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Everything posted by molan

  1. Wow this looks nice, do you know what the LTD Edition classification was about this compared to the 'regular' Custom Shop CS basses?
  2. [quote name='BigRedX' post='855751' date='Jun 3 2010, 10:04 AM']That's the one. I thought it was either than or a Roland Pickup. I seem to remember reading somewhere that Martin gave up on serial numbers because he didn't see the point as every bass was different![/quote] I actually had a chat with Martin about this yesterday and the principal reason he stopped inserting the brass placque was becuase of the chemicals used to manufacture it were really not very nice. I don't think he holds detailed records of every bass because of the individuality. From memort the Original is something like #11 or #18 so it's a very early one. My new Flam is #60 so still early(ish).
  3. [quote name='BigRedX' post='855658' date='Jun 3 2010, 08:24 AM']Molan, what's the thing between the bridge and the pickup?[/quote] Is it the brass coloured bit? If so it's a 'label' with serial # etc - he stopped doing them at some point as they were very fidly & used some nasty chemicals to etch the brass plate.
  4. [quote name='deksawyer' post='855603' date='Jun 3 2010, 01:02 AM']I know Gil and he's for real. Amazing player too..... The thing is though, he'd really like a Wal but thinks they're too heavy. My Wal is heavy, but with the right strap it's a breeze. He's big enough to stick up for himself as well! D.[/quote] Hey D - if Gil is a friend then it might be worth giving him a gentle nudge to actually let people know which basses are for sale, maybe some history on their age and condition etc. I think it highly unlikely that anyone is going to part with £1,800 without this basic kind of info. Plenty of people here with that kind of money for a bass (I've bout & sold several!) and an NYC Sadowsky is really one of the easiest high end basses to sell
  5. [quote name='Veils' post='823435' date='Apr 29 2010, 09:22 PM']Jealous you guys. I've lusted after an Original 5 for years now [/quote] My ld one is at the Gallery right now - it's a beauty: [url="http://www.thebassgallery.com/product_details.cfm?ID=1395&type=Bass%20Guitar"]http://www.thebassgallery.com/product_deta...e=Bass%20Guitar[/url] Very early build and hsa a few features not found in the newer ones - not least the lovely purfling around the finger board (hard to see in these pics).
  6. [quote name='bassmanady' post='855152' date='Jun 2 2010, 05:58 PM']Very,very nice Barrie...that looks great...bet it sounds as good as it looks [/quote] Thanks Ady, I've been playing off and on all evening - it's got a really nice growl to it, quite a different sound from anything else I have. Eq on the amp needs a fair bit of tweaking compared to my usual settings. It's just so well built, Martin really is a master craftsman
  7. So I popped in to see Al & Martin today ostensibly to pick up my '78 J which had been 'sorted' by Martin. He'd also cleaned up my Sei original which Al has up for sale. I mentioned to Al how much I liked the Flamboyant 4 he had and he made me a good offer & I just couldn't resist & walked away with it Another fabulous example of Martin's work - I've wanted a headless flamboyant for ages and this one is particularly nice: Ash body with Aboina facings and a lovely ebony board.
  8. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='854409' date='Jun 2 2010, 06:42 AM']looks awesome! let me know when you decide to sell it [/quote] You know me too well Anyway - I've only sold one amp & a bass & bought two new basses this week (excluding the WW AC) so my thirst for a 'deal' may be sated for a few days. . .
  9. I wish someone would step in and buy this - I'm still missing my most recent NS5XL
  10. There's this pic with three different Sadowsky 5 strings that seems to be something to do with gilbass as well? [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=37636"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?act=attach...st&id=37636[/url]
  11. [quote name='molan' post='838401' date='May 15 2010, 08:26 PM']I must admit that I'm really excited about this one![/quote] And it's arrived! Been playing for the last hour or so & just don't want to put it down It has that great Alleve Coppolo tone - just seems to be impossible to get a bad sound out of it - even in my hands, lol. I'll try to write up a review soon but in the meantime here's some of the original pics the previous owner sent me:
  12. I was very much a prog man (well - boy actually!) back in the early - mid 70's. Yes, Genesis and Gentle Giant were probably my favourites at the time. I used to go and see anyone who might play locally and discovered all sorts of little gems like Greenslade & Fruupp, drifted into Gong and Steve Hillage for a while, struggled with King Crimson & Mahavishnu type bands who were just too 'technical' for me & never really got ELP who I just found too pompous & just a little dull. I've never really listened to enough modern prog to have an opinion - need to try a bit harder I think!
