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Everything posted by molan

  1. Cool thanks guys, I used to own one of these in the mid 70's - traded it for a synth in the early '80's I seem to remember They were only £100 brand new then but it seemed like a fortune then - especially when you consider what you can get today for very little money as a 'starter' bass'!
  2. [quote name='Clarky' post='943394' date='Sep 2 2010, 02:03 PM']Calling lozbass![/quote] He's in Germany. . .
  3. Having read some of the posts here I do wonder if it just because he was using cheap Roland kit. It only had 10 pre-sets apparently. I asked if it had a nice 808 sound and he had no idea what I was talking about but proceeded to try and use a really nasty sounding syn-drum patch instead.
  4. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-MusicMaster-Bass-1974-ORIGINAL-CONDITION-/200514006645?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV#ht_500wt_1108"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-MusicMaster-B...V#ht_500wt_1108[/url] Headstock doesn't look quite right to me or is it just the perspective & angle of the photos?
  5. Auditioned a drummer last night who arrived with a Roland kit. My first impressions were quite good, I was thinking that it was easy to transport, really quick to set up, easy to turn down etc When he first started playing I thought the core sounds were Ok with the possible exception of the snare which lacked the snap & sizzle of a quality snare. However once we started playing I found it really hard to lock in with the kick or snare & everything just sounded a bit middley & mushy. Just didn't sound like a drum kit to me I think this one was a pretty basic version but I've heard a few live and always thought they sounded a bit processed and lacking a live kit sound & have yet to hear one with a decent snare. Maybe I'm just an old fashioned kinda guy & need to be a bit more open to new sounds?
  6. [quote name='dood' post='942637' date='Sep 1 2010, 08:41 PM']Hmmm - definitely interested in A/Bing one out of sheer interest. It puts up a good argument [i]for[/i] it thats for sure.[/quote] Not sure where 'predator country' is but if it's anywhere near me then you're welcome to have a play on mine any time
  7. One thing I should say about this is that it's very much a 'player's' bass. When I first got it I couldn't put it down, just did exactly what a good P bass should do as far as I'm concerned. Although it's from a fairly high end builder that really doesn't mean it's not an everyday gigging machine My only reason for selling is that it has a typical P bass nut width and I find that slightly too wide for me (which is why I've invested in a Sadowsky P with a narrower nut!). If it helps I'll throw in UK shipping at this price.
  8. Forgot to say that this bass is currently residing at BassGear in Harrogate if anyone fancies trying it out. It really is a killer bass, that satin finish on the body and neck is soooo nice
  9. So I'm considering putting my Sei up for sale soon - if that generates more interest then I'll probably hang on to the Zon. After all, gotta keep at least one headless bass in the house
  10. So I got to use my RH450 for the first time at a rehearsal last night (I've gigged with it but obviously I can 'play' a lot more whilst rehearsing). I dialled in three nice pre-sets, one relatively flat with a little low end boost to match the 10" cab I was using. Next up was an older school type sound with low boost, some tweaking of mid range frequencies & a decent wedge of tube tone. Last up was an attempt at an SWR kind of low mid scoop & compression. First two had the preset volume set at about 1:00 & the mid scoop needed some extra boost here to get it up to the same level. What a revelation! Best sound I've ever managed through a small rehearsal sized rig, all three of the presets worked really well. Had to drop the tubetone right down as it got too growly for my needs but other than that it just worked really well at some decent volume. Got some more of those - "how do you get that tone / volume from such a small rig" type comments from the rest of the band. One thing I really noticed was how well the amp/speaker combo seemed to respond to playing nuances. You could really hear a difference when digging in a bit harder. I loved just watching the notes appear on the pedal as I was playing too, lol. N.B. I should add that it's also the firs time I've taken a Fodera ('86 Monarch) to rehearsals so that probably helped a little
  11. Lovely looking bass & Mike is a top man to deal with Of course - what someone should really do is buy both the red one and the blue one & reunite them
  12. That'll teach me to read whilst walking and to reply on iPhone!
  13. Did you spot that Fender '75 RI signed by Marcus M that went for £599? That was a good £150 less then I'd have estimated.
  14. Looks like it - this one sold for £870
  15. [quote name='Platypus' post='940501' date='Aug 30 2010, 11:01 PM']Which one do you enjoy playing most? The way I see it, that's the one to keep[/quote] Yep - that gets my vote too. I had a very nice '72 P but discovered the joys of Celinder ownership & simply thought it was an immeasurably better bass. Don't regret my decision to swap for one moment.
  16. Love it - especially those horns
  17. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150484930170&ssPageName=ADME:B:WNA:GB:1123#ht_500wt_1108"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...3#ht_500wt_1108[/url] Tough to tell final price as there's been a lot of Rickys on EBay recently - it's only £820 at the moment (30 mins before end of auction) but they seem to often shoot up at the last minute.
  18. [quote name='Legion' post='939892' date='Aug 30 2010, 12:16 PM']I've got my eyes on a '71P at the moment (my birth year, and it looks to be a good 'un) so I'm considering if I can be bothered to follow up on it, we all have these moments.[/quote] Oh how I envy you youngsters when it comes to buying a bass from your birth year - being born in '59 really pushes the price up of anything I might like
  19. Sometimes a tell-tale sign is that every single instrument looks brand spangly new, especially if all the guitars are BC Rich. . .
  20. Damn, looks like our week for viewing this has gone now. Anyone think to download it?
  21. I think there's a couple of owners here on BC somewhere. I hear nothing but good about them but, personally, I've never like the looks
  22. [quote name='BoomBass' post='938947' date='Aug 28 2010, 06:33 PM']Lots of interest for the Sadowsky! Did anyone notice that there is a Celinder in the OP as well? [/quote] Celinders are easily up in the same build quality as Sadowsky - lovely basses and just so 'playable'
  23. Just adding to this - I've heard people worry about the RH450 being under-powered. I wonder if it's the same issue?
  24. Interesting - I wonder if it's adding bit of saturation before the master volume or simply driving the master level harder and improving the tone somehow? I'm really no expert at this sort of stuff, lol.
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