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Everything posted by molan

  1. [quote name='Cairobill' post='842564' date='May 19 2010, 09:40 PM']It's very, very close to one of the best basses I have ever played, the baby blue Me'Shell Celinder at the gallery.... Hmmmm CB[/quote] I still dream of that one, lol. Got frighteningly close to owning it at one point but it wasn't to be
  2. [quote name='Fat Rich' post='841980' date='May 19 2010, 01:05 PM']When I first saw buckeye burl I wanted some on a bass, but I seem to be going off it.... it's so in your face and hardly looks like wood. I'm sure it's one of those woods that photos can't do justice to, and I haven't seen any close up but I think I prefer something a bit more subtle. Bet it's a fantastic bass though![/quote] Funnilly enough I went the opposite way, lol. Didn't like the look of buckeye at all (or spalted maple) when it first started appearing. It's really grown on me now though and I'd have no hesitation buying one if the right bass came along I agree about the 'fantastic bass' bit - I've never played a Fodera but everything I hear about them is uniformly excellent!
  3. I think the 'tonewood' thing is just the fact that it's a particularly dense form of rosewood Probably about as close as you can get to the density and strength of a Stus board whilst still being wood It's also really nice to look at and play, just a lovely piece of wood really. I don't know how long Jimmy had this in stock but I think he's a very responsible user of wood and it would have been from before it became banned from further use.
  4. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='840985' date='May 18 2010, 03:35 PM']Okay, what's DN? Not everyone will know I suspect. Peter[/quote] Dalbergia nigra [i](or negra)[/i] From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Bahia Rosewood, Brazilian Rosewood, Rio Rosewood, Jacarandá De Brasil, Pianowood, Caviuna, or Obuina (Dalbergia nigra) is a species of legume in the Fabaceae family. It is found only in Brazil, from the eastern forests of Bahia to Rio de Janeiro. It is threatened by habitat loss, since most of its habitat has been converted to farmland. Due to its endangered status, it is CITES-listed, and illegal to trade. As with other kinds of rosewood, this timber is very hard and dense. It is used for flooring, and for building furniture, wands and [b]musical instruments[/b]. It is also used for turnery such as wooden chess sets, bowls, platters, candlesticks, etc. Basically it's a particularly rare form of rosewood that is no longer available because it's endangered. Very desirable tonewood & lovely finish making it sounds great and really nice to play. Carried a big price premium when available!
  5. [quote name='Toasted' post='840878' date='May 18 2010, 02:19 PM']Keith, from the knob closest the pickguard: Vol / Vol / Vintage Tone Control / Treble / Bass I could bring it over one night this week if you'd like a play? It's a really nice bass.[/quote] That VTC is the killer control - really sweet operation and lets you set up a core tone & then just gradually roll high end off depending on individual song requirements Saves a lot of faffing about with bass / treble & amp controls to cover a hell of a lot of live gigging requirements!
  6. Lovely, is that some kind of vintage tint on the neck? It's much darker than either of my J Updates.
  7. [quote name='Merton' post='840105' date='May 17 2010, 08:00 PM']No uk pricing for the MB200 head (that i've seen yet). BUT... My bro in law flies to LA next week. Hmm... Shall i?[/quote] Is it multi-voltage? I nearly made a mistake with the Shuttles - the 6.0 is dual voltage but the 3.0 isn't.
  8. Fabulous bass, can't rate Jimmy Coppolo's work highly enough Really comes alive in a band situation as well and that pre-amp is super flexible - everything from those classic J tones through to a much more 'modern' sound if required. The DN board is super rare & no longer available as all the sources of wood are exhausted - varying quotes on the cost of these as an upgrade but generally believed to be between $1,000 & $1,500 ov er the standard LG classic. About the closest you'd get to one of these now would be Jimmy's Classic Supreme range which would come in at over $6,000. The DN board would be a further upgrade on one of these so a total cost could be pushing $6,500 - $7,000. At today's money that's £4,500+ without allowing for shipping and import duties (which would add another £1,000!).
  9. The cabs are super lightweight too: [url="http://www.gallien-krueger.com/products_mbe_series.html"]http://www.gallien-krueger.com/products_mbe_series.html[/url] The 2x12 is just 34 lbs - I thought my old Begantino 1x12's were light at 31lbs! That's also lighter than the Shuttle 2x10 cab @ 37lbs. . .
