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Everything posted by molan

  1. [quote name='lozbass' post='570900' date='Aug 16 2009, 06:21 PM']You won't regret this! (If I'm not being a bit previous)[/quote] I wondered where you were Lawrence
  2. molan

    Sean's Feedback

    Sean came over today to pick up a bass. Super smooth transaction and a really nice guy. Had a good natter about basses and cabs - we both share a passion for both Spectors and Bergantinos Even discovered what a small BC world we live in: I bought my first Spector from Seb who recently bought a Lakland from Sean. I bought my second Spector from Nobody's Perfect and traded it with VoxPop who sold it to Sean. I also traded a Roscoe with Josh for an MTD and guess where the Roscoe went next - yep to Sean (who's since sold it on) Meanwhile the cash from another deal with Josh was used to buy the bass I've now sold to Sean Anyway - definitely a great person to deal with!
  3. I have an earlier, non-pro, version of one of these. They are often, mistakenly, thought of as just being usable for 'rock' stuff. Whilst they are obviously brilliant for this they also sound really nice for soul & funk stuff. You can get a lovely glassy clean sound from one - all those glowing bottles just sound great for lots of situations
  4. molan


    Oh Ari, why do you do this to me? You know how much I liked the look of this last time around!
  5. Hi Maurice - is the price now the same as the one on TalkBass? Just checking as I can't see what the price drop is from your original post?
  6. [quote name='V4lve' post='569911' date='Aug 15 2009, 01:50 PM']I think you will find that thud is probably the kick. In my experience as a member of the audience engineers seem to favour kick drum over bass.[/quote] I've known a few sound engineers over the years - always used to be a little private game for some of them to see how great they could get the kick & snare sounding. Often really not caring much at all about the rest of the band I'm spoilt these days because our resident sound man comes to most rehearsals to hear arrangements and really works the desk to get the kind of sound we want. He's more than happy to try and sort everything individually for everyone and is often playing with different mics for our sax player & singers to get them sounding just right. He's regarded as an integral member of the band and gets an equal share of any income & gets to vote on new song choices etc as well. He works with another band as well and their bass player prefers a very different sound from me. To me it sounds like a dull thud with little nore definition & when I asked the sound man he said that that's the sound the guy wanted - often sounds like mud to me (and the sound man!) but if the bass player wants that sound then that's what he gets. . . I good tip I learned years ago was to be he sound man's best friend from the moment you arrive at a venue. Ask him questions about his rig, show interest in what he's doing, offer to help if he needs assistance shifting stuff or setting up lights etc. and ALWAYS offer to buy him a drink. Works wonders
  7. I've swapped or loaned basses out a few times - in fact I have a '75 Jazz RI and a Zon VB4 out on loan right now Unfortunately I don't have the bass you're looking for and I live a zillion miles away
  8. [quote name='Captain Rumble' post='569187' date='Aug 14 2009, 04:18 PM']" "[/quote] Not quite sure what you're saying here Mr Rumble Anyway - this has now moved a little further down the Thames to Richmond
  9. [quote name='Stockholm Syndrome' post='568116' date='Aug 13 2009, 04:13 PM']Oy! Any news about this? [/quote] It's still sitting in my little 'music room' Had some interest but nothing came of any of it so I guess I'm keeping it for now
  10. molan


    Bass is definitely louder - bit of distortion though on the slap one? Anyway - it's a great sounding bass, fabulous hi-fi tone
  11. [quote name='velvetkevorkian' post='568339' date='Aug 13 2009, 07:55 PM']This post= win.[/quote] Certainly convinced me that not playing an upright was a sensible decision
  12. molan


    [quote name='Josh' post='567413' date='Aug 12 2009, 10:30 PM']Hmm strange, its perfectly audible on both my head phones and through my speakers, and on my phone as well. The volume is the highest I could get it without clipping too much.[/quote] On mine the background track is cutting through at much louder volume than the bass & drowning it out. If you've mixed on separate channels you could even lose the backing completely or maybe just stick a click in? Are you using amp & speaker simulation settings as well? If so then maybe try something a bit brighter?
  13. molan


