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Everything posted by molan

  1. Sorry - reason for asking was that I thought you might be better off getting a complete replica made so you'd have both a fretless and fretted version?
  2. Are you just getting a neck to fit the existing body or a complete new bass?
  3. Not sure if bass central sell eub or not - huge range of electric basses. Worth checking out
  4. I'm over in Spain so haven't been able to get the new album. I'll look out for a copy when I get back I've seen him a few times, Lyceum )I think) very early in his career, Wembley a couple of times and on the O2 21 nights series. Never a bad gig. I remember one of the Wenbley nights was the best live sound I've ever heard in a big v enue. Looking forward to the new album I must admit. Pretty sure I'll find some stuff on it I like PS BB5 - nice new avatar, Bobby W is my all time sould man hero! Seen him a few times, in some very small venues too
  5. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='890243' date='Jul 9 2010, 10:55 AM']Cheers Bernie, that very kind of you. I have made an offer on the one thats for sale, as after a bit of reading it does seem to be more suited to what im looking for. Im happy with my gear and never use anyone else's (we dont rehearse) but it seems like these things work really well with passive Jazz basses to just enhance the tone and thats exaclty what im after. If the sale falls through etc ill give you a shout when you get back. I work in Holborn (Hatton Garden) so i can get up to you any lunchtime. Have a great holiday.[/quote] Cool I'm the holborn side of cg so not far at all
  6. I really liked Planet Earth! Mind you I am a bit of a Prince freak, lol. I've had a real Prince-fest the past few days & have been playing loads of his stuff - had no idea there was a new album out though I always thought he was the artist most appropriate for CD's when I first started buying them. About half of each album is utter tripe but buried away there's always a few gems. With a CD he was the first person I discovered the 'skip' button. However he caught me out with early versions of LoveSexy - it only has one track so you can't just go straight to Anastesia which was the last track on side one of the LP.
  7. I've got the original Sad outboard pre - bought it years ago & it's been a Godsend in crappy rehearsal studios. I simply use it to bypass the studio pre-amp and go direct into the power amp, really cleans up the sound and some nice tonal variation too. I hardly ever use mine so you'd be welcome to borrow it. I'm on holiday for a week but back after that. I work in Covent Garden so could easily get it into Central London
  8. Spent an enjoyable hour standing on a street corner in Slough (yes, really - Slough!) with Clarky last night We arranged a multiple trade for a few things and he coudn't have been more helpful or organised! Definitely someone to trust if you're ever in the market to buy, sell or trade
  9. molan


    [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='887624' date='Jul 6 2010, 06:31 PM']They also depreciate like falling bricks - Someone wanted to trade me one a while ago for a £1500 bass until I told him I could buy his MTD Kingston Heir bass new for £799. At the time they were going used for £350. I have no idea how these far eastern versions compare with the American originals, though.[/quote] I tried one once - not even remotely the same bass as a US one Mind you, I think exactly the same about Spector & I don't rate the Euro ones at all compared to the US models but lots of other people say they are pretty damn close - I say. . . Yes, but not close enough
  10. If anyone is in doubt as to just how good this bass sounds then they really should get up to Joe to try it out. It really comes alive in a gig situation & sounds glorious. Jimmy Coppolo's pre-amp is the most 'musical' I've heard, so flexible & impossible to get a bad sound out of
  11. [quote name='Musicman20' post='886314' date='Jul 5 2010, 02:31 PM']Ohh! Intrigued I am....[/quote]
  12. [quote name='bubinga5' post='884521' date='Jul 3 2010, 03:18 AM']a few master cuts..this thread aint leavin Chuck Brown...Bustin Loose.....This funk is special its GO GO [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wevVoB9IdFg"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wevVoB9IdFg[/url][/quote] ooh I'd forgotten all about Chuck Brown, went to see him when he had the live in Washington album out. [i]It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that Go Go Swing[/i] Have we had any AWB yet?
