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Everything posted by molan

  1. [quote name='Chris2112' post='968922' date='Sep 26 2010, 10:21 PM']To be honest, I think we'd all be so vulgar if we could afford it![/quote] I totally agree. I've always found that the only people who bitch about other people who own beautiful and expensive things are those that simply can't afford them themselves - the ones who shout the loudest are usually the young who don't understand the concept of accumulated wealth, or those who have reached a stage in their lives when they realise they are unlikely ever to be able to afford them. Both groups usually then resort to 'knob' jokes - still, if it keeps them amused then so be it . . .
  2. [quote name='maxrossell' post='968250' date='Sep 26 2010, 11:33 AM']Hey, you know, they're running a business. It all depends on who they want to cater for. When I see someone with a £5,000 watch when a £50 watch will do, with a £200,000 car when a £20,000 car will do, with a £200 handbag when a £20 handbag will do, or with a £12,000 bass when a £1,200 bass will do, I think one thing. And that thing is "bell end".[/quote] You know, I genuinely think this is one of the most ludicrous comments I've ever seen on BC, lol. I'm assuming you have a £5 plastic Watch, drive a Trabant, keep your money in one those fabric and Velcro wallets and play a £50 Chinese made bass - after all, each these will 'do' the job for which they were intended. . . Personally if I met someone with all of those expensive things you listed I'd assume they'd worked bloody hard, been very successful at their careers and were reaping the benefits - and good luck to them, that's what I'd say
  3. [quote name='velvetkevorkian' post='967074' date='Sep 24 2010, 07:43 PM']The NYCs are chambered for weight, aren't they?[/quote] I think a lot of the newer ones are. I read somewhere (maybe TB) that Sadowsky had said it was getting increasingly hard to find high quality woods with a consistently light weight and that's why they use chambers a lot now.
  4. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='966707' date='Sep 24 2010, 02:07 PM']..or pretty any J bass with the Sadowsky electronics in it. Don't get bogged down in the mythical Sadowsky snake oil thing. There is no real secret ingredients in getting the Sadowsky tone - it's pretty much down to the pickups/circuit... it certainly doesn't come from the woods or construction (afterall, it's the same as pretty much every bolt on jazz type bass)[/quote] I must admit that I agree with this in principle - however I did once try a stock Fender USA J with Sadowsky electronics fitted (that's what i was told anyway) and it didn't capture the sound I associate with Sads all that well. It was a pretty heavy beast though and every Sad i've played has been very light so maybe it's those good old natural wood resonance effects making the difference.
  5. [quote name='bubinga5' post='963525' date='Sep 21 2010, 04:48 PM']Most of the time, especially buying from Molan, the basses are set up way better than a shop anyway...[/quote] Forgot to say thanks for the reference BB5 I've kinda kept out of this debate but all I'd say is that, having tried a pretty fair selection of 'super' J basses, if you want the Sadowsky 'sound' then only a Sadowsky will deliver it. Other people come close but, to my insensitive ears, they never quite nail it. I've only ever gigged a Sadowsky once and the sound guy (who also happened to be a bass player) said it was the best bass core tone they'd heard at the venue. I have a couple of NYC's sitting next to me right now, along with a Celinder & an Alleva Coppolo, and when I'm playing at home the Sadowsky J would probably be my least favourite. However, those words from the sound guy are still haunting me. . .
  6. I think I read somewhere that PC has had some health problems, whatever they were it was bad enough that he was unable to play drums live on the tour. I thought he really seemed to have aged and certainly wasn't moving very well. Although I can take or leave a lot of his solo work I still think his touring band with the Pheonix horns & Lee Sklar on bass absolutely killed live I watched the show purely to see Bob Babbit, I was lucky enough to see the full 'Standing in the Shadows' funk brothers band when they played a few years back & Babbit is a bit of a legend. He'll always be a bit in the shadow of Jamerson but a fine player nevertheless.
  7. I really liked Queen Emily, great to see a, mostly, older white band laying down a great funky groove. Really nice tone from the Kubicki / Ampeg set up too
  8. Damn - I nearly posted earlier that I'd take bets on this being up for sale before the end of the weekend but thought that maybe I was being a bit harsh, lol.
  9. Hey Josh Between Pep and I we should be able to work this one out And so we did - now safely residing in Barcelona!
  10. Last time I saw Manring he was just phenomenal. To be honest I find a lot of his stuff difficult to listen to at home but he is an astonishing player to watch. I just checked out Alex B as well - some pretty amazing stuff going on there as well. God knows what it might sound like to hear these two playing together!
  11. I'm not sure that "best bass maker" & "future collectibles" necessarily go together? A hell of a lot of collectible basses are in that position because the original maker is dead / gone bust / gave up making them any more etc. Some of these might actually be very good but others aren't so great in terms of playability, sound & build quality. . .
