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Everything posted by molan

  1. I heard from a fairly reliable source that Roy Wood earns around £375K a year from this song! I think that's amalgamated earnings from royalties and live performance (he's usually out on tour this time of year at university balls etc.).
  2. [quote name='ConnorHamilton' post='1049735' date='Dec 6 2010, 08:20 PM']Yeah it was sold to a player from Austria before it had even arrived! The Matthew Garrison they have at Bass Gear is possibly the most beautiful Fodera I've ever seen! Shame it's a 6! Connor[/quote] It had been around for a short while beforehand - spent a while with me (hence why I knew how nice it was). I haven't seen the Matt Garrison yet but the pics look very nice Mathias' bass is still lovely too though - quilt maple is one of the most popular finishes for a Monarch, just seems to work really well so not surprising that it's popular.
  3. [quote name='dafonky' post='1049731' date='Dec 6 2010, 08:14 PM']the bass is 5,5 kilogram [/quote] Wow that is seriously heavy, I don't think I've ever tried a Fender that weighed this much.
  4. [quote name='ezbass' post='1049276' date='Dec 6 2010, 03:01 PM']Given that Bass Guitar magazine have just reviewed one of these which is not nearly as pretty and list the price at a whopping £6.6k anyone in the market is going to make a huge saving. Not me sadly as it was hard enough for me to recently shell out £800 on a newbie. Good luck with the sale of this gorgeous bass, have a bump![/quote] The one in Bass Guitar mag was stunning in the flesh, hard to explain why but pictures really don't do it justice Mind you, it's kinda immaterial as I understand it's been sold now
  5. Just out of interest - how heavy is 'heavy weight'?
  6. Is this the original 640a or the upgraded v2? Also - have you ever experienced any issues with it cutting out at high volumes - I've heard some CA amps have had issues with that?
  7. I'd forgotten quite how nice this was - hope it goes to a good home
  8. Something vaguely similar happened to me recently. Courier said package delivered but the buyer hadn't received it. I managed to get a scan of he signature of the person who'd taken delivery and it turned out to be a neighbour/friend who'd taken it in and hadn't spotted the buyer was home from work yet. I'm assuming you've tried all the local houses to check that it's not sitting in an, absent-minded, neighbour's hallway? Should definitely report to local police as well - they ought to take some interest in £1,000 stolen package.
  9. It's a bit of a way to travel to Surrey but Steve at stevesamps.co.uk is an absolute whizz when it comes to fixing valve amps. Sorted a very obscure problem with my old SVT that had baffled two other amp techs - and he didn't even charge me much for sorting it either
  10. Damn - iPhone glitches screwing with me and messed up the end of my last post' Is the YY 'worth' the amount a new one costs? If you can afford one and don't get wound up by the inevitable cliches of whether any bass is 'worth' this much then I think undoubtably, yes. Having worked for 'the man' for 30 years then I kinda feel I can indulge myself with a Yin Yang without Gavin to feel guilty for it, lol. Is one worth about 40 Squiers the definitely not - but, on purely personal preferences I know which I'd rather be spending my 'precious' bass plain time with
  11. So the YY arrived this week and it surpassed all of my expectations The quality of construction was exactly what I'd expected having tried a few Fodera customs in the last 6 months but it's way nicer in he flesh than the photos suggest. From the pics the 'classic' YY basses look very 'black and white', however, up close you can really see the gorgeous woods of the ebony and holly and they feel much more 'organic' than I would have thought. The ebony is really lovely and there's lots of different textures to the colour with some really nice natural wood finishes coming through. The neck may just be the nicest I've ever played, smooth, perfectly shaped (for me anyway!) and just beautifully finished. I'm no pro player (as anyone who's heard me can bear witness to) but I have had the chance to play a swathe of 'pro' basses and this one just knocks all he others into a corner as far as I'm concerned! The core sound is, unsurprisingly, very articulate and is really responsive to player dynamics. It shows up technical glitches but when you really get things right it just 'sings' like nothing else I've ever played. Fodera say that they are only going to produce 6 a year of these moving forwards because they are just so labour intensive, having one that was completed this year feels nice but it's really not any kind of major reason that I like it so much! Is it 'worth' the current $12,500 price tag (about £10K in the UK after taxes) - well that depends on whether you can afford one and So - apologi
  12. We've been quoted close to £200 for PLI this year and I wondered if anyone had any recommendations for good insurers to get a quote from?
  13. I am beginning to question why I always go away this time of year - I've missed three years worth of SE bashes now! Still - I guess sitting on a beach in the Caribbean whilst it's cold and snowy at home does make up for it a little Actually if BA flew here any day other than Saturday I'd have delayed my trip just to be there - but don't tell the wife, lol . . .
  14. [quote name='Bassdude BE' post='1038666' date='Nov 27 2010, 11:25 AM']Any idea who has this now? I was going to buy this, but missed my chance by 1 day ...really want a "Vinnie bass"... [/quote] It should be in Paris (but seems to be delayed at the airport at the moment, grrr). It didn't sell through BC - it was sold for me on commission by Phil at BassGear in Harrogate.
  15. molan


