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Everything posted by molan

  1. Hey Pete - I'd edit your listing so the exact things you're selling are either in the main title or the sub heading. Lots of people skim the listings very quickly and might miss the fact that you've got Warwick and SWR stuff for sale
  2. I had an SM400 & Triad for a while. Great all round cab, not too heavy & that combination of three speaker units just works really well together
  3. I'm up for a bit of a moan now & then, lol. I've traded, bought & sold a lot of basses and amps/cabs over the past couple of years and pretty much every deal has gone smoothly. However one recent 'trend' I've noticed concerns some overseas buyers. Now, before anyone accuses me of jingoism, I need to say that I've had some very successful trades and deals with people in Europe & the USA so this isn't a general moan against overseas deals. The issue I've come up against recently is mostly from European buyers who want to take advantage of the strength of the Euro to pick up a good deal on Uk stuff. Again I have nothing wrong with this at all - I've done exactly the same when buying from the USA. The problems I've encountered have arisen when someone in Europe wants to offer a trade deal. They are happy to accept my valuation of my bass based in the UK but then insist on valuaing their trade bass within a Euro economy. This happened several times now and a couple of people have got quite stroppy because I won't accept a valuation of something that's maybe 50% higher than it would be worth in the UK. I had one example recently where someone valued quite a common bass at £500 more than several examples had been advertised for here on BC. He kept saying he could easily get this price for it in his country - I, politely, pointed out that he'd be better off selling it locally then and simply buying my bass for cash but he then said there weren't many buyers locally! Ok that's it, moan over. Not really a big deal, just that I've wasted a fair bit of time going round in circles to ne effect, lol.
  4. This has been my 'warm-up' song for years I always play this at soundcheck when the sound guy wants to get a level. Just realised that I should only be posting in this thread if I add a new song each time Here's a nice version of Space Cowboy played on my Overwater J (not by me I hasten to add - it's Simon Merrick, a previous owner & a far better player than me!).
  5. Just spotted this forum and really pleased to see one of the 'big' specialist bass companies supporting grass roots players. Hope this works well for them and helps generates good business
  6. I have to admit that I feel humbled by never having even heard of Betty D before! I'm guessing most of the really funky stuff on that album must be Larry Graham. Doug Rauch was Sanatana's bass man but I've never thought of him as a slapper.
  7. [quote name='51m0n' post='679651' date='Dec 9 2009, 10:21 PM']Betty Davis - Anti Love Song Larry Graham on bass, Tower of Power horns (well some of them) etc etc[/quote] I've been listening to Betty Davis solidly since I first spotted this! Just found this nice little analysis of how to play it as well: There's some great playing on the first album & the bass is just so well produced on some of the songs. This is an 'extra' that didn't even make it on the original release! I'm assuming it's Larry G on bass but Doug Rauch is also credited on the extended album.
  8. How about some slower stuff from Angie Stone: The original studio version is more fixed on the groove but I really like some of the bass & drum fills on this live cut If you like this then search in Youtube for Angie Stone Amsterdam & you'll find more clips posted by her bass man - Jackie Clark
  9. [quote name='Toasted' post='686164' date='Dec 16 2009, 11:25 AM']There are plenty of ways around that the Molan. Frieght forwarding companies, compliant friends etc.[/quote] At that price I reckon it'll sell to a 'local' buyer as he's requested. I used to have a great US friend who would buy stuff for me & ship over but they got fed up after one bass was mis-delivered by UPS about 3 times 7 they ended up having to drive 2 hours each way to collect from a depot
  10. [quote name='Toasted' post='686146' date='Dec 16 2009, 11:02 AM']This looks a bit of a deal: [url="http://talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=608954"]http://talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=608954[/url][/quote] [i] "First . . . NO INTERNATIONAL SALES"[/i]
  11. [quote name='MB1' post='685244' date='Dec 15 2009, 02:50 PM']MB1. ...That Red 88 is..... "Very Sexiful Bond san!".. BUMP![/quote] Yep - I have to agree with that
  12. [quote name='sdgrsr400' post='685096' date='Dec 15 2009, 12:53 PM']For 5's I think string spacing is at least as important as scale length. The market trend over the last decade for 5's seems to be towards wider string spacings, which naturally aids slap'n'pop, but I'm not so sure this is a good thing as it almost inevitably means a wider and less accessible neck. So, if you're not really into slap, maybe going for a narrow, fast neck might be the way forward...[/quote] My Spector is my favourite 35" for precisely this reason
  13. [quote name='fatback' post='684993' date='Dec 15 2009, 11:44 AM']Any consensus on what the best 34" fivers might be in terms of B string? I'm facing the same dilemma; I want a fretted five, but I like my fretless 4, and I don't want any confusion betrween 34 and 35. I've small hands too, so sticking to 34 seems to make sense. fatback[/quote] I can't fault my Alleva but they are seriously 'big' money! Depends how much you want to spend really?