  12. Willing to consider trades on this for something interesting or easy to sell on Can also accept credit cards
  13. So my Sadowsky P with narrower nut width has arrived and I really don't think there's a lot between the two basses. They sound different (unsurprising given the differing electronics) but the Performance build quality is up there with an NYC Sadowsky IMHO. I'll knock another £50 off and make it £1,150 if that makes it any more interesting
  14. Always loved the tort guards on these - different take on a classic look, works so well against white too
  15. Always loved this song - real floor filler Went to see Teena Marie not that long ago and they had a great pair of DJ's playing beforehand. One of them played this & the whole room was full of people singing along. There's an instrumental version as well - useful for picking out the bass line:
  16. Currently due to be flying to the Carib that day but not 100% confirmed yet. Would really like to be there if I can
  17. Just my 2 cents but I think it'll be worth less in black - if you decide to refin then make sure it's a 'keeper'
  18. [quote name='Platypus' post='952385' date='Sep 11 2010, 12:18 AM']Barrie, well I tried to tell you that, back in June, when I said "Perhaps the Staccato model would have suited you more.." [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=69137&hl=Staccato&st=222"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...cato&st=222[/url] [/quote] Lol - only problem was that they were a grand back then Much cheaper now - yay
  19. [quote name='tonewheels' post='952252' date='Sep 10 2010, 08:59 PM']And isn't it annoying when having carted either the SVT or the Hammond and Leslie (and sometimes the SVT AND the Hammond) up a fire escape to a gig, the guitarist turns up with some POS tranny amp, because "the Twin Reverb was too heavy". sounds like the Dead. [/quote] I roadied for a guy with a twin reverb for a while - he has a point I've never really been able to fathom the Dead - maybe this is why, lol
  20. [quote name='alexisonfire' post='952186' date='Sep 10 2010, 07:48 PM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ampeg-Bass-Cabinet-PR1832HE-not-Ashdown-EBS-Marshall-/110584228512?pt=UK_ConElec_SpeakersPASystems_RL&hash=item19bf556aa0"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ampeg-Bass-Cabinet-P...=item19bf556aa0[/url] Pretty crazy imo![/quote] Pretty sure one of these came up for sale here on BC at some time in the past. Supposed to sound really cool but very, very heavy, lol.
  21. Couple of additional reasons I know of that have hit Eden prices a little. I think one is that a lot of their cabs are seriously heavy, they started producing the much lighter Nemesis series but some the heads in this range have a nasty rep for randomly failing which has damaged the name a little. I think they have only one Neo cab in their range, a 1x12. Another thing that's a shade unfortunate was when they started making the World Tour series with switchable power options. Great idea because it meant you could use them pretty much anywhere in the world (hence the WT name). However this also meant you could pick one up whilst on holiday in states for way cheaper than UK prices and/or import them for well below UK dealer margins. As soon as some of these started hitting the used market I'm sure it hit some values.
  22. Big Welcome from me, liking those influences a lot, If you can carry a real Hammond around then it comes as no surprise that you also own an SVT & an 8x10 Have you thought about merging your bands - an experimental, psychedelic Americana band sounds like a lot of fun. . .
  23. Oops - one thing I hadn't noticed before was that the 'factory' setting for the pre-set volume is full on. (I tested this by using the full re-set option on my RH450). This means they want you to use this to turn individual pre-sets 'down' rather than 'up' in order to balance volumes. I realise this may be semantics but it does make quite a difference to how I'm now viewing this control. My RH450 was used when I got it and the pre-set volumes were all set either very low or off so I used them to boost volumes rather than cut. After WOT's comments I raised the boost a lot higher than previously but I'm definitely now going to have my lowest volume pre-set on maximum & work down from there with the others. Am I making any sense here or just rambling, lol. . .
  24. So - little addendum to my TC Electronics thoughts. Having got close to a sound I wanted out of my RH450 when rehearsing I was still coming up a bit short on my old favourite '80's mid-scoop sound. Still lacking that top end zing I've always liked. Went out and read lots of reviews & comparisons on the Staccato '51 and decided to take the plunge and bought one to test back to back with the RH450. I have to say I'm amazed at how different they sound 'out of the box'. I knew the frequency centres had all been changed & the top end had been opened up but the core sound of the amp seems different to me as well. Feels like there's some compression dialled in even when it's set flat & maybe a little more drive through the TubeTone as well. I'm very happy to say that the base sound with everything set flat is pretty much exactly what I was after - couldn't believe just how 'right' it sounded to me. I knew I'd like some of the top end but was worried it might be a bit too bottom heavy for me having read about this in some reviews but it's just great! The factory setting wasn't actually with everything set flat, it had the compression & the tube tone at 12:00 and this sounded very nice too, touch too much compression (although this was quite dependent on which bass was running through it). I then had a go at replicating a 'stock' RH450 tone, got vaguely close but still hearing more top end, may need to play with that a bit. Of course the big clincher is the colour - I haven't seen a single pic that really does the bright metallic red finish any sort of justice Anyone else here got/tried a Staccato - I haven't spotted any yet?
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