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Everything posted by molan

  1. Site rules you have to state a price and can't ask for offer Might be worth changing the title to swap the R in the middle of the name to an N
  2. [quote name='Legion' post='825505' date='May 2 2010, 02:03 PM']Hell of a bass for that price [/quote] +1 to that!
  3. I've definitely found different basses balance better with different straps. I used Comfort straps for a fair few years and really liked them but one recent bass never seemed to balance quite right so I dragged out an old Levy's strap I hadn't used for years & worked much better. Then tried it on a different bass and the Comfort felt nicer! Main reason I stopped using leather straps was that I found they tended to slide around a little and weren't as 'grippy' as the Comfort straps. The 'bounciness' of the Comforts is a bonus as far as I'm concerned, I quite like they way this works and helps make them more comfortable
  4. Live streaming of Marcus Miller's show from New Orleans Jazzfest at [url="http://www.wwoz.org"]http://www.wwoz.org[/url] Saturday May 1st at 5:35PM Central Time. Tune in to hear Marcus with Christian Scott (trumpet), Alex Han (sax), Federico Gonzalez Peña (keys) and Louis Cato (drums) Quite late tonight but might be fun
  5. Last of the checkerboard binding years Could do with some pics to show how nice this looks
  6. [quote name='crez5150' post='824433' date='Apr 30 2010, 10:20 PM']Hmmmmm..... Bop[/quote] When I first read the header of this thread I thought Rich had sold a bass to the pop moppets
  7. [quote name='giblett123' post='824305' date='Apr 30 2010, 06:45 PM']Fraid not, I have very little info on it other than it has a funky little brass plate telling me it is number 38 from 60,[/quote] I posted on the Alembic owners forum for you - might be someone there who knows a little more for you
  8. Mine went to Spain - quite a few international offers on it as well. Definitely worth considering if any come up
  9. Do you know why this is a 'special' (other than being very nice indeed, lol).
  10. Caretaker has confirmed any Sunday in June is fine if we want to use the school.
  11. I've never seen one of these - I bet it's a cracker
  12. "EMG`s are lot better.Lets return to my product.Still interested?"
  13. I asked some questions about the sonic differences between EMGs & stock pickups - he's gone a bit quiet. Probably riding on his hoby horse. . .
  14. It's looking pretty fake to me - I just got an email reply: "Yes my product is still available" "i am in USA now with my band.If you want me to ship the product all costs will be suported by me" "We are 4 members and we sing rock music.It is our hoby"
  15. Hasn't this one come up before? I could be mistaken but I'm sure I remember a decent vintage P that appeared on Gumtree in about 4-5 different parts of the country?
  16. [quote name='anthomp' post='822361' date='Apr 28 2010, 07:42 PM']ahww come on now its a cracking bass to play and mighty purdy[/quote] So nice they named it twice
  17. [quote name='bubinga5' post='822265' date='Apr 28 2010, 06:10 PM']What a bass...this has got to sound biblical...[/quote] Like a plague of locusts
  18. Anyone know what the latest subs 'gift' is? It was a set of Rotosounds last time I looked?
  19. Sounds like a nice idea. The clever thing (for me anyway) is that I'd never have the patience to tweak away on my settings until I found the perfect one. However my TC is already loaded with three pre-sets taken straight from people at TB & they are all really usable. Being able to exchange settings & compare notes via mail or forum that have been created by someone who really knows what they are doing sounds really useful
  20. [quote name='Apothem' post='822111' date='Apr 28 2010, 04:30 PM']I believe this is a Japanese UV70 Metro instead (do not get me wrong, they are also very good indeed). First of all, USA instruments have a slightly different logo on the headstock, that says "Sadowsky Guitars - NYC", and second because Roger says that blocks and binding are not available even as an option on NYC instruments (I've asked him personally and it's also on the website). Moreover, the asking price for a similar NYC would be higher. Nonetheless a great bass[/quote] Thanks for that - I assumed it was Japanese because I couldn't ever remember seeing blocks on an NYC
  21. Need to do an equipment review as well Bilbo
  22. I have a few different single guitar stands but I generally have 4-5 basses out in my study at any one time so I thought one of those multi-stands would take up less floor space. I haven't really seen anything that looks 100% perfect yet. First thing I saw were the Warwick Rockstands: Looks Ok but I was worried about the lack of spacing brackets at the bottom of the stand - might lead to bodies bashing against each other if put back a bit clumsily or the stand was knocked etc. Then I saw the Hercules stands: I have a Hercules stand at the moment and it works really well. Very different design to this one though. Bit worried that this one might not be that stable if it didn't have all 5 slots occupied? I don't really need one that folds down into a road case as it'll never leave my study once it's set up!
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