  13. Great colour - I've not seen one like this before
  14. [quote name='bubinga5' post='851013' date='May 29 2010, 12:02 PM']Ill take your 50th Rich.. Other than that i would go for a Custom Shop to my spec.... Leaving Fender behind (which i would for this) i would go for a Pensa Jazz...I would have one of these over a AC, Celinder...i nearl bought this once but it fell through for various reasons Awsome awsome basses....[/quote] That's interesting BB5 - where did you get to try out a Suhr? I've only ever seen them for sale in the States but, like pretty much everything these days, I guess some have made their way over here. They seem to 'only' sell for about $1,500 on the used market so not that expensive at all
  15. [quote name='molan' post='850930' date='May 29 2010, 09:38 AM']Although I think there are so many nice Fender Jazzes out there my vote goes into the 'super' category I'm afraid. Alleva Coppolo who somehow manage to out-vintage an old Fender (and with 5 strings if that's your thing) but with far greater flexibility of tonal options[/quote] Who'd have thought it - my comments on the Alleva Coppolo magic obviously put some positive vibes out into the ether & when the post arrived this morning there was a note to say my latest aquisition was awaiting payment of custos cuties and would be delivered on Wednesday. With a bit of quick thinking I managed to get across to the postal storage depot and pay the duties in person & bring it home with me right there and then It's actually a P bass body with J pickups in it and it's just so nice to play. In passive mode & tone rolled off it has a great vintage tone and the neck, with vintage tint, and rosewood board are just lovely to play. Anyway - it's technically a P bass so I'll stop going off topic and post some more notes elsehwere I would seriously urge anyone thinking of a high end J to try out an AC though, very, very nice basses that, IMHO, do live up to the hype (in fact I like them so much I've already ordered another. . .)
  16. Although I think there are so many nice Fender Jazzes out there my vote goes into the 'super' category I'm afraid. Alleva Coppolo who somehow manage to out-vintage an old Fender (and with 5 strings if that's your thing) but with far greater flexibility of tonal options Celinder for such amazing playability a lovely core tone Sadowsky for luscious finishes and 'that' punchy sound which is still so good live
  17. Try emailing Steve Rowse - he's a top valve amp expert and knows his way around SVTs [url="http://www.stevesamps.co.uk/"]http://www.stevesamps.co.uk/[/url]
  18. Excellent - this sounds like one of those "everyone's a winner" deals
  19. Hi Chris, When you say 1978 / 1980 does that mean it was made somewhere between these years or something like it's a '78 body with an '80 neck? Also - do you know roughly how much it weighs and which of the various P bass neck profiles and nut widths it has? My old '76 had a really chunky neck and weighed a ton but I think Fenders from around this era varied quite a lot
  20. [quote name='molan' post='845816' date='May 23 2010, 03:47 PM']I ran the on-stage monitor mix for them once about 7-8 years ago. Absolutely great fun & a really nice bunch. I had a fascinating conversation with Dave Brock about rust problems on '70's Mercs and where to find the cheapest replacement parts, lol.[/quote] ooh - just remembered that 'Brocky' gave me a luminescent star that he had stuck on to the headstock of his guitar after the gig. I still have it somewhere - will have to fix it on to one of my basses, the Bootsy is the most obvious candidate
  21. [quote name='Gwilym' post='849880' date='May 27 2010, 10:22 PM']was just thinking that if Molan didn't change the strings on that Sei Jazz after he bought it from me, it may well have been Hi-Beams on there when you got it.[/quote] Good shout - of course I have no idea if I changed them or not, lol. In terms of DR's I must admit I quite like the Sunbeams but I used for a while but went back to Elixirs because I'm a wimp and they are softer on my fingers!
  22. [quote name='Mattrules83' post='849834' date='May 27 2010, 09:34 PM']£1150 cash on collection, if you say yes i will double check when i can get the money out the bank. Matt[/quote] That's a big YES from me Around most of the weekend if that's any use? I'll send you a PM to confirm, [i]And now SOLD [/i]
  23. [quote name='BoomBass' post='848793' date='May 26 2010, 06:58 PM']Hi Molan, I actually don't know, but I do know that I have bought quite a few basses in the UK, and they have never been subject to any VAT or import duties. Overall, I find it very hard to imagine that you'd have to pay anything, and I am sure that VAT is definitely out of the question. Import duties also sound unlikely within the UK - that's the whole idea, right? Free movement of goods, services and workforce... I have shipped a few basses to Germany in the past, and they were never subject to additional taxes neither.[/quote] Thanks Boom, it was a Danish guy that told me import duties & VAT were payable - I actually pulled back on a deal becuase of this! I must admit that I thought there was free trade across all EU member countries. I'll try to do some more digging
  24. Hey Boom - do you know if a bass imported from Denmark is subject to VAT & Import duties when it hits the UK? I've been told by someone in the past that there were additional duties on a Danish import even though Denmark is in the EU
  25. molan


    Sadowsky onboard pre with VTC has gotta be worth £200 alone!
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