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Everything posted by molan

  1. Just checking - are you saying TC sent you a complete repalcement cab (with working speakers) and told you to keep the old one (with one damaged speaker)? Sorry if this sounds obvious but I read your original post a few times before coming to this conclusion. First couple of times it sounded to me that they'd sent you simple a replacement speaker &, for some reason, you hadn't fitted it
  2. Motown - Ain't No Mountain High Enough the full length Diana Ross version, just listen to Jamerson on this especially from about 4:30 onwards: Stax - Watcha See is Watcha Get - mostly for the vocal harmony parts but also for the fabulous groove: Although in this version the suits and dancing are pretty impressive too! And before anyone mentions it I do know that the Dramatics original single was actually released on Volt rather than Stax EDIT - Given this weekend's events maybe I can add some early Jackson 5 songs as 'bonus' Motown choices? Check Jamerson on both of these (plus some more great dancing on the Soul Tarin coverage
  3. Ok everyone, here's an interesting little baby full of classic valve goodness without weighing a ton! This is an early Eden head that came fitted with a genuine Demeter pre-amp. Rumour has it that David Eden had to drop the Demeter because it was simply too expensive to fit one in one of his production heads. Only 'name' player I've heard about with one of these is Mike Watt - who's a pretty cool bass guy I think Basic specs are: 400w into 4 ohms 4 Band EQ with switchable frequencies (more on these later) Compressor "Studio Quality" with variable controls for threshold and ratio Effects Loop Active & Passive inputs Variable direct out There's a full user manual here : [url="http://www.eden-electronics.com/info/manuals/pdf/VT25-VT40-VT75%20-%20Owners%20Manual.pdf"]http://www.eden-electronics.com/info/manua...rs%20Manual.pdf[/url] It's been recently serviced and had a full valve test and is in generally great condition. Has a few nicks here & there from where it's been in and out of racks but it was made in '92 and personally I think they just add some 'mojo', lol. The front panel is very clean indeed and all the knobs etc. look pretty much perfect. The only downside that I can find is that it has a low frequency 'hum' from the transformer at very low volumes. Once the master volume is beyond about 9 o'clock the hum fades away. Again, on a purely personal basis, this hum doesn't bother me once I start playing as it just disappears below the volume of the bass itself, even at very low volumes. So - on to the funky tone control options. . . The first thing to say is that I'd defy anyone to get a 'bad' sound out of this amp! The tone controls themselves are very gentle and allow a really precise 'sculpting' of each individual frequency. However the really cool functions are the four flick switch options for each tone control. Simply flicking each switch changes the frequency at which the controls work but also changes the actual sound of the amp itself. There's a partial explanation of some of this in the user manual. My personal favourite is the mid frequency switch - flicking from 240 Hz to 480 Hz instantly delivers a great growly tone which would be great for rocky stuff. The closest I've heard to this sound was my old Trace all valve pre & power combination into a 'classic' Trace 4x10. However this amp seems able to get that tone from a much wider variety of speaker combinations. Each of the switches have very funky looking green or red lights embedded in the tip of them (depending on whether they are set in 'up' or 'down' position) The compressor is great as well. Very flexible & helps to round out transient peaks without overpowering the sound. The core sound of the head is very smooth with a nice vintagey valve tone. Has loads of bottom end thump if required but can sizzle & zing at the top end as well if required. It really is, to my ears, a very seductive sound all round. Has that great effect of making just about any bass sound seriously nice & definitely brings out nuances of individual players. It almost makes my Epifani sound a little antiseptic & that's something I never thought I'd say! The only reason I've decided to sell this is because it's really designed to work in a rack (the 'ears' aren't removable) & my Epi fits neatly into a small gig bag. I also use the twin channel footswitchable option on the Epi in my functions band for switching between old school soul & auto-wah disco stuff May be up for trades on basses but not really looking for any amp or cab offers at the moment. Any questions - fire away. I may not be able to answer them but I'll do the best I can!
  4. I'll go for my average number over the past year which would be about 6 so that takes us to at least 1,493. Given BigRedX's comment above I guess that means we can safely say the 1,500 figure has been passed now?
