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Everything posted by molan

  1. [quote name='Golchen' post='918551' date='Aug 8 2010, 09:27 AM']I can't say I agree with that! A well known brand will always generate more interest that a lesser known brand, won't it. I often look at interesting expensive basses as they invariably look tasty, but funds are usually waaaaaaay to low to be seriously interested. Great looking bass! I only do 5 strings though[/quote] I hear what you are saying - I guess what I was trying to express was that a lot of people say they are looking for something a little different & prepared to try new things out. However a lot of people actually aren't and prefer to stick to what they know like Fender, Musicman, Lakaland etc. Obviously there's no right or wrong here, lol. Still open to PX offers on this
  2. [quote name='Clarky' post='918517' date='Aug 8 2010, 04:41 AM']Clarky checking in! To begin with I was sure it was a P width neck, in part as the BassDirect ad mentioned 1.625 dimensions IIRC and I never measured it. I later worked out that it was the [i]depth [/i] of the neck that made it feel P-like, rather than the nut width. It is rounded and chunky and will feel very comfortable to a Precision player, less so to someone who likes ultra-skinny Jazz necks (eg, for example, a Fender Geddy Lee). Lovely bass this[/quote] Just found a dinky little metal ruler & managed to slide it under the strings - nut width is definitely a stock 1.5" (unless the ruler is wrong, lol). I think the neck is pretty much 'stock' for a 60's J bass - it's certainly more rounded than my 70's one.
  3. Not sure if this is the same head that Tom had at the London Bass Bash but, if so, it sounded great
  4. Not sure if anyone else has been up to Phil's BassGear HQ in Harrogate recently? I was there two weeks ago & he's got a couple of new AC basses in This baby really caught my eye - amazing metallic flip-flop kinda finish. I've never seen anything like it on a bass before. Picture doesn't really do it justice but you'll get the idea hopefully:
  5. With a £900 budget you've got a great range of options if you are happy to buy used. Pretty much any Fender up to the American Reissue series, Lakland Skyline series has a range of great basses & you'll easily bag a Stingray at this budget (some have dropped right down to £650 recently). Personally I'd look around that that £600 - £750 market as pretty much everything mentioned above will be affordable used. The range which I think almost always throws up amazing consistency is Lakland. I've owned a few and never played a bad one (unlike Fender which can sometimes be patchy - much more consistent since '08 onwards though). My favourite Lakland is the Darryl Jones Signature but the Joe Osborne / Bob Glaub / Duck Dunne basses are all great in their own individual ways The other good thing if you keep in the sub £750 bracket is that you should always be able to sell on again easily if you don't get on with something.
  6. I always take 2 basses, spare leads, strings and my little outboard Sadowsky pre-amp. I've only ever had one bass 'failure' & that was only an E String that suddenly popped - it was my fault, bass was headless but you could clamp regular strings rather than using double ball end. I'd been a bit 'over enthusiastic' with my clamping technique & had virtually snapped the end of the string off. Had an amp blow a fuse & the Sadowsky was a life saver, just went straight into the foh instead with a little bass through monitors. Worst thing that happened to me once was when a lead inextricably failed just as we were about to encore. I didn't carry a spare and the only thing I had was a 1 foot patch lead. Had to play the two encore songs with the bass up around my ears at a crazy angle whilst jamming myself up against the amp & cabs. The band thought I was just 'showing off', lol.
  7. I was listening to that album on Friday night whilst cooking and wondered if anyone was at the gig Sounds like a good 'un . . .
  8. molan


    Love it Pete I recently drove up to Harrogate & back & loaded my Steely Dan box set onto the iPod for the journey. Every time I go over the back catalogue I find another song I'd missed previously, lol. Saw you in Reading a couple of years ago (at least I assume it was you!). Often look out to see if you are coming back this way
  9. molan

