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Everything posted by molan

  1. Very nice indeed - shame I have a Yin Yang already
  2. I tried some of these in LA the other week - so tempted by a set of slime green ones but managed to resist Played Divinity Roxx's metal flake pink Warwick with day glo pink strings, I think it suited me but no-one around to take any pictures. . .
  3. So, in the last seven days I've : Sold 1 x amp, 5 pedals, 1 x bass Bought 1 x amp & 1 x guitar In a slightly 'roundabout' way I've also sold another bass on a reference from here Net money in about £3,400 Net money out about £1,600 That's £5,000 worth of transactions - seems to suggest that this is indeed a pretty good place to buy and sell bass related items to enthusiasts N.B. I should add that the £1,800 worth of 'profit' on these transactions was eaten up in the previous week (and then some!), lol. . .
  4. [quote name='obi 2 kenobi' post='1026854' date='Nov 17 2010, 01:35 PM']It is the godlike genius of Byron Miller. Sideman with Roy Ayers, Herbie Hancock and George Duke for decades[/quote] Thanks for that, he's one of those guys who I've heard of but don't really know anything about - must go and search out some of his stuff
  5. [quote name='Conan' post='1026828' date='Nov 17 2010, 01:00 PM']Check out the solo from 1:48 onwards... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ov2Z7LCIBqA"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ov2Z7LCIBqA[/url][/quote] Love it - Who is that on bass? I should add that I'm watching this on iPhone and the vid is very blurry, lol. I thought it was Stanley Clarke on the original album but that doesn't sound like him to me (and I've never seen Stan the Man on a P?).
  6. I think both Bernard Edwards & Rocco are in that league of player who always sounds intrinsically like themselves whatever bass they use. I've seen Edwards on MusicMan, BC Rich & Fenders & Rocco's been through a few different basses and amp setups (including endorsement deals) over the years but you just know who it is when you hear them playing I'm having a complete Chic fest at the moment - I have a homemade 'hits' compilation on my car iPod and playing it pretty much in rotation. Although Bernard E is great I think it's some of Nile Rodgers' guitar playing that really kills for me. The part where he comes back in on Good Times after they break it down in the middle is one of my favourite guitar moments ever, lol.
  7. Interesting that Ampeg have recently announced a 'Heritage' reissue of the B15 as well: Haven't seen a price yet but I'm guessing it's a lot more than an Ashdown!
  8. [quote name='Riddler' post='1025802' date='Nov 16 2010, 01:03 PM']Have a bump on me I've got one of Jim's GS112's on hold waiting for someone to buy the other one, so come on someone snap up a bargain! I already own a GS112 (with tweeter) and I reckon 1xGS112 + 1xGS112NT would be a pretty amazing combo! Graham[/quote] Small world Graham - I've used the RH450 money to help buy Jim's DB750 head (which he traded to someone else) that was part of this thread to begin with
  9. Good rule of thumb guide on pricing is usually about 40% off the best price you can easily find in Google shopping engine (remember to watch out for posting charges - some online retainers offer low prices but whack in high postal charges). GAK is a decent place to look for good new prices on a lot of effects. They seem to be listing a new Q-Tron at £88 Ex shipping (I wouldn't normally compare a price like this publicly but you asked the question and other people are obviously doing exactly his sort of comparison). Obviously if anything is super rare or discontinued but still desirable then it'll fetch more. Other simple thing to do is search on BC and see what other similar units have sold for
  10. Flanker has a 5 string Nordy P and really likes it
  11. Completely forgot this little riff from Leela James' album last year, remake of a Phyliss Hyman classic: Quite like her take on the Stones' Miss You as well (some great guitar fills on this I think) :
  12. How about some slow grooves - Dexter Wansel anyone?
  13. Do these class as jazz funk? If so then I like it
  14. Slightly off topic but I was hunting for a review of this amp and found one in dutch which Google happily offered to translate for me. I loved this part of the translation: [i] "its small size the first thing you notice about this amp. Only four and a half feet tall he is"[/i]
  15. [quote name='Toasted' post='1024739' date='Nov 15 2010, 03:29 PM']Amazing amps, Barrie [/quote] As Steve said last night - everyone should own one of these at least once in their life
  16. I met up with Steve last night to pick up a lovely looking Aguilar DB750 - unfortunately we got on so well that we nattered too long and I didn't get home in time to be able to try it out for fear of waking my ever suffering wife Great guy, super friendly and as very easy to deal with - buy, sell or trade with confidence where Steve is concerned!
