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Everything posted by molan

  1. Marc - you are the only person I know with a 'valve collection'. I admire your style
  2. Price reduced to £1,200 Potential options to take credit cards on this if that helps
  3. Had a couple of interesting trade offers on this but nothing confirmed yet - happy to consider trades though. Especially for something that might be easy to sell like a US Fender or MusicMan or a Lakland Skyline etc. Here's another pic from Mike's original thread :
  4. And then there's : [i]french solo bassist Albin Suffys at "Zon Guitars" (in California) testing one of [b]the most fabulous fretted bass in the world[/b]: the VB-4, created by the so talented stringed-instrument maker, Joe Zon.[/i] One thing I should add to this post is that I'm selling this bass, along with a few others, purely to make way for some new incoming basses & I simply can't play them all. I'm not desperate for money or in any huge rush to sell and, although I'll listen to offers, I believe the price I've set is fair for something that's as rare and desired as this
  5. molan


    Well bugger me - what sad news. I was out hunting for band names today & spotted the Jellied Reels & raised a smile thinking about Si. I'm another who only ever met Si by message and email but always felt he was a 'mate' I could ask for help on anything bass or web site related. He went way beyond the 'call of duty' to help me with some web dev work when he was supposed to be packing to go on holiday and then when he was actually away &, supposedly, not going online & sending messages to people. I'll certainly miss him here a lot.
  6. [quote name='4 candles' post='924335' date='Aug 13 2010, 08:20 PM']Id love to buy this, but ive just recently brought a blue bass! Ive owned some shuker basses and can safely say the build quality is awesome buy with confidence, Barrie is very thorough and accurate with his descriptions and is a gentleman of the highest order.[/quote] Thanks Mark One thing a couple of people have asked me about is the weight of this. It comes in at bang on 9lbs (maybe a fraction under but not much). I can honestly say that it 'feels' lighter on the strap - I have no idea how but it seems to balance so well that I would have guessed it to be a good half pound lighter!
  7. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='924084' date='Aug 13 2010, 04:12 PM']The rarity of this set neck VB4 should be warranting a quicker sale especially at the price. [/quote] You know, I don't think I've ever seen another one in the UK - other than in the hands of Michael Manring
  8. How about some beaver? [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8df2wZ7pido"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8df2wZ7pido[/url]
  9. I generally try to pick up all of HH's albums - sometimes a bit patchy but there's always some real gems kicking around and that falsetto kills me every time! This track sounds a bit messy in a couple of places - not sure if it's a remix or just a glitchy upload? I think this is the original version? [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1hjI6XVoRU&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1hjI6XVoRU...feature=related[/url] This is my other favourite with Stanley [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HT7ZM6HLfig"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HT7ZM6HLfig[/url]
  10. Wow - didn't you just buy this recently?
  11. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='924132' date='Aug 13 2010, 04:54 PM']The Consat Straight; I watched... and watched... and watched... but managed to stay my bidding finger! [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Marleaux-Consat-Straight-/230506407716?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Marleaux-Consat-Stra...ents_Guitars_CV[/url][/quote] Phew - pleased it was a single Hb design - I don't really like those very much, lol.
  12. My buyer has pulled out so the Zon is back up for sale. If you fancy one of these without a long wait then zap me a message
  13. I really enjoyed the whole thing, maybe I'm just a saddo bass nut though I thought it was really interesting to watch different players with massively different technique & core tone interpreting the same part.
  14. Just a quick note about the battery I mentioned above. It's the LED circuit, which has an independent battery, that seemed to be draining power quickly not the main pre-amp power. John is going to take a look and, if there is a problem will sort it before the bass is sold. He was unable to make today but it should be cleared very soon
  15. [quote name='Geddys nose' post='923105' date='Aug 12 2010, 07:37 PM']Jeez that was cheap ,there was a Marleaux that went yesterday for £450 and that was a £1800+ bass when new, Not good for selling at the 'mo.[/quote] A Marleaux for £450 is a crazy price, was it a nice finish top?
  16. Low price, big font, have you been to Direct Marketing school Nice amps these, played one for a while a couple of weeks ago and had forgotten just how good they were
  17. Well - looks like the scarcity of Performance Guitars isn't helping demand on this so let's drop price by a decent amount & see if stirs up any interest How about £1,200 for a hand-built boutique Los Angeles manufactured beauty?
  18. Few people interested but no firm offers yet - so a pre 'visit back to its maker' bump
  19. My buyer hasn't been around for a few days - may just be that Italy is pretty much 'closed' in August, lol. If not then the Zon may be back up for sale soon
  20. [quote name='TimR' post='922785' date='Aug 12 2010, 02:24 PM']My conversation went a bit like: OK we're in a function band but no one wants to do summer because that's summer holiday time so that's weddings and summer balls out then and no one wants to play Christmas and NYE either. When exactly do you expect to do these functions then.[/quote] We had EXACTLY the same conversation - we've turned down 6 gigs over the summer becuase of this. Two of us are trying to rescue something from the wreckage (with the guy who said he'd finally had enough) and there were some tensions kicking around between a couple of people so maybe it'll be a good thing in the end. Spent a lot of hours rehearsing for it all to fall apart!
  21. [quote name='JTUK' post='922766' date='Aug 12 2010, 02:11 PM']I think it more important to do the pre xmas parties anyway...for totty factor if nothing else [/quote] My old band used to play an annual rugby club gig for precisely this reason, lol. We got about half our regular rate but the crowd were brilliant and there were two girls who would repeatedly 'flash' the band after they'd had a few drinks. . . Their, huge, rugby playing partners used to think it was hilarious & even encouraged them to do this. One of them really fancied our sax player & would regularly wait for a song with lots of horns in it & then stand right in front of him, bend over & flip her skirt up in the air, distinct lack of any obvious undergarments - made for some 'interesting' sax noises from the poor guy. . .
  22. Wow - so this one bought a few major issues out of the woodwork then! Looks like the band have now split based on the responses to an NYE gig Views were so polarised that it made one key member decide that he'd had enough, this prompted others to raise a few things as well so it looks like not only are we not doing the NYE gig but we aren't going to be doing any more gigs together now. . .
  23. [quote name='Rumblebass' post='922364' date='Aug 12 2010, 09:38 AM']It's a tough call Barrie, in my 13pc Soul band days, we doubled our fee for NYE (£4k), but this was at an established venue which we'd played many times & always packed out. The same venue coughed up £10k for Millennium eve! If nothing else comes in, & you want to be out NYE, I'd take the money & play. If you hold out for more, you run the risk of ending up with nothing as you've already said. Put it to the democratic vote & go with what the majority of the Band want. (Mind you, this WAS always easier when there's 13 of you!) Hope you're well anyway,, long time no see! All the best, Grahame (FBB)[/quote] Cheers Grahame - are you back out giging again?
  24. I must admit that the band views on this have been really split. Couple of us think it would be fun to be out playing on a NYE instead of sitting at home watching Jools. One person said he'd much rather be doing exactly the reverse! Two people saying £175 minimum. The gig is tops of 40 mins drive for anyone so not a big hassle in that regard. I have a distinct feeling that some ban members have aspirations above the band's capabilities and that this is going to be an ongoing battle. . .
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