    That is a great price for a complete rig of MarkBass quality!
  16. Spooky - I was reading about the album release last night and made myself a little note to try and listen to some stuff today - popped into BC first and here was your note Listening to MySpace right now - sounds King Crimsonesque (which is a good thing as far as I'm concerned!) based on first couple of minutes. Looking forward to hearing the rest!
  17. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1033173' date='Nov 22 2010, 08:50 PM']There seem to be a lot of people asking about this now. Customs aren't mugs though, they're trained to spot just about every scam coming in to ensure that no one can buck the trade laws of this country. Every penny counts to Westminister now, and given the risk of trying to smuggle stuff in I'd day you're best off keeping it above board or just buying in this country.[/quote] I spoke to someone today who's been arguing with customs who impounded a bass being shipped from the USA. He'd taken it out as hand luggage and left it there to have some work done on it. They asked for written proof of his 'export' to the USA and a receipt from his original purchase that showed import duties had been paid on it when it was first imported. He'd paid cash for it on a private sale a couple of years ago and had no proof he'd actually taken it over with him. Eventually he gave up arguing and lashed out £225 to get it released from customs (value based on the insured amount plus the shipping charges)! It was worth more than the insured amount and he had the work completed very cheaply by the original luthier who'd even marked the return as a warranty repair. Overall he just about broke even on the whole thing but it does make you wonder if they are paying closer attention than usual at the moment. . .
  18. molan

    A dub remix

    Nice one RastaMan
  19. [quote name='herr rocket' post='1031549' date='Nov 21 2010, 04:57 PM']the payment receipt says : victor wooten classic , bought at station music....[/quote] I'll zap you a note
  20. I don't think it's makes a huge difference but I have it on pretty good authority from a real Fodera expert that it's a Monarch 4 with a "Classic" peghead. Core differences between a VW and a 'standard Monarch are: VW has the wider classic headstock shape (which yours has), MOP Tulips at the 12th and 24th frets (which yours doesn't) and the FB material is 'Old Growth' Indian Rosewood (which I can't tell from the pics, lol).
  21. [quote name='steve-soar' post='1030915' date='Nov 20 2010, 10:14 PM']And, you own a smashing Fodera that was last played by him. PICS!!![/quote] It's not actually mine - although it it is at my house at the moment Another pretty serious player (that's compared to VW & not me, lol) borrowed it for a week recently and was very impressed too! Should be heading up to BassGear in Harrogate later this week.
  22. Had a couple of queries about this bass in the last week so thought it might be worth a bump as there's some interest out there
  23. Having seen him recently as the 'house' bass player for Bootsy and I can definitely say that he can hold down a simple funk groove & make it sound great without even remotely trying to play any of the flashy stuff I also saw him trying out a bass on the Fodera stand & just playing away quietly to himself - I was maybe 3-4 feet away and his technique mesmerised me!
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