  10. [quote name='Eight' post='838998' date='May 16 2010, 04:59 PM']I went for the monthly option. Near enough equates (cost-wise) to one extra bass lesson a month, so if they keep the promise of uploading new stuff daily then it could be a very good thing for me.[/quote] Have you seen any content yet? I can't help feeling a bit sceptical that they will have enough to justify daily updates
  11. It's really tough to choose without actually listening to either of them In terms of 'brand' name then Eden is a bigger & better known brand with greater visibility. The 4x10 was pretty much THE touring cab of choice, along with the SWR Goliath, for lots of pro musicians for many years. You'll still see Edens all over the place in pro bands (especially in the US). This doesn't mean it's essentially any 'better' than the DR Bass (although it will sound different given the speaker configuration) but may mean it would be easier to sell at a later date. It's also a 4 ohm which is good if you want to release max power from whatever amp you choose but not so good if you'd ever want to add an additional cab as a lot of amps will struggle to run at 2 ohms. Mini review of the Eden here: [url="http://www.talkbass.com/reviews/showproduct.php/product/496/cat/28"]http://www.talkbass.com/reviews/showproduc...duct/496/cat/28[/url]
  12. I always carry my old Sadowsky outboard pre-amp pedal as emergency backup. Luckily I've never needed it at a gig but I have used it at the odd rehearsal room with a knackered amp & simply bypassed the pre. Works really well like this - certainly better than some of the nasty Ashdown pre's in one rehearsal place I used to use! Plenty of small amps around these days but all relatively expensive if they're not going to be used A used Shuttle 3.0 is probably the lowest price option - enough power for most gigs if you're running into 4 ohms and/or have PA support as well
  13. Ooh, I saw this on the Bay & thought it looked really nice - you'll have to let us know what it sounds like
  14. [quote name='Rachel' post='839494' date='May 17 2010, 09:03 AM']Thanks guys - that does look good! And a great price, too. This is what I found last night, I think it looks pretty sweet, what do you lot think? [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=78972"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=78972[/url] Cheers x[/quote] Another good 'does everything' kinda cab. I guess that's the beauty of 12's these days, plenty of low end without losing mids. Personally I've always thought Eden cabs look really cool with those gold coloured tweeters, lol. Definitely a pro piece of kit (which comes with the usual weight problems - at 78lbs it's a substantial lift - nothing like the XLT4x10 I had which was a frightening 98lbs!). Eden heads are very nice as well if you want a 'matching' pair. The World Tour heads often come up for sale at reasonable prices
  15. I have a Mesa Boogie shock rack for my SVTII There's some pics here : [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=86917"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=86917[/url] I did get one offer for the amp without the rack so there's an outside chance I might be able to sell the rack on its own. Doesn't have any wheels though so maybe not any use for you. I can lift it on my own but it's a 2 man job ideally - especially if any sort of distance is involved! They are pretty bomb-proof though - which is very useful with all those valves to protect
  16. A few silly offers from the lovely EBay (two people suggested free shipping to mainland Europe!) but nothing firm so I thought I'd reduce the price here down by £100. At £1,150 and with a case worth £150 that makes the amp alone a value of £1,000 - must be a very good price for something this desirable & in such immaculate condition?
  17. [quote name='LawrenceH' post='839339' date='May 16 2010, 10:28 PM']Or this: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=85827"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=85827[/url] Which is a steal of a price because the brand isn't that well known...but it will be a LOT better than anything new close to that price.[/quote] Great cab - incredibly cheap!
  18. Lots of roadworks around there at the moment - watch out for travelling times
  19. I keep looking at this & drooling, lol. That's at the bass not the cat by the way. . .
  20. [quote name='JTUK' post='838788' date='May 16 2010, 12:35 PM']this looks a lot for your money.. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=86994"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=86994[/url] Make sure you have help to move it and if you do the more modular Warwick set-up covers quite a lot of basses...[/quote] That is a really nice set up for the money! The thing I really like about this is the fact that the 'modular' set up will allow you to just use one or other cab on its own for smaller gigs and then bring them both in for larger ones. Personally I'm a big fan of the 1x15 + 2x10 combination. Those Warwick cabs look really cool on stage as well Mat bought a cab from me recently - absolutely top guy, knows his stuff and a really good player. Straight as they come as well - definitely worth a chat with him and he'll tell you the good & bad points about the Warwick kit.
  21. Simple thought from me is that you should have a good look around here on BC for a quality used rig. GK stuff holds value reasonably well, Peavey probably less so. I had a very quick look and found a huge GK rig up for sale with a 700RB head plus a pair of GK cabs for only £500! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=68842&hl=700rb&st=20"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...700rb&st=20[/url] I'm sure there's other stuff around as well Personally I would never recommend a gig of any decent size without a DI for the bass (especially outdoors) but obviously that's going to depend on your PA and live sound person.
  22. Apologies if this is a bit basic but there's some ok little vids here on intonation setting
  23. I was hunting around for buckeye burl basses & came across this stunning piece of workmanship form Fodera:
  24. [quote name='SpinalTap' post='838398' date='May 15 2010, 08:22 PM']Great colour, and the J pickups on a P body look very good. Classic, but with a nice edge.[/quote] I must admit that I'm really excited about this one!
  25. I had a black Lakland DJ for a while with a red tort guard & I really liked the look. Something like this:
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