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Everything posted by molan

  1. I used to have one of these - great little amps and able to chuck out quite a volume (especially with the matching 1x12 extension cab
  2. Wow - that's a great price for one of these! Nick is a top guy to deal with too So what is the 'dream bass'?
  3. [quote name='jamiesonk666' post='762148' date='Mar 2 2010, 07:48 PM']Hi, I have a P bass too. It came with a receipt from a music shop my old gaffer used to work in and he actually sold it. The year of the Invoice was '76. Is there any way of finding out how old it is without butchering it. I had a gold anondised scratch put on, D marzio model p's and some schaller knobs. I can get hold of the original parts . How much roughly do you think its worth. ta jamie[/quote] Hi Jamie - get some pics together, as many as you can really and the serial number and post a question in the general bass forum. You'll get lots of advice there
  4. [quote name='jsixties' post='760473' date='Mar 1 2010, 09:50 AM']Hi mate, good question. I guess you're right, not a big difference with my '78 but I think this neck it's smaller and more comfortable. I forget it: Comes with Dunlop dual straplocks and of course its original ones.[/quote] So the neck on this is smaller/shallower than the '78J? My old '72 had a very Jazz type neck, much nicer then the late '70's P bass I once owned which a very club-like neck.
  5. [quote name='Bassej' post='760916' date='Mar 1 2010, 04:43 PM']I'm from Holland, so I guess it'll have to be send. I don't really know how much this is worth, so I'm still thinking about the price. I think a good idea for people with interests is to just bid.[/quote] As per previous post - you have to put a fixed price for sale in this forum. If you want to set up a bidding auction then you need to go to EBay (or something similar).
  6. [quote name='JTUK' post='661840' date='Nov 22 2009, 03:16 PM']Question: I now have two Sei 5's. or do I sell one and go for another Jazz5 with the same sort of pre config.. As much as I like the Jazz5 it just isn't compatible with the Flam as it stands and that is not something I realised when I bought the Jazz. I will have fun messing round with the Shack pre.. AGAIN.. but I have only just got it setlled in nicely a few months ago... Trial and error for me, for a few months, I feel...[/quote] If the Flam is a 4 and you decide to sell then let me know N.B. Tried to hunt for pictures of your Flam but I'm on a BlackBerry on a super slow wireless hotel network, lol
  7. [quote name='BassBod' post='755633' date='Feb 23 2010, 11:00 PM']As a former owner of this bass, I can confirm it has THE best neck..ever. Big and solid like a Pbass should be - perfect. The body's not bad either![/quote] Does that mean it has a really 'chunky' neck like maybe a late 70'4 Fender?
  8. I'm not a fan of the Gus bass vibe but if something came up that I really liked at over £5k then I'd have no issues with laying out that kind of money. The most I've ever spent on a bass was £3,200 and when it came up for sale I didn't really think twice. I wanted one, I had the money, I bought it. As it happens when I decided it wasn't quite right for me (too many strings) I found two people very interested at the same approx price I'd paid without even putting it up for sale. There are plenty of us out there who can afford to indulge ourselves on our favourite pastimes As plenty of others have said - a £5k bass won't be 5 times better than a £1k bass but, as others have agreed with, if yoiu've got the money then who's to say how much a bass might be worth to any individual so why not go ahead and buy one
  9. I'm back in the UK on 6th Marh - will get myself properly organised for some lessons after that
  10. [quote name='silddx' post='752400' date='Feb 21 2010, 12:08 AM']TBH, I would pay Jake his fee just to talk for two hours! I learned so much in the short time we spent together.[/quote] I have been known to offer Jake his fee just to watch him play
  11. I have some serious time on my hands to listen to music at the moment and, after a couple of semi-disastrous attempts at modern prog, drifted back into Motown this afternoon. Had great fun listening to a Diana Ross (and Supremes on some songs) 40 greatest hits and trying to identify the bassist. Some obvious Jamerson, a couple that sounded like they were played with a pick which I'm guessing was Carole Kaye and, of course the later stuff with Bernard Edwards. I'm sure there's gonna be some Bob Babbit, maybe Chuck Rainey, Wilton Felder etc. Just wondered if there's a site out there that takes a decent stab on who played on what across the Motown catalogue?
  12. Now if this was a Zal Cleminson SAHB SG I would be biting your arm off, lol. Looks really nice nevertheless
  13. Hi all, I jumped on these as soon as they went on sale and got 5th row tickets in the stalls, pretty central as well. Unfortunately I can't make it now as I'll be on a plane! Cost is £40 each (which is what I paid for them from the lovely Ticketmaster).