  14. [quote name='NJE' post='684982' date='Dec 15 2009, 11:39 AM']The last thing I needed to hear was that there is a chance a MTD 535 could be for sale in the near future! gave me a good talking to about multiple basses when I went there and I thank him so much for that talking to![/quote] Spalted maple as well. . . [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=31207&hl=mtd"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=31207&hl=mtd[/url] As it happens I absolutely know I need to cut down a bit - I'm up to 10 & that's just too many to do any sort of justice to!
  15. [quote name='chris_b' post='684967' date='Dec 15 2009, 11:25 AM']My thoughts too. And, if you've got an AC why are you playing anything else?[/quote] Because they are there, lol. I do need to keep at least 2 main basses on the go at any one time though. I keep one at my rehearsal space as I have to ride a bike there.
  16. [quote name='Toasted' post='684936' date='Dec 15 2009, 10:53 AM']I think you should switch to only 35" scale and sell me your Alleva ;-)[/quote] How did I know you were going to say that
  17. [quote name='JTUK' post='684930' date='Dec 15 2009, 10:40 AM']I think there is a lot to be said for constants between your basses so I have a crunching and difficult decision to make. I already know what it is likely to be....[/quote] I have a feeling that sticking to 34" is going to be the way ahead for me - if so then it's going to hurt me too. There are 4 x 35" basses sitting at home & three of them (Spector NS5XL, MTD535 & Overwater J) are amongst the best basses I've ever owned so it'll be a real wrench if I decide to sell them
  18. My current #1 bass is a 34" scale Alleva Coppolo LG5 & I picked up a 2nd 34" scale (Shuker custom BO) at the weekend as part of a trade deal. Having spent a fair bit of time playing both over the weekend I then swapped over & started playing a couple of my 35" scale J shaped basses and noticed I was 'stumbling' over notes down near the nut, mostly first 3-3 fret stuff. Both of the 34's just felt more all round comfortable than the 35's so I'm now thinking that maybe I'll swap over to 34's permanently (I have 4 x 4 stringers that are obviously all 34" scale as well). I just wondered whether many other people swap back & forth easily or whether people tend to choose one or the other & stick with it? You have to take into account that I'm a pretty 'rudimentary' player so having to consiously think about different scale lengths doesn't do me many favours when trying to correct my dodgy left hand technique, lol.
  19. I was at that gig - won tickets on the day & just turned up on my own - definitely one of my funkiest nights of the years. Skeet rules!
  20. [quote name='51m0n' post='679651' date='Dec 9 2009, 10:21 PM']Betty Davis - Anti Love Song Larry Graham on bass, Tower of Power horns (well some of them) etc etc[/quote] Lovin this Here's a little contribution from me - Brick by The Dazz Band
  21. [quote name='Toasted' post='675292' date='Dec 5 2009, 09:55 PM']If any of you were unfortunate enough to see One Night Only: Rod Stewart on ITV tonight you'll have seen/heard a 4 string AC.[/quote] I was half asleep after a long day at work and woke up part way through one of his songs, glanced at the screen and immediately noticed an AC in centre screen. That woke me up but I'm afrtaid Rod sent me back to sleep very quickly!
  22. [quote name='Platypus' post='675216' date='Dec 5 2009, 07:50 PM']As far as I know thats the first LM5 in UK[/quote] What's the difference between the LG & LM series? Is the body shape more 'modern' on the LM?
  23. I still tink this is the prettiest bass I've ever owned - if it was a 5 I'd have it back like a shot! Great bass and a very friendly guy
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