  13. I'll have a read if it ever gets down this far in one piece. Funnily enough I've been listening to this recently:
  14. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='885287' date='Jul 4 2010, 10:38 AM']so..........if they're not actually yours, who likes you or trusts you so much to leave them with you haha[/quote] Now that would be 'telling', lol. All will be revealed fairly soon I think And, in answer to Rayman, I extended my insurance a month or so ago to cover as many individual items as I want up to £3,500 each (so long as the total doesn't go over £50K!). This wouldn't actually cover the Wooten but I've got a rider on the policy that covers me for two additional basses up to £6.5K - so far they haven't asked me to supply individual specs to I'm ok for now
  15. I must admit I don't think about it but I've noticed recently I'm using my index finger more & more for some songs - particularly Motown type stuff. Maybe it's the ghost of Jamerson whispering "use the hook" to me as I'm playing. . . [i]N.B. Not that I'm even trying to pretend I could ever sound remotely like the great God of bass [/i]
  16. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='885316' date='Jul 4 2010, 11:13 AM']haha great strings aren't they! are you getting along with your will lee?[/quote] Gigged it on Friday & it was great. So light and that narrow neck makes it a joy to whizz around on. If I could only keep one J shaped bass then the Celinder would just edge it but that's a purely personal 'tone' thing as I find the Celinder a little 'sweeter'. Back on topic for a second - I was trying strings out on Friday and swapped between three different brands very quickly (tried each set twice!) on the same bass and the Sunbeams were my favourite over my usual Elixirs. The Elixir were smoother to the touch but the Sunbeams had a great 'crunchy' tone which I preferred. I do think there's an element of different strings working better on different basses though - I was using a Fodera which is pretty 'critical' of just about every input (shows up my rubbish technique a treat!) and you could really hear the differences in each string. I ended up putting the original Fodera strings back on but only because they are a super light gauge, 40 - 95, and I liked the super slinky feel of these. Kinda fancy trying some 35 - 95's now. . .
  17. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='885307' date='Jul 4 2010, 11:04 AM']i think any of the Beams (high beams, fat beams, sun beams etc) are round core the rest are hex! [/quote] Ah ha - that would make sense, I was very lazy and only looked at three different DR string specs and they were all 'beams'! My only excuse is that the DR site was running at the speed of a slug and I couldn't be arsed to wait for the pages to turn
  18. Aren't almost all DR strings round core? I sometimes use Sunbeams and I know they are round core. The medium set are a nice mid way point for a lot of people as they go 45 65 80 100 - effectively 'standard' gauge for G & D but lighter for A & E. Really nice strings and I find them pretty flexible
  19. [quote name='Clarky' post='885131' date='Jul 3 2010, 11:03 PM']Sorry Barry, not a patch on your gorgeous Alleva Willie Weeks [/quote] Have you heard the WW in action? It's not my favourite song but it looks great and the core bass tone is very nice:
  20. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='885099' date='Jul 3 2010, 10:31 PM']How does the NYC compare to your Celinders?[/quote] Funnily enough I'm sitting here right now playing the NYC against the Sadowsky & the red Celinder The NYC is definitely the brightest of the three and has a real 'cutting edge' kinda tone. It has a passive treble roll off (as do both of the others) so it's easy to smooth this out if required. It's more modern & hi-fi sounding than the Celinder and I could imagine sounding great in the hands of someone (who's a far better player than I) in a modern jazz type scenario. That bright compressed sound with some bass boost would also sound great in a modern rock setting too as it would really cut through a mix I think. The Sadowsky has that classic mid-scooped tone (although mine has the mid boost option as well). Probably a bit more lower end punch than the NYC but bear in mind I'm playing all three basses totally flat and the pre-amp on the NYC has both boost & cut for treble and bass as well as the passive roll off. To my ears the Celinder is the most 'rounded' of the three and maybe the one that can get closet to the tones of each of the others. However this is obviously a really subjective view & my ears are far from perfect! I don't think there's anything between them in build quality but when you get up to this kind of price level I guess you'd expect them to be pretty near perfect! For reference I checked the US list price on them and my Will Lee would be $4,525 vs the NYC at $3,499 so there's $1,000 between them (although $200 of this is a fingerboard upgrade on the Will Lee). No idea how much an equivalent new Celinder might be these days! Overall I ahve to say that I'm really impressed with the NYC. I've been trading a few emails with Jason the general manager at Fodera over in the USA via TalkBass & I think whatever niggles existed in the range are a thing of the past. They are all finished by the same team in New York that make all Foderas with the same sort of fanatical attention to detail
  21. These two babies are currently residing at my place (although they aren't actually owned by me). They are so nice I just had to share The Wooten: And the NYC:
  22. [quote name='essexbasscat' post='884835' date='Jul 3 2010, 02:58 PM']Hi everyone Due to rig change around and GAS for another bass around here, up for grabs is one EBS proline 1 x 15 Henry cab. EBS 1 x 15 cabs gives that 'tight' focussed sound to the bottom end frequencies, often described as 'piano note' clarity. It's the model WITHOUT the tweeter, so it really will give you the bottom end from hell I'd like £250.00 for this one please I'll upload some pics soon thanks for looking T[/quote] Hey Tom - shouldn't this be in the amps & cabs section?
  23. Nice one Clarky - I've never actually seen an all black Alembic before!
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