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Everything posted by molan

  1. That top really is lovely - well worth the effort! If this was a 5 I'd be seriously tempted, maybe it's time to brush up my C string skills
  2. Any more pics of the MPG? I am such a sucker for blue basses!
  3. [quote name='Born 2B Mild' post='537408' date='Jul 10 2009, 06:39 PM']Bump for one of the best basses to be found on sale in this wonderful community. Being sold by one of the best 'chatters' too. [/quote] Cheers Phil - looks like I could be living in a 3 Spector bass household soon
  4. So was each person pictured individually & then comped together? I think that's what you were implying but just checking Anyway - that's how they look to me. I'm afraid the first thing made me think was that the band weren't very 'together' and almost as if they didn't want to be pictured in the same room etc. Not sure why that came across to me but that was very much my first thought In terms of music, and I'm afraid I'm going to sound both racist & sexist here, but any band shot with a coloured female singer immediately says funk/soul band to me?
  5. That's just bought back a lot of memories from when I saw him at the Jazz Cafe earlier this year This song was a bit of a highlight in the set
  6. [quote name='birdy' post='537307' date='Jul 10 2009, 04:32 PM']BUMP - An Alembic for under a grand!!![/quote] And from a very nice bloke
  7. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='536942' date='Jul 10 2009, 12:42 AM']Think the shippings costs would make it very expensive and he would have to do a customs carnet to prove that the bass was exported from Oz and will be brought back. They cost ££s. Prob better bet is to buy a secondhand bass here and sell it before he goes home. He might even make a profit![/quote] Shipping isn't horrendous but I think the customs hassle will be the killer. I did suggest getting something over here but the second gig is a recording session and he's really happy with the sound of his #1 bass & wanted to use that if at all possible.
  8. [quote name='Stockholm Syndrome' post='536871' date='Jul 9 2009, 11:16 PM']Yeah....gotta change my nickname...registered here when I lived (quite miserably) in Stockholm. Now I'm back on the right side of the country (west coast). Aaaaaaanyhow, any soundclips/youtube vids? Typical artist other than Mike Kroeger who uses such a bass? [/quote] There's lots of stuff on YouTube - it's way more versatile than a lot of people think. Here's some jazzier stuff from Andy Irvine, both slow groovier in places & some faster syncopated stuff. A clutch of different people at NAMM '06 You really can get all sorts of sound from one of these it's not just some sort of heavy rock or slap bass only instrument. In fact probably one of the most 'heard' Spector players must be Gary Tallent from Bruce's E-Street band (although he uses a bolt-on rather than a neck through).
  9. A friend of mine is coming over to the UK on a working holiday from Australia - he's a professional bass player and is bringing one bass with him but has found out that it would be good for him to have a second one as well. He's bringing his trusty old P bass but has picked up a gig that he'd like to use something much more hi-fi & doesn't want to hire or borrow whilst touring (he'll be here for a few months). He's already en route so would have to have it sent over by air freight. His plan would be to use it as a regular gigging bass so not looking to sell it whilst he's here. He's worried that if it gets posted he'll incur customs charges (it's an expensive bass) and I wondered if anyone had any experience of this that might be useful in avoiding the charges?
  10. Ooh, I like these. Played Rich's (OTPJ) most recent one & loved it. Where is Rich these days by the way - I haven't seen him here for a while? Maybe he's Out Playing Jazz. . .
  11. [quote name='Stockholm Syndrome' post='536290' date='Jul 9 2009, 11:05 AM']Oooooh....this I'd like....very much.[/quote] Shipping to Stockholm no problem
  12. Just a quck thumbs up for NP from me - as I've mentioned in another of his for sale threads: [i]I also wanted to say that if anyone is at all wary of trading with NP becuase he's based in Finland then they needn't be. Apart from being a really nice guy he's 100% reliable to deal with. I actually bought quite an expensive bass from him & he shipped it over to me before I'd even paid any sort of deposit. In fact it actually arrived at my house (perfectly packaged) before my money transfer had gone through [/i]
  13. Looks really nice - very Ken Smith(ish)? I also wanted to say that if anyone is at all wary of trading with NP becuase he's based in Finland then they needn't be. Aprt from being a really nice guy he's 100% reliable to deal with. I actually bought quite an expensive bass from him & he shipped it over to me before I'd even paid any sort of deposit. In fact it actually arrived at my house (perfectly packaged) before my money transfer had gone through
  14. molan


    I dunno Gwil you've only been home half an hour and already you're stirring things up For anyone that hasn't had the pleasure of meeting Gwil I'd like to say that he's a really nice guy & definitely someone you can deal with in total confidence
  15. [quote name='NickSpector' post='536051' date='Jul 8 2009, 10:18 PM']Infact, after reading that, you CAN justify all those Spectors. A man can never have too many Spectors.....ever. Best basses in the world![/quote] I'm sat here playing it right now thinking pretty much the same thing Just picked up tickets for Chrisette Michele (boy am I gonna be popular in the morning when my ever sufferin' finds out) and playing along to some of her stuff. Roll the treble right off & the Spector sounds lovely on this sort of slow R&B groove stuff - All I Ever Think About is You is spinning right now
