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Everything posted by molan

  1. [quote name='JTUK' post='871764' date='Jun 19 2010, 02:47 PM']Do you mean the SM220? The only hints I can see are on the SWR Eng web owner manuals page but it not that helpful. If it is the 220 and the same age as a SM400...I'd run bass no more than 12...as they have some ususable low subs. I'd start with Treble at 12 as well. Everything esle as 'flat' on the para but maybe boasting low mids Here is what the site says in this regard NOTE: When a slider is in the “0” position, that band has no effect on your signal regardless of the position of the Frequency knob below. TIPS: If you need to “cut through” the band, try boosting the 200–400Hz range. If you like a more transparent or “scooped” sound, try cutting in the 800Hz range. The enhancer between 10 and 2 for a kind of preset filter sound I had to use this to remind me [url="http://www.swrsound.com/support/manuals/"]http://www.swrsound.com/support/manuals/[/url][/quote] It is officially called a Studio 220 (or sometimes an ST220) but it is effectively an SM400 with a smaller power amp. I think the SM400 was released a couple fo years before the ST220 but the ST was an update of the PB200 which came out before the SM400 so the core design of the ST is older than the SM400. There's pics & history of the older models here [url="http://www.swrsound.com/support/vintage.php#proamps"]http://www.swrsound.com/support/vintage.php#proamps[/url] The original SM400 cam with a manual that listed about 5 different set ups for the graphic & other tone settings. I think also some 'blank' diagrams for people to store their favourite settings. I did find a batch of them online from a different manual but the 'studio' one wasn't there. I found 'rock', reggae' etc.
  2. Dug out my PC laptop & tried Explorer, Firefox & Chrome - each one simply saying stuff like: [i]Server not found Firefox can't find the server at www.bassmerchant.com.[/i] [i]Oops! Google Chrome could not find www.bassmerchant.com[/i]
  3. Totally refuses to open for me - it's been like this for about three days. I sent them a message via EBay, I wonder if it's a browser based problem? I'm using Safari - on my new iMac
  4. I've got a new set of Dr BootZilla strings I can put on it as well
  5. Just picked up a Studio 22 and wanted to try some of SWR's recommended tone settings that I remember from my SM400 days. Seem to remember I quite liked the 'studio' setting
  6. I'm voting for butterscotch as well
  7. [quote name='theosd' post='870921' date='Jun 18 2010, 04:57 PM']Fair enough. On closer inspection it's more like £32 including postage anyway! I'll pass then thanks, sure someone will want them. I'll save for some black beauties![/quote] You're right, it's the postage that whacks the price up on lower cost orders
  8. [quote name='theosd' post='870870' date='Jun 18 2010, 03:29 PM']Can get a new set of sunbeams for £22 from Thomann.. fancy taking £15 for a set?[/quote] I got a quote from Thomann at £51.32 for two sets earlier today? [i]Edit - they also said £29.80 for one box which is why I quoted £28 as the best price I'd seen for a single set.[/i]
  9. One set of the Sunbeams has gone along with the pre-cut set. This leaves two sets of boxed Sunbeams & the EB Slinkies up for sale. Sunbeams seem to be £28 at most of the specialist places so I'm looking for £20 each plus postage. I'd like £15 for the EB's (taking into account there's a couple od spare strings here).
  10. Although I'm up to 10 or so basses now I know that there's always room for more! On the list of things I'd like to own but are up in the very high price bracket would be a Fodera Victor Wooten: And an Alembic MK Signature
  11. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='869400' date='Jun 16 2010, 08:23 PM']Hampstead Heath is a really nice place, its just certain parts have a bit of a funny reputation. Dont forget to go down to the Bass Cellar and make fun of the monkeys.[/quote] Ah, the good old Bass Cellar, I popped in the other day to see how long I could be totally ignored by the staff. The answer was that the 'staff' didn't look up from playing bluegrass on a Fender Strat at any point whilst I was in the shop, I'm used to getting a surly glance when I go in but this time I didn't even manage to raise even that much. I wonder if they ever sell anything?