    Could just be my speakers Josh but you could maybe try bringing the bass up in the mix a bit and/or add some high end eq - it's sounding very subdued & a bit hard to really hear the core bass tone (or maybe do a few versions so people can work out which sounds best on their individual speakers/headphones).
  14. Damn but you have some fine basses David Loving this one. Thinks to self - get those basses you never play sold & raise some cash. . .
  15. Not sure how many people have heard Josh play but I've had the pleasure of visiting him a few times and, most recently, playing along with him. Personally I think he's a really talented musician (certainly a different league from me!). When he really digs in and is playing funky gospel type stuff or soloing he has a very distinct sound that's very much his own. Obviously a lot of this comes from his fingers and musical vision but his ultra low set up really adds something as well. I sometimes struggle to get a good sound out of his basses and notes choke on me all over the place but in his hands the same bass just sounds great. With this in mind I think it's totally valid for him to go for the sound he can hear in his head and the playability he knows is available from the 'right' bass. I'm not arguing with other people's viewpoints here so apologies if that's what it sounds like - just trying to put my views forwards on what seems to have become quite a personal topic.
  16. Ok - so I'm having major guilt pangs here having traded the Smith to Josh & also having swapped the Sadowsky & then taking it back only to trade it to someone else! As it happens the bass I acquired in exchange for the Sad was my current 'first-call' Spector NS5XL. Principal reason for liking it so much is very much that the action just suits me perfectly. I actually prefer the sound of the MTD but there's something about an NS5XL that really 'works' for me. Consequently I can totally see where Josh is coming from here! Josh - I think I know where 'our' old Sad is currently residing - I'll ping you a note
  17. molan


    This is a seriously nice bass. In fantastic condition and has that 'sound' that Smiths are famous for Only traded by me as I was yearning to have back the MTD that Josh & I have bounced back & forth a few times :lol)
  18. Josh has a GK head and a pair of 2x12 Neo cabs. Zap him a message and he can fill you in I've played through them at low volume, sounded really nice.
  19. I keep looking at this & thinking 'already have about 10 basses - enough is enough'!
  20. [quote name='peted' post='559923' date='Aug 4 2009, 09:15 AM']Molan, i've replaced your entry.[/quote]
  21. Bugger, bugger, bugger! Looks 90% certain I'm going to be in Washington that weekend now and not back until Monday. Really pissed off Whoever is next to join the list can remove me from position 18 (bit awkward to do this from my mobile).
  22. [quote name='molan' post='557329' date='Jul 31 2009, 06:05 PM']Ok - So I'm probably gonna split them up. Will do some checking on each individual unit tomorrow as I'm not home tonight [/quote] Ok - so I didn't get a chance to get these properly organised & priced over the weekend & I'm out tonight & tomorrow night as well! Those of you who know me will know that I'm usually really well organised on stuff like this so apologies for being a bit slow on this one. I've had quite a few PM's to which I haven't replied as I want to get them in date/time order by individual pedal. Promise I will get myself sorted this week
  23. [quote name='cetera' post='559152' date='Aug 3 2009, 12:56 PM']Anyone got a Berg NV610 and/or a 70's/80's SVT head they can bring along? How about a GK 1001RB or 2001RB? [/quote] I've got an 80's SVTII non-pro. Bit temperamental at times tho!
  24. molan


    [quote name='Shaggy' post='558710' date='Aug 2 2009, 08:05 PM']Did a straight amp swap with Barrie today at sunny Gordano services on the M5. I was his second deal of the day, en route to his third (with Josh), don't know how he finds the time to play bass! Anyway, just like my last deal with him; super-slick, friendly, great communicator, all-round good guy. [/quote] I'm jut praying the amp works OK Greg - or is at least easily fixable! Been home about half an hour As ever, always a pleasure to meet fellow bass players - even if only in a service station
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