doesn't). Both GS cabs are in pretty much perfect condition
  21. Thanks Philippe, What a hassle the service was from FedEx - sat in Stansted for a few days and then they 'lost' it. Having found it again they sent it to Koln, then Paris, then back to Koln again before finally getting back to Paris just as the snow arrived! I've never had problems with FedEx International before and I've bought and sold things all over Europe and the USA. I've been in the Caribbean for the last two weeks and following the tracking every day as soon as I woke up every morning. So pleased you like it, it really is a great bass, fantastic for gigging (where that over-sized mid control pot really comes into its own to tailor your live sound). I'll try to get some instructions over to you about changing the strings (it didn't come with a manual or any Allen keys). It's not hard once you're used to it The strings on it are brand new so they will sound quite bright for a while.
  22. Tempting - will have to do some measuring to see how it might work with my stuff Unfortunately I'm away until Sunday though
  23. I'm assuming this is a Made in Japan Metro and not an NYC if the Gallery are selling new ones at £2,200?
  24. Excellent news, that'll stop me looking at the pics again - I think two Monarchs in the house is probably sufficient, lol.
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