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Everything posted by molan

  1. I'd like to know more about the nitro finish - does it really make that much difference to the 'sound' of a bass? I know it feels really nice but is the potential for it to be damaged more easily an acceptable trade-off for an improvement in tone? I'd also be interested in how he selects his woods. He's 'famous' for having access to some amazing woods - such as the Dalbergia Negra fingerborads. How does he get hold of these rare woods and how does he choose which ones might sound best?
  2. [quote name='birdy' post='847252' date='May 25 2010, 10:08 AM']I would ask about the prospect of a PJ. I think Jimmy hasn't dismissed the idea but was struggling to get time to design the pickups correctly but would be interested to know? Steve[/quote] Well - I have an AC in customs right now with a P body & scratchplate but a pair of J pickups so he can certainly handle the routing oK
  3. I've updated my signature - happy to bring anything that's on there really By June 27th I should also have the Alleva Willie Weeks Signature: Possibly another Alleva Coppolo 1600 LTD in trans cherry spalted maple And, hopefully a Performance Bass P in a lovely nitro ivory finish with a white plate and all black hardware - these Performance basses really are very nice indeed, I'll definitely have my Louis Johnson Signature with me anyway:
  4. Sorry to hear that Gary - hope everything works out for you More pics of the bass from the porn section here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=80989&st=0&p=776059&#entry776059"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...mp;#entry776059[/url]
  5. Blimey - £600 for one of these is a very good price indeed. I'm sure they were more like £800 - £1,000 on the used market just a year or so ago!
  6. Wow - I don't even play 6 string guitar but even I love this one. I'm a sucker for sea foam green
  7. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='845874' date='May 23 2010, 05:02 PM']I know it's cliche but f*** me I want this.[/quote] I can take payments in instalments if that helps
  8. After a lot of initial interest it seems everything has gone very quiet Happy to consider trades on anything that might be easy to sell - probably more interested in basses than amps but you never know. . .
  9. molan


    Wow, this looks really nice Mark! Nice to see you have your sandals on today too
  10. I ran the on-stage monitor mix for them once about 7-8 years ago. Absolutely great fun & a really nice bunch. I had a fascinating conversation with Dave Brock about rust problems on '70's Mercs and where to find the cheapest replacement parts, lol. Excellent gig too, some really nice playing across the band, really liked the drummer (Richard Chadwick I think). Huw Lloyd-Langton was on guitar & it turned out he lives really near me. I spot him around town now & then but I don't think he's very well these days.
  11. [quote name='mike13' post='845782' date='May 23 2010, 02:41 PM']Price is $6500.00AUD it will be in London June 24th 2010,pix to follow[/quote] That's about £3,750 at today's exchange rates
  12. I must admit that this has happened to me a few times but I came to the conclusion that there are no real out & out bargains to be had on EBay that haven't been spotted by someone here as well as me. I've PM'd people a few times about stuff I think they might fancy (rather than posting in the Ebay section) and almost every time they've already spotted it and are 'watching' it on the Bay.
  13. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' post='845302' date='May 22 2010, 07:33 PM']according to the MXR / dunlop rep, there won't be any in this country until at least november, and the retail will be in the region of £180! They wonder why so many people buy from the states!?![/quote] Lots of UK dealers are advertising them as being in stock already Street price ranges from £120 to £150
  14. I'm watching the JT & CK gig right now - I love CK's voice now that she's become a little throatier (is that an Ok word to use, lol?). They are out on tour all over the place together at the moment but nothing mentioned about coming to the UK yet. Jimmy J's playing on the JT live album is awesome, just fabulous in places and a tone to die for. Super nice guy too I've seen Lee Sklar live a few times and he's pretty cool, always a great core tone to his playing as well.
  15. I keep seeing ads for this on TalkBass and quite fancy trying one out. I use the MXR Auto-Q at the moment which generally does what I need but I'm assuming the fact they've bought out another envelope type pedal means the new one must sound different? Looks quite cool too:
  16. You know , there are times when I think I'm pretty bad at the good old bass revolving door syndrome but I'm pleased to see that you continually keep me looking half way sane, lol. I have a string of J styled basses if you want to borrow one whilst you make the big decision about what bass to buy next ? My Shuker J might be just perfect? I haven't played it for 2-3 months and it's sitting at rehearsal venue if you fancy it for a bit?
  17. Very nice little rig I'd love to try one of these out. . .
  18. Seriously impressed Urb - I work in a media industry that is awards obsessed so I know just how hard it is to actually win one of these things! Hope you got completely smashed at the awards dinner
  19. I haven't seen him live for years, last time was at the RFH I think & I had backstage passes but was way too shy to even say hello in the tiny little bar there. I did say hi to George Duke but only because he spoke to me first, lol. Great live sound - I know this sounds a bit obvious but he really sounds like he does on the albums - unlike some people who get buried in the mix & you can't hear them properly.
  20. [quote name='lozbass' post='844121' date='May 21 2010, 01:36 PM']The news offers a bit of stress relief for me. Sombody has snagged an absolute bargain![/quote] Me too - I don't really 'need' something like this but it was such a great price for a really nice looking bass - I've been biting my typing fingers to stop me making a play for it, lol.
  21. [quote name='lee650' post='843558' date='May 20 2010, 09:17 PM']Hi barrie Iv used a three guitar rockstand for years, but i must say the foam on the bottom splits eventually, exposing the metal, not good for your nice expensive basses, i have a double hercules one too, and ive had no bother, but the footprint is massive, have you thought about wall mounting them?[/quote] Cheers Lee, I've got the double Hercules but I agree about the footprint, it's not far off the same overall space as a 5 in a row stand. My little music room isn't very well designed for wall mounting becuase of windows, doors & radiators Quik-Lok is looking like the favourite now - thanks for the pic Dubs, really useful to see one in-situ. Cheapest I've see a 5 slot stand is £70 though.
  22. I tried out one of the Hercules stands - absolutely hopeless! It simply won't balance a J shaped bass at all. You have to carefully balance the bass against the little foam rubber pad at te back and the slightest knock send them flying. It's been discontinued now, I wonder why. . . Also spotted a QuickLok one but haven't seen it up close:
  23. Do you know which pre-amp this has? Doesn't look like the Greengrove active units he uses these days/
  24. [quote name='birdy' post='843268' date='May 20 2010, 04:31 PM']I have just played this bass again and its as good as I remembered it. You will not get a better 5 string passive P bass anywhere on the planet. I am no fan of antigua but this bass is stunning in the flesh, its more of a grey burst and the fingerboard wood is delightful. I told Steve that he is mad to be selling this as it would cost well over £3000 to get one of these from the States. Steve[/quote] +1 to all of the above! As Loz mentioned earlier, the list on these from Jimmy is now up around the $5,000 mark without shipping or import duties etc.
  25. I think I've seen SoundsLive listing them at £499 already
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