  17. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1024021' date='Nov 14 2010, 09:32 PM']"Fodera Yin Yang - what do people think aesthetically?, Base opinion purely on looks not price "[/quote] That's exactly what I was looking for - I wasn't actually planning to buy one when I started the thread and genuinely wanted to see what people thought of them. I've always been in two minds about them and totally expected a few people to hate the design / finish etc. Having started the thread & spent some time looking at them I decided that I really quite liked them & I know I'll appreciate the craftsmanship (as I do on all of the custom Foderas I've tried!). Then, hey presto, one popped up for sale in the USA, 6 months old never really been played, etc etc so I thought I'd take the plunge and give one a try, lol. Having tried out a fair few different basses over the last couple of years I know just how god the Monarch body shape is, as an actual 'players' bass anyway. Nothing I've tried has come that close to my old '86 for genuine playability (in my fumbling hands anyway!) and the newer ones have added some nice little touches that I like a lot as well. Hopefully the YY will be a nice addition - might not see a lot of gig use as that's reserved for the '86 but I'm looking forward to many an hour playing at home with it
  18. I've definitely noticed the advantage in trading rather than buying and I pretty much always offer to accept something in PX so long as it's either something I'd like to try out or that I know I ought to be able to sell relatively easily. I think it probably helps that I'm happy to sell (and buy) to Europe, USA & Australia I've also offered 'credit' and let people pay in instalments. In some cases I've hung on to the bass or amp but in others I've let people have things to keep based on a decent deposit. Not once have I had the slightest problem with this & it's definitely helped me sell some things more easily. I've backed off from excessive bumping and trying 'too' hard to shift things recently and let a couple of basses disappear from the top listings because it's felt like the market is a bit deader than usual. Having said that in the past 2-3 days or so I've sold one amp, bought another, taken final payment on a bass, bought another & sold 5 pedals! I think my net gain on that lot is about £500 but, as Jack mentions above, I don't keep that close a track of every deal so I'm probably 'lying' to myself and have spent more money than I think I have, lol. Actually, come to think of it, I've closed a deal on a US Custom Fodera in the last week as well so I'm definitely way down as whole this month! Long live the BC barter economy that's what I say
  19. So I've already commented on the Zon thread but just spotted this here as well - it really does look lovely. I must get back up to Harrogate to take a look at the others - that Legacy Standard looks seriously nice too!
  20. [quote name='artisan' post='1023608' date='Nov 14 2010, 05:12 PM']ok so mine isn't as posh as the beautys posted on here but its the best i can afford & indeed the very best bass i've ever owned. bought just yesterday from Phil at Bass Gear & yes he has some very tasty gear in stock. Sonus "import" standard,me like a lot.[/quote] Looks pretty posh to me I haven't seen any of these in the flesh yet but they look just amazing in pictures and really good value for money given the quality tops they all seem to have. You must let us know how you get on with it once you've had it a few weeks
  21. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1023052' date='Nov 14 2010, 12:48 AM']I like it a lot actually but then again, if you see my cow bass you'll understand why BUY IT!![/quote] I did Well - not this actual bass but one very similar - should be here in a week or two. . .
  22. I have to admit that I've never heard of Hevos before but it looks really intriguing I love the idea of being able to have one volume output controlling a main speaker & a second powering a monitor cab. I often have to stand further away from my cab than I'd like and always have to share a monitor with my keys player (to be fair he rarely wants any of his keys coming through this monitor). Does the twin power amp set up also mean you could run one at 4 ohms & the other at 8?
  23. Does that mean you sold the head separately Jim?
  24. Ok - Back up for sale at £550 plus shipping at approx £25.
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