  16. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='535518' date='Jul 8 2009, 10:59 AM']It's even nicer in the flesh. Well, wood......you know what I mean It sounds amazing too and is immaculate (as is all Barrie's gear)[/quote] Cheers Nick I forgot to mention the quality of the tone from this particular bass. It's definiteyl more refined than one of the, more common, maple topped Spectors. Hard to explain really but I'd say it's more 'focussed' and 'tighter'. Anything played towards the bottom end of the board through a quality amp at decent volume growls like a MoFo too I'm no slapper but I have heard someone who can play slap really well on this & it sounded great as well. Although Spectors do have an essential 'core' tone I think they respond really well to individual playing dynamics &styles and this gives a far greater variation of tone that some other basses which, seemingly, have a lot more onboard tonal flexibility. This one genuinely is only up for grabs as I have another that's more what I want for gigging
  17. I currently have a pair of NS5XL's and after taking them to a recent gig I realised I had £6K worth (insurance valuation for new replacements) of instruments sitting on a pub stage just waiting to be stolen. So I've kinda decided one of them has to go & be replaced by a lower value Euro Spector 5 as my back up bass - thanks Phil I can't really justify three Spector 5's & I have the Euro & a Ken Smith heading my way soon so it looks like the redwood one is probably the most likely candidate to sell as it's the one I'm least likely to gig with. It's a tough call though and I don't desperately need to sell to fund the incoming basses so I thought I'd see if there's anyone out there really interested in owning one of these limited edition water cured redwood beauties. I'm in this for £2K so that's my 'firm' price for it. This has been up for sale here on BC once before so there's a fair bit of history kicking around. Simple summary is that it was originally sold, not all that long ago, for £3,200 and lists at around the $4,500 mark in the USA (which would take it up to well over £3K in the UK). Compared to the previous listing it now doesn't have a hard case but I do have the signed certificate of authenticity to prove it's one of the limited run of 24. Here's some sales 'guff': [i]The Spector Limited Edition Redwood Burl NS-5XL is crafted with 75-to-100 year-old, water-cured redwood burl. The burl rests on a platform of Spector's legendary hand-selected, premium exotic woods: maple for the neck and black walnut for the body wings. Water-cured redwood is harvested from the stumps of redwood trees cut down 75-100 years ago that fell into streams. These trunks were submerged in water the entire time, which washed all the resins out of the wood and replaced them with dissolved minerals. This natural mineral enrichment process is what gives the wood its unique color and density. This natural water curing is very similar to the method that has been used for curing violin woods in Europe for hundreds of years. The Spector NS-5XL 5 string bass guitar is constructed with 3-ply maple neck-thru construction with graphite stiffening rods and a heavy-duty truss rod. It has a 35" scale rosewood fretboard with Spector's abalone crown inlays, dual USA EMG-40DC humbuckers and Spector's Tone Pump pre-amp.[/i] Those of you who know your Spectors will know that it plays like a dream, super low action & very easy to zip around the fretboard. Personally I love the sound of Spectors and it's absolutely become my #1 gigging bass sound. It's in damn near 'as new' condition, I can't see a single mark on it anywhere! I have had some tentative dealing around my asking price & it's possible that this may still come off, so apologies in advance if I list this & then have to remove it quickly. I'm not really looking for trades but if anyone has a 5 string of a similar value then let me know, I could always be swayed by something like a nice NYC Sadowsky as I still miss my old 4 stringer Anyway, enough prattling, here's some pics:
  18. Still selling the MPG though Phil? If so then have a bump on me as it really is rather lovely
  19. [quote name='Born 2B Mild' post='535209' date='Jul 7 2009, 10:15 PM']I can't trace Alleva Coppolo[/quote] Working fine for me Phil - try this link to the 5 string pages: [url="http://allevacoppolo.com/basses/5string"]http://allevacoppolo.com/basses/5string[/url] Maybe it's because they don't have the www?
  20. [quote name='StevieC' post='535031' date='Jul 7 2009, 07:14 PM']Just watched a few songs from the Jamiroquai video and that is the best live bass sound I've ever heard.[/quote] +1, great tone. Wonder if it's been 'optimised' for bass? The bass is really loud in the mix & the drums sounds pretty way back to me. . . EDIT - there's some [b]fabulous[/b] playing from PT here & his tone really is to die for
  21. Lowend STR (bit of an odd headstock thing going here though!) Dingwall Elrick NJS Xotic (have you seen the 'half-burst' finish, really quite funky?)
  22. Great pics & thanks for the show timings, my daughters were very appreciative (and loved the show too!)
  23. I always wanted a pair of 104's back when they first came out. Are all the replacement speakers new additions or were they done a while ago?
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