  14. [quote name='jonnyfastfingers' post='745882' date='Feb 15 2010, 02:21 PM'][url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/Pages/ViewItem.aspx?aid=230437609217&sv=230437609217"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/Pages/ViewItem.aspx?...sv=230437609217[/url] it's collection only but someone could get a good deal[/quote] Going to Somerset in February is rarely a good deal
  15. Did you ever get a chance to weigh it Boom?
  16. The US series '75 RI is essentially a really nice bass (I can't comment about about non US versions). I've heard tales of a few dodgy ones out there but generally they are an all round quality bass from the current Fender range. Look really nice, feel great, excellent necks & a really usable sound without any nasty tonal extremes.
  17. I haven't actually bought or sold anything from/to Trev but we've spoken a few times about various possible trades and he's always been very straight with me and, which is a good thing, given me a few smiles along the way. I did help him out on one sale he'd listed by finding some photos of the bass he had up for sale when he was unable to get his own photos. He couldn't have been more friendly and grateful when his bass sold. He might have been a bit 'rough around the edges' but I've always found this quite endearing (Trev - if you read this then it's meant as a compliment!). Anyway - just felt that I should add this as it's a feedback post for Trev and my 'relationship' with him here has always been positive.
  18. Just realised that maybe the first one didn't actually sell at £695. I don't think it hit the reserve at this price as it's reappeared this evening.
  19. This route will reduce your overall ohmage though. Fine if you have a pair of 8 ohm cabs - chaining them will reduce the load the amp 'sees' to 4 ohms. If you use a pair of 4 ohm cabs then it's down to 2 ohms load and a lot of amps aren't at all happy at this level
  20. I've spotted three different OW Jazz basses on the Bay this week & the first one sold for only £695 which is a real bargain for a fretted 5 string. There's a nice fretless with only a few hours to go from the same seller, currently sitting at only £621: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200436581267&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...=STRK:MEBIDX:IT[/url]
  21. [quote name='philwood' post='743540' date='Feb 12 2010, 09:55 PM']Weight is 6 1/2 pounds and the nut width is 40mm thanks[/quote] 6.5 lbs - what a dream weight Looks gorgeous too!
  22. molan


    ooh, this reminds me - I have a pair of pretty outrageous old Trace Elliot PS cabs sitting in my garage gathering dust. They are trapezoid shape with a single 15" mounted behind a 10" driver. They should also have a compression driver mounted above but the previous owner removed these. Slightly different Trace green velvet kinda covering. I've gigged with them as a pair stacked on top of each other - 2x15 & 2x10, both 4 ohms too. Some serious trouser flappage from these Need to get them cleaned up & flogged really, lol
  23. [quote name='BassBus' post='743525' date='Feb 12 2010, 09:40 PM']Forgive my ignorance. Could someone explain how to chain two speaker cabs with this amp as it only seems to have one speaker out.[/quote] Cable from amp to speaker #1 & then another cable from speaker #1 to speaker #2
  24. I hate to have to slag off a bass specialist shop but I was, once again, amazed at the crapness of the Bass cellar again this week. they were quite friendly when I went in - I was the only customer - and quite chatty. I spotted a used Spector NS2 on the wall & it was labelled as an NS4. Not exactly a big deal as they both list for the same price new (although NS4's tend to hold value better than NS2's). I casually mentioned it was an NS4 - it was hand written label so would ahve taken approx 3 minutes to write a new one. They immediately got slightly prickly and said that they'd already had this 'debate' with another customer. They said they couldn't be expected to be 'experts' about every bass on the market. There was a real intimation that I (and presumably the other customer) was a bit of a 'smartass' and was trying to put them down in some way. I'd estimate it would have taken them less than 30 seconds with a search engine to look up the difference between an NS2 & an NS4 - the former has a P type pickup at the neck & a J at the bridge, the latter has a pair of humbuckers. It was obvious they simply couldn't be arsed to check the authenticity of their information on a stock item worth over £1,000. In fact it actually made me wonder if it was even an American made NS2 at all (I didn't look that close). As I was leaving one of them said it was a 'custom' build NS4 - yeah right, a 'custom' build to convert it to an NS2. . . Best shop - The Gallery, a whole different world
  25. C'mon Kev - this has to sell soon It only took me 9 days to sell my 5 string Deluxe
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