  12. I've become a complete convert to Elixir strings (especially the super light 40-95 set!). I discovered I have three sets of DR Sunbeams that I've never opened - one set are in a slightly different box to the other two but I did buy them all at the same time. They are 45 / 65 / 80 / 100, nice gauge if you like a standard high pair but want a little less heft for the E & A strings I've got a 4th set in the same gauge that have been cut for a 2 a side headstock that have been used for 1 90 minute gig. Although I know it's a long shot I thought I'd see if there was anyone out there that might have some Elixirs they'd just like to swap for the Sunbeams? Just being lazy really & trying to do everything in one go rather than selling the DR's & then buying Elixirs with the money raised, lol. Elixirs & DR's seem to be similar prices (maybe Elixirs are £2 more expensive?), happy to contribute a bit extra towards postage or maybe take some very low use Elixirs in exchange for the new DR's. If not then I'll stick them up for sale if I don't get any trade responses after a couple of days. I also have a brand new set of Ernie Ball Regular Slinky in a proper 'man's' gauge of 50 / 70 / 85 / 105. These came with a spare 50 & 85 for some reason! They have been removed from original plastic cover but still have all the paper wrappings. Never fitted or anything, just picked them up with a bass I purchased recently. Happy to offer these up plus some cash for Elixirs as well
  13. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='866022' date='Jun 13 2010, 03:10 PM']Wow, makes me want to do a Parliment tribute act, LOL! Funkalicious, baby [/quote] I always thought it would be a great bass to bring out for encores at the end of our disco set
  14. Hey Rich, Might be worth linking to my old for sale thread - it has some different pics you could use but also a really nice vid link to a fellow BC'er playing some very tastefu Jamiroquai :)l
  15. The school hall is set well away from the street - someone would have to walk across the car park / playground, go through the front entrance into a foyer area and then into the hall itself. Can keep just one entrance to the hall open (from the foyer) - highly unlikely to get any people just passing by
  16. Ah ha, I wondered where this had gone - very nice bass
  17. Well, technically I have no less than four sig basses - All bought for very different reasons: Sadowsky Will Lee - because I really like the idea of a very narrow nut width & I can see that the mid boost switch would be very useful live. I think WL is a fine player but I wouldn't buy a bass just because it had his name on it. Alleva Coppolo Willie Weeks - quite a departure for Jimmy Coppolo to build a P bass with a pair of J pickups and his full active J circuitry. This was very appealing as I liked the idea of a P body but prefer two pickups. However I have to own up that part of the appeal of this one was because it actually belonged to WW himself and went round the world on a Clapton tour. Performance Louis Johnson Dragon - again I'm an admirer of Lj's work but not enough to buy a bass just because he helped in the design. Big attraction of this was that it's hand made by a great luthier team and this particular one is actually not a 'standard' LJ signature because it has an additional J pickup in the neck position instead of LJ's 'stock' design which has a single humbucker at the bridge. Traben Bootsy - no excuse at all for this one. I'm a huge Bootsy fan & always loved his star shaped basses. When one became available at a price I could afford I snapped it up, bought totally on a whim and hardly played but I like it a lot & it's the combination of his influence and crazy shape that I like (although I've just stuck it up for sale as I really don't play it enough & it seems a shame!)
  18. [quote name='Bloodaxe' post='865913' date='Jun 13 2010, 01:24 PM']I have [i]no idea[/i] what you're talking about. However, if I can blag a lift, the Bloody Explorer might make an appearance. [color="#FFFACD"][size=1][i](note to self: - draw the curtains next time)[/i][/size][/color][/quote] Bloodaxe was a comic figure in the Spawn series - loosely based on Eric the Bloodaxe a Norse viking character (or something along those lines, lol). I think also in other comics like Marvel's Thor etc
  19. [quote name='Bloodaxe' post='865902' date='Jun 13 2010, 01:05 PM']You've just given me a cunning idea... Hopefully more later.[/quote] You're not coming in full 'bloodaxe' fancy dress are you?
  20. [quote name='Bloodaxe' post='865895' date='Jun 13 2010, 12:58 PM'][b]I.D.[/b] Previous bashes have gone with a sign-in sheet & sticky labels with all writing on - seems to work.[/quote] Might look a bit cheesy but a label with site nick-name & then 'real' first name might help people to identify each other?
  21. [quote name='Beedster' post='865837' date='Jun 13 2010, 12:02 PM']Hi folks Many thanks for the above, and apologies for taking my time to respond. First session with the new SR16 (courtesy of Molan) this afternoon, I'll let you know how it goes. C[/quote] Wow that arrived quickly That extra 90p was obviously well spent, lol. Hope it works well Chris
  22. [quote name='molan' post='786337' date='Mar 25 2010, 10:07 PM']If something else sells then I'll hang on to it, lol. And sell, something else did [/quote] But then I bought another bass (or three!) so thought I'd better get the merry-go-round spinning again So, back up for sale at £1,200 - happy to consider trades for something of lower value that's reasonably easy to sell at a later date E.G. USA Fenders, Lakland Skyline, Musicman etc. I found a stack of pics of the bass as well - some showing the super funky purple lined case Apologies for all the Music Farm watermarks - all these pics came from their site which is where I bought the bass. Will ship anywhere but please bear in mind that it comes in an oversized case so it may be a little more expensive that a standard sized bass.
  23. Might be worth reducing your image sizes Mark. They are coming up on my machine as being reduced by 97% and each image size is close to 1MB. This means it can take the page quite a while to load on a wireless connection. Maybe some people aren't waiting that long Looks pretty cool though
  24. [quote name='dood' post='863898' date='Jun 11 2010, 12:23 AM']I'm watching the RC50 demo videos now Cheers Molan! Keep 'em coming! - I'll drop Josh and Steve a line too.[/quote] Steve is well worth an evening of your time if he ever plays live anywhere near you. Lovely guy & good teacher too. Here's some vids: Simple demo At work With Lobelia
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