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Everything posted by molan

  1. [quote name='Linus27' post='531463' date='Jul 3 2009, 10:36 AM']Do you have an examples of the photos he took of your band? Also, did you tell him what you want or did he just do his own thing?[/quote] I'm afraid all of our pics were live ones - sorry, forgot to mention that bit!
  2. [quote name='Mickeyboro' post='533033' date='Jul 5 2009, 02:22 PM']I blame McCartney and Andy Fraser! But Fenders still rule.[/quote] Damn - just realised that Free were on early in the programme & I'm sure Andy Fraser would have a Gibson - my whole theory is crumbling already. . .
  3. I watched a large chunk of the BBC "guitar heroes' part 2 earlier today which was mostly '70's people. Although I wasn't watching really closely I noticed about half way through that virtually every single bassist on display had either a Fender J or a P. I think Tetsu had a Tele (obviously still a Fender) although maybe this was just an early P bass and right at the end Bruce Foxton appeared with wis trusty black Ricky 4001. There may have been an odd different bass near the beginning of the show as I 'zapped' a lot of the early stuff. Meanwhile there were all sorts of lead guitars on display, usual Strats, Teles & Les Pauls, but also SG's, Gretsches, Gibson semis &, of course, Ronnie Wood's Zemaitis. It struck me whilst watching this what a great choice of instruments we have today compared to this era. The Fender is still very much the 'working man's' bass & the most common on a lot of stages but the sheer variety of quality instruments out there now is amazing really. Especially when you consider the relative costs of a lot of today's instruments!
  4. Here's the 'Sunbursy' listing [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Vintage-Sunbursy-Bass-Guitars_W0QQitemZ260440925098QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item3ca37d23aa&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=65%3A10|66%3A2|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A2|294%3A50#ebayphotohosting"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Vintage-Sunbursy-Bas...bayphotohosting[/url] And the great pic of a 'flying' bass (with washing line attachment) . . .
  5. Ok, I'm going to beg to differ on this show! I tried to watch it this morning and just got bored with it. My attention lept drifting & found the fast forward button coming in to play a lot. I'm a huge Stevie fan & listen to him all the time. I also really like the live 1995 "Natural Wonder" album which has a lot of the songs arranged the same as the BBC show. I thought the sound wasn't great on the broadcast & I simply didn't get the buzz of a great live concert. Nate Watts always looks like Mr Cool on bass but the only person I thought really stood out was the young drummer Stanley Randolph. Great 'gospely' kinda style in places. Felt to me like he added a certain something whilst a lot of the rest of the live arrangements haven't changed for 15 years+. Maybe I was just in the wrong mood today though
  6. [quote name='fede162162' post='532720' date='Jul 5 2009, 01:40 AM']This is a great piece of gear!!,such a shame there aren´t no excuses for having 2 amps.[/quote] I think I have 5 amps in total! No excuses needed here, lol.
  7. molan


    I used to own the fretted one of this pair (as well as the Overwater above) One of those I really should have hung on to!
  8. Sadowsky will also email you a PDF stock list with latest prices I think I've thought many times about bringing a bass back but never got round to it because I thought it might be too much hassle. I have two different heads back though, A Euphonic & a Genz-Benz. At the time both were way cheaper in the USA than over here & both fit into nice little custom gig bags & have switchable power supplies
  9. I like all of these! I've got a stack of Acid Jazz albums I picked up free when a friend of mine worked at MoJazz for a while. Must dig he out & see what I have buried away My favourite BNH song was always the full 8 minute version of Dream Come True. I can't find the full version on YouTube (there are a couple of versions but one sounds like it was recorded through a sock & the other has glitches part way through). Here's a live version with the bass quite high in the mix, still not the best sound quality but quite watchable:
  10. Have had an offer on this which I've accepted. Just waiting to confirm details before I officially announce it sold
  11. We used these people: [url="http://www.mrmstudios.co.uk/"]http://www.mrmstudios.co.uk/[/url] Studio is in Aldershot I think. Very professional & nice guys too. From memory I think we paid £200 for a live gig session & the main photographer must ahve been there for a good 3-4 hours. We got 150+ photos for this, all uploaded to his main site & easily downloadable etc.
