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Everything posted by molan

  1. The NV115 is a fine cab but it needs a powerful current amp to work at its best. I can't explain exactly why this is (maybe the closed cab design and relatively low sensitivity) but it doesn't seem to particularly suit the small modern class D 500w heads. Great with a chunky Ampeg with some power amp valves kicking out the watts It needs a bit of bedding in as well. Definitely sounds better once it's had some decent use at a reasonable volume. One of those rare cabs that is almost better to buy used rather than new.
  2. Damn, how did I miss this! I've been looking for an S2 with the 32" scale option for ages
  3. [quote name='mentalextra' timestamp='1492330971' post='3279395'] The problem is that I don't think Joolz cares what the expert muso audience thinks, because he is aiming the show at what he feels is 'educating' the TOTPs crowd [/quote] He doesn't have anything to do with selecting the bands - he's just the presenter. Doesn't even know who's on until quite late some weeks.
  4. [quote name='Conrad' timestamp='1492095351' post='3277921'] Yes it does have rosewood board but i didnt think old rosewood is a problem with new regs am i wrong ? [/quote] Age doesn't matter - if you don't have the correct certificate for export and import it could be impounded. You can ship in Europe whilst we're still an EU country but anywhere else could have problems. You'd also need to get import and export stuff sorted so that you don't pay U.K. import duties and VAT when it comes back. I'd definitely get it sorted here. Plenty of good people out there
  5. I always use; https://www.ampvalves.co.uk Great service and Stu is a top valve amp repair guy. I'm sure he could help when choosing valves for a Mesa.
  6. [quote name='E sharp' timestamp='1492154717' post='3278280'] Or also , that Randy Hope Taylor Modulus twin pick up Flea bass . I bought a 5 string SEI Jazz at The Gallery, when it was a toss up between both of them . In hindsight , I bought the wrong bass . It's another bass that has popped up on here for sale a few times over the years , but had silence now for ages . One of the best basses I've ever tried . [/quote] The Flea was mine for a few years. Gigged it quite regularly. Last I heard it had gone to Scandinavia.
  7. For sure - if you want something cheap that doesn't sound great and is a hassle to work with then multi-effects are the way to go. . .
  8. Warren recently bought a, particularly beautiful, bass from me. I was very sad to see it go but especially pleased it's gone to such a good home. Great communications throughout the buying / selling process and everything went very smoothly. Definitely someone I'd trust completely in any transaction
  9. Amazing instruments - one of the best fretless basses I've ever played. Sourcing one of these new now would easily hit £5,500!
  10. Is it this one? http://classicandcoolguitars.co.uk/sold_basses/billysheehanyamaha.htm Copy text appears to be the same.
  11. Totally agree with this. I've tried a few multi effect pedals and every one falls short of the pedals they are trying to emulate. Complete pain in the donkey to work with as well
  12. I have one of these to sit underneath my Jule Monique. Great little amps with a really detailed and powerful sound. I remember Paul Turner testing one in the store one morning. We put it up against a few other things and it beat them all for clean power and not to note definition
  13. [quote name='noise_art' timestamp='1488364156' post='3248205'] I don't like anything form Aguilar, but it's really stunning bass! Good luck with this sale! [/quote] I don't think I've ever met anyone that dislikes the entire Aguilar range! So are you saying you've tried and don't like the DB, GS and SL speakers, DB 751 head, Tone Hammer heads and all the pickups, pre-amps and pedals? I'm genuinely amazed at this. . .
  14. Damn, I'm having a bit of a clear out of basses at the moment but really want one of these!
  15. I think I've got the original spec on this somewhere. I'll see if I can find it for you.
  16. I had one of these as my main gigging cab, paired with an SM400, for q good few years. Absolutely loved it in that combination and it only went because I needed something smaller for a while.
  17. This looks really nice. The top on the Deluxe versions really makes a difference. My favourite of all the Skyline models from Lakland. Someone will be really happy with this
  18. I went to the celebration of Vic's life gig tonight. Very emotional but great to see his basses and his new custom Ritter fan-fret in particular. Lots of people up and playing and amazing to see a certain Mr P Turner using Vic's beloved Yamaha Attitude on Superstition and Play That Funky Music White Boy! I miss our Vic so much but lovely to natter with family and friends and share some memories.
  19. My first bass was an Olympic White Musicmaster back in '78. Sold it for a Pro One synth in the '80's and have been missing it ever since I keep thinking about buying one just to noodle around on at home and this looks a really nice example!
  20. Matthew bought a cab from me recently. Really friendly & a great guy to natter to - sale was super-smooth and hassle free
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