    Mick Karn

    [quote name='Ricardo' post='904207' date='Jul 24 2010, 06:16 PM']Mick's first album "Titles" is now selling around the £50 mark, I can't believe how quick people are at making a fast buck from other peoples misfortune, this I had on vinyl and so thought I'd download it from iTunes. I checked out that it was avaialble and it was for £7.90, I needed an iTunes card and when I went back on they'd removed it so no doubt Apple will be cashing in on this too, needless to say I 've sent them a snotty email.[/quote] I got quite excited when I saw this as I have a pristine copy of the album on vinyl & thought I'd EBay it & send the money to the appeal. However I've just looked on EBay & there's a copy sitting at 99p with only 6 hours to go & plenty of other copies at £4 - £5 on BIN Only heard about Mick's plight this morning (inspired to hunt out some 80's fretless playing after listening to some John Giblin late last night). I saw on his site that the state health system has agreed to treat him over in Cyprus now (he didn't have an approved medical card when first diagnosed apparently) but this doesn't necessarily mean he's any better off financially
  10. [quote name='RhysP' post='918537' date='Aug 8 2010, 08:45 AM']I'm a big fan Of Giblins playing too. However, in both the live videos you posted that's not John Giblin playing, it's Alan Thompson. He didn't play on the first Kate Bush album either. On "Wuthering Heights" it's probably David Paton. Kate used a wide variety of bass players - don't assume any fretless playing on her stuff is Giblin, it's just as likely to be Eberhard Weber or Del Palmer. It's definitely Giblin on "Babooshka" & "Breathing" though. Both absolutely brilliant bass parts.[/quote] That'll teach me to go YouTube hunting at 2 in the morning, lol. I always think of Danny T on upright bass and thought that Giblin was out live with John Martyn around the Grace and Danger era - of course the live vids could have come from any time.
  11. ooh - I'd forgotten he worked with Kate Bush. I love his playing on Breathing. Here he is live with John Martyn again: EDIT - This actually Alan Thompson but it's so good I thought it was well worth leaving here He really does have a great way of weaving around the vocal without over-playing & getting in the way of the melody
  12. I've never really been a fretless man but I just love John Giblin's playing with John Martyn. My all time favourite has to be Hurt in Your Heart. Studio version: and live: EDIT - my mistake, this is Alan Thompson playing John Giblin's lines and John M talking about the song in '07: I really miss the old bugger. . .
  13. [quote name='BigBeatNut' post='918408' date='Aug 7 2010, 10:49 PM']He has a time machine ... haven't you seen that wacky looking DeLorean around his neigbourhood ?[/quote] Wonder if I can borrow it for a while. . .
  14. Wow, that looks absolutely immaculate! Looks like it's hardly ever been played
  15. So - we hit day 4 of the big clear out & the basses available are getting tastier by the day Here is a simply delicious Celinder J Update with the, very desirable Greengrove pre-amp & Chris Celinder's pickups and hardware. I bought this as a back up to my 'reference' trans red J Update and, if anything, it's maybe even nicer in some regards It's much lighter than my red one (maybe 9.5lbs) and just a shade sweeter sounding. The pre-amp is a Greengrove with active bass cut & boost and a lovely passive treble roll off. It's an older version of the pre & doesn't have the dip-switch options internally - I genuinely don't think it's any the worse for this, I can't even hear the differences with the dip switches whenever I've tried to flip them back & forth, lol. I love these passive treble controls (called VTC by Sadowskyif that helps as a reference). I tend to set them to sit bang in the middle of their range and then just gently tweak them up or down depending on what works best for each song or maybe subtle room characteristics. One of my very favourite pickup / pre-amp combinations. Celinders really are my all round favourite J basses and, despite selling a few basses I will absolutely keep one or the other. My current preference is for the red one but this is purely aesthetic as I'm a sucker for red basses - it's about 10.5lbs so too heavy for me to gig with really. There's been quite a lot of stuff to read about Celinders here so I won't waffle on any further - suffice to say that the necks are gorgeous & everything about them feels just 'right' Very tough to find a new one now and these recent ones with the really nice trans finishes over Danish ash are, in my opinion, by far the nicest looking ones. This one is currently sitting up with Phil at BassGear in Harrogate if anyone wants to try it out I've priced it at the cost I paid a few months back (imported from a very nice guy in Canada) but I know the market is tough so I will listen to offers or maybe a PX with a decent amount of cash my way. Happy to ship anywhere really. . .
  16. [quote name='blackmn90' post='918202' date='Aug 7 2010, 06:16 PM']seeing all these nice basses you are selling molan, reminds me of going to the carnival when i was a young skipper. Lots of candy! only this is obviously just eye candy [/quote] Sometimes people come round just to 'play' for a while
  17. [quote name='Legion' post='918234' date='Aug 7 2010, 06:45 PM']Barrie, just to clarify - Clarkys post says its a P width neck, is that correct? It looks fairly slim in the photos.[/quote] It's not a 1.75" neck - I only have a ratty tape measure but it looks like a stock J width of 1.5" to me. Definitely narrower than the Fodera I have sitting next to it & that's a 1.625". It is quite rounded in shape though, definitely not as skinny as my, anorexic, '78J bass. I'm really no expert on J bass neck shapes but I'd say this slightly chunkier neck would be typical of the '63 it's supposed to represent?
  18. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='918200' date='Aug 7 2010, 06:14 PM']I realise you're looking for cash sales, Barrie, but do please let me know if you decide you'll accept trades on this bass. I probably don't have anything you'd be after, but "don't ask, don't get". [/quote] Hi Jack, I've agreed a price with a very friendly guy in Italy - just need to work out international transfer stuff really. Why do the damn banks try to charge £25 just to receive funds in Euros, grrrrr. . . .
  19. Due to a piece of, unforseen, fortune on another potential bass purchase I'll definitely listen to offers (or possible PX deals) on this beauty if anyone fancies a seriously nice P bass
  20. [quote name='RhysP' post='918168' date='Aug 7 2010, 05:31 PM']If I win any money on the lottery tonight I'm going to be really pissed off.[/quote] Not if it's a £1M jackpot
  21. Looks like sale number 1 in the big clear-out has been made & this should be heading over to Italy soon Plenty more basses on the way. . .
  22. [quote name='Beedster' post='917570' date='Aug 6 2010, 11:43 PM']Man. there are a lot of lovely basses for sale on here at the moment. That'll be gone by this time tomorrow! Chris[/quote] It almost was but back on the market again, lol
  23. [quote name='molan' post='898705' date='Jul 19 2010, 10:39 AM']Lyn Collins anyone? I recently bought Mama Feelgood (cost me a massive £1.93 on Amazon as I had a £2 voucher from a recent book purchase!). It's full of great classic funky grooves Here's one of my initial favourites: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_cTV2P9oWo"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_cTV2P9oWo[/url] The version I have is a couple of minutes longer but this gives a good feel for her.[/quote] Some more Lynn Collins for ya Check the dancers on this one
  24. I used to have a Streamer really similar to that fretted one. Sold it for stupid money years ago because I simply didn't know any better - the good old web has made us all so much better informed now, lol. Bet this one sounds great, those earlier Streamers had a great growly tone from what I remember
  25. I have to admit I saw him a few times live during the 'pop' years as my wife was a big fan. That touring band with Lee Sklar on bass, Daryl Steurmer on guitar, Chester Thompson on drums (as well as PC) and the amazing Earth Wind & Fire horns was something to behold. Funnily enough I actually saw the horns with EWF around the same time and the PC band was a much better show! Check those horns on this:
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