  12. Just out of interest I wrote to Allparts in the USA & said that Uk response times were rubbish. They replied in about 15 minutes flat & offered to sort my order by shipping direct from the USA. Haven't checked pricing differential or shipping etc. yet though.
  13. It felt to me that they seemed to think they were doing me some sort of favour by allowing me to buy something from them. Having dealt with the US side of the business I was really surprised. The US guys are great, quick response times, very friendly, eager to help etc.
  14. I know this is going to sound really dumb but when I first saw the title of this listing I read it as: Lovely Jackson 5 . . . String Bass And I genuinely thought it was a custom bass with some sort of Jackson 5 mural painted on it, Well worth a free bump from me anyway!
  15. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='530031' date='Jul 1 2009, 10:19 PM']THe new model Fenders really seem to be the best basses they've made in many years.[/quote] I agree, I had an '08 American Standard Strat for a while and it was lovely. Great neck (both look & feel), beautifully finished all round & a dream to play compared to some I've tried.
  16. [quote name='bythesea' post='528872' date='Jun 30 2009, 05:45 PM']+1 for Barrie I have looked at two amps on here today. Which ones do you think they were? [/quote] Thank you my friend, with the most, from the coast
  17. Someone really needs to buy this & relieve Nick the temptation of giving it another go at his next gig, lol. Knowing Nick, as I do, I can definitely say that if he says it's a 'good 'un' then it most certainly will be
  18. Final postscript to this - The email I received said that if I returned the parts by post they would be checked & I'd receive replacements. So I duly post them off & waited a couple of days for the replacement parts to arrive. An envelope arrived today with a refund. No explanations, no apologies for the delays & they didn't cover the cost I incurred posting the items back (it wasn't very much but the gesture might have been nice). Unless I'm desperate for something that no-one stocks I won't be using them again. . .
  19. A zillion sound clips of the new 25th anniversary here: [url="http://www.bassemporium.com/newsletters.php"]http://www.bassemporium.com/newsletters.php[/url]
  20. [quote name='dood' post='529465' date='Jul 1 2009, 11:58 AM']Would love to see the 902 in a 'bridgeable' model. That would be a veritable monster![/quote] Umm, 1,800 watts worth of clean bass power, that would be nice to fire up & fry a few people with
  21. Thanks Gareth, My fault, the current online Epi site is showing the 902 without a limiter on the lower pic but the detailed part at the top of the site shows it with the limiter! [url="http://www.epifani.com/products/ul902.php"]http://www.epifani.com/products/ul902.php[/url] I'm only asking to check on dates of release really - I'd probably never even use the damn thing, lol.
  22. Hi Gareth, Am I right in thinking the 902 only comes as a rack mounted option - unlike the 502 which has detachable rack ears & a custom fit gig bag if you don't want to use the ears? Also does it have the limiter circuit control next to the master volume? My 502 doesn't have this but I know the latest models do.
  23. Ok, not much movement on this so I've knocked £50 off the price Have been playing it a lot the last couple of days, sounds great with the valve pre up at around 2 o'clock & the main output wound down to 9 o'clock & then some mids boosted at 480Hz. Using my Spector into this and then onto a pair of Berg 1x12's this gives a really nice driving growl - I ahve a feeling I may be upsetting my neighbours a little Hard to explain but this sounds louder than a 400w head should, maybe it's just because it's able to push such a clean signal through the Demeter pre into the power stage!
  24. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='527918' date='Jun 29 2009, 05:20 PM']Surely the best way to sell a Warwick is not to include pictures?[/quote] Or to say it's a Spector clone. . .
  25. Had some interesting trade options but nothing that would really 'work' for me. If anyone wants to make a straight cash offer then fire away - you never know what I might accept
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