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Everything posted by molan

  1. [quote name='Born 2B Mild' post='587827' date='Sep 2 2009, 07:05 PM']Won't you miss the low B Barrie?[/quote] Yep However I tend to mostly use the B for live gigging stuff and 4 strings are enough for noodling around at home
  2. [quote name='Josh' post='587093' date='Sep 2 2009, 01:45 AM']I bet your active basses must feel a little threatened [/quote] Actually - if you look closely you might spot there's an extra control plate with the '78 J. It's an Audere pre that the seller is throwing in as part of the offer
  3. So this may come as a bit of a surprise to those of you who know me and/or have seen my various trading exploits over the past year. I've always admired the look of classic Fenders but have always preferred the flexibility, build quality, general playability and, more importantly, sound of more modern basses. However I picked up a USA '75 J RI a while back in a trade & really enjoyed playing it. Came close to a trade on a genuine natural finish '78 J and have been quietly looking out for something similar since. Meanwhile I've also noticed that I've been rolling off treble frequencies a lot recently whilst noodling around at home and quite enjoying a much more traditional sound. So end result is. . . I've gone out and agreed a deal on WoT's '72, mostly original, sunburst Precision with maple board AND a really pretty looking '78 Jazz that's been refinished in a very nice nitro blue with a maple board and a lovely set of Lollar vintage wound pickups - both deals done on the same day Is this the beginning of a new era? Pics of Wot's P are in the for sale section so I've just attached some samples of the blue J
  4. This bas is now residing somewhere just north of Bacelona
  5. [quote name='chris_b' post='586207' date='Sep 1 2009, 01:40 AM']This is a quote from Talkbass: [list] [*]LG... classic 60's type J Bass spec... alder/RW/60's pickup position. [*]LM... classic later 70's J Bass spec... ash/maple/70's pickup position [*]RA.... a transitional spec inspired by and loosely based on early 70's J models... alder body, maple board with high gloss finish and blocks and binding, 70's pickup position [*]1600.... basically a fancy top with about any spec you want regarding body wood, fretboard and pickup placement [*]KBP..... passive P Bass [/list][/quote] Perfect - thanks for that
  6. Anyone have a comprehensive view on the difference between an LG and a 1600? AC site says the 1600 is more 'modern' but not entirely sure what that means? Body shape doesn't seem to have the more angular 'modern' look that Sadowsky use to differentiate between their classic & modern styles?
  7. Are you asking about the original Milan range or the 'revived' one that's available again now? I remember trying an original version and thought it was 'ok' but kinda felt like a bass made by a lead guitar company. Body shape and balance weren't great - for me anyway, and I was a bit underwhelmed by the sound. Haven't tried the new ones though
  8. Great news Looking forward to hearing news about the first gig!
  9. [quote name='witterth' post='585201' date='Aug 30 2009, 04:28 PM']See what you mean, Blimey! thats tight ( ooh eer matron1)[/quote] It really does work fine though - stays rock solid in tune
  10. [quote name='witterth' post='585168' date='Aug 30 2009, 03:39 PM']Not trying to be a smartass, but are the E&G strung the wrong way round? or are they supposed to go on that way? honest not trying to be a "know it all" genuinley curious [/quote] Here's my original listing with some pics from the original magazine review which shows how tight the spacing is on the headstock - all works perfectly though [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=16276"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=16276[/url]
  11. Hope it goes really today - remember all that good stuff like taking deep breaths to calm those nerves, don't overplay, make facial contact with people whilst playing etc. I'm sure you'll slay 'em
  12. [quote name='Linus27' post='584224' date='Aug 29 2009, 12:32 AM']Bugger I wonder how loud I need to play my music until I go totally deaf and can't hear you :):)[/quote] I'm playing it right now - trying to keep up with Jimmy Johnson on James Taylor's live version of Up on the Roof - and failing miserably
  13. [quote name='Linus27' post='584219' date='Aug 29 2009, 12:26 AM']Must not listen to Molan, must not listen to Molan :):)[/quote] I've just increased my offer on the blue '78 by $200. . .
  14. [quote name='Clarky' post='584208' date='Aug 29 2009, 12:13 AM']Thought that had been bagsied by Nick 'Old horse' Murphy? Speaking of which, not seen him on BC for a while[/quote] He borrowed it for a while but it came home at the weekend He's just fine but super busy at the moment - threatening to organise a Surrey / Berks / Hants / South Oxfordshire beer sometime soon
  15. [quote name='Linus27' post='583416' date='Aug 28 2009, 11:49 AM']I can't get this bass out of my system. [/quote] You know you want my one really
  16. I keep coming back to this baby: '78 Jazz, heavily modified & refinished about 4 times!
  17. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='583777' date='Aug 28 2009, 05:02 PM']That reminds me of basstard's old blue Sadowsky that was doing the rounds. Where is it now?[/quote] It's with Apothem I think - I've been having missing pains about it a lot recently
  18. [quote name='Linus27' post='580040' date='Aug 25 2009, 11:54 AM']unless it comes with a nice 75 Jazz :)[/quote] I've just put in an offer for an original '78 - if it comes off I'll stick you first in line for the '75
  19. I asked him some questions about it - he wasn't very friendly TBH. If he responds to everyone like that it won't help him sell it.
  20. You could try my Epi 502 some time if you want something different to see how it works?
  21. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='579873' date='Aug 25 2009, 09:30 AM']Fair does, the guy has fitted a couple new knobs! [/quote] Wow - is that definitely the same bass? What a scam. Obviously it's not illegal to buy and sell for profit but this does seem to be taking the piss a bit!
  22. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='578255' date='Aug 23 2009, 03:33 PM']Pity about the sound...cue 'Sound Engineer' thread.[/quote] Yeah, it was a real killer. I'm guessing it sounded perfect from the sound desk and/or the sound man had an expensive set of earplugs fitted. I was standing my 7-8 rows of people from the front and I've never seen so many people visibly wincing from sheer volume from high frequencies. Last time I saw them was at the Jazz Cafe which was very different but I genuinely think they are trading on past glories these days, shame really
  23. Forgot to mention. . . There was this guy standing near me who obviously reckoned himself to be a bit of a dancer. Throwing lots of classic northern soul shapes and moves. At certain points he was really going crazy abd dancing like his life depended on it. Problem is - he was really out of time! There were moments when he drifted into the rhythm but pretty much most of the time he was massively out. Drove me barmy I tried to work out what he was doing and in moments when people were clapping in time he was continually a fraction behind the beat. However his overall timing was just 'wrong' during most of each song. Almost like he was dancing to his own personal metronome and it was set to 13/8 or something! I had to forcibly push him out of my eyeline as it felt so strange to have this rhythmic action next to me that was so out of time, God knows what people make of him if he goes to Nothern Soul nights. . .
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