  5. [quote name='Apothem' post='525160' date='Jun 26 2009, 06:46 PM']One SHELL PINK down, one to go [/quote] And what a great colour Shell Pink is as well - if only this was a 5'er too
  6. [quote name='bubinga5' post='526452' date='Jun 28 2009, 01:20 AM']I hope not..i will give you what your asking bro...I want this bass..consider it sold..[/quote] Ok - it's sold pending usual
  7. [quote name='JTUK' post='526212' date='Jun 27 2009, 07:34 PM']looks like an ABM bridge IIRC[/quote] Cheers, thanks for that, just checked the main Sei website & it looks like Martin fits ABM hardware as standard - well spotted!
  8. [quote name='Gwilym' post='526097' date='Jun 27 2009, 05:31 PM']it's because thats what I told you and is also what I was told by the fellow who sold me the bass originally, but it's not that important, what is important is that it looks awesome![/quote] Ah ha, I knew it was someone who knew what they were talking about
  9. [quote name='martybass' post='525102' date='Jun 26 2009, 06:05 PM']It´s a perfect match to my daphne blue 75 Fender RI, yummi!!!![/quote] That sounds nice too! I've seen some 60's replicas in Daphne Blue but not a '75. Is it a Custom Shop job?
  10. [quote name='ziggydolphinboy' post='526081' date='Jun 27 2009, 05:09 PM']crikey dont suppose ud be interested in a trade for my 5 dolphin sn with peizo case and candy? just been to the gallery today having a shack put into my sei six and met Martin who on the spot sorted out my shuker fretless six, what a lovely fella bump on me fair price.[/quote] Martin really is a great guy. I only go there about once every 2 years and he always remembers my name! I do think Dolphins look really cool, Any pics ?
  11. Nick - if you need a bass for Thursday then you're more than welcome to borrow anything of mine? Well, maybe not the redwood NS5XL as a) it weighs a ton & it's worth a small fortune, lol. If you want a 4 I've got the Fender J '75RI or for 5's there's either the white Overwater J or the other Spector NS5XL Both of these have 35" scale so maybe not your cup of tea (although the Overwater doesn't feel that much like a 35"). If you can get over to me some time you could have whatever for the week to get used to it too Anyway, just a thought,
  12. [quote name='leftybassman392' post='526050' date='Jun 27 2009, 04:26 PM']Mate of mine used to have a Wal 5 with Olive Ash facings that looked exactly like this. That would be my guess about the wood.[/quote] Thanks for that - I did have the phrase 'olive-wood' stuck in my head for some reason but thought I might have imagined it! Also - for those who have asked - my, pretty accurate, digital scales say it weighs 9lbs & one quarter of an ounce
  13. [quote name='bubinga5' post='525883' date='Jun 27 2009, 12:47 PM']They were my thoughts!!! I want this bass, big time!! You have PM Molan[/quote] I'm not actually desperate to sell so if it doesn't go fairly quickly then I'll withdraw it & wait for the market to pick up a bit - either that or stick it on EBay & accept bids from Europe, lol.
  14. [quote name='voxpop' post='525802' date='Jun 27 2009, 11:15 AM']Oh bugger.....someone buy my Windmill Jay Tee so can have this little beauty. Have a bump on me for a great bass.[/quote] Shame you didn't still have the Spector Euro 5 - that would have been a great potential trader!
  15. [quote name='Gwilym' post='525586' date='Jun 27 2009, 12:53 AM']nice pictures - great bass A shame you are letting it go...[/quote] It's definitely a tough choice but I'm not playing it enough to hang on to it really As this was Gwil's bass previously I thought I'd add a link to his previous for sale thread as well just in case I've missed anything in my listing: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=40082&hl=sei"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=40082&hl=sei[/url] There are some sound clips here that Gwil made when the bass had the full passive circuit. I'd say the core sound is captured here really - the active sounds pretty much the same but with more 'oomph' & all the tonal variation options
  16. [quote name='Mike' post='524522' date='Jun 26 2009, 07:52 AM']Welcome to basschat... Where are you based?[/quote] Guildford I reckon
  17. [quote name='Low End Bee' post='525473' date='Jun 26 2009, 10:53 PM']I can't believe it's taken me this long to come up with the reply....[b][i]Hey Lord. Don't ask me questions.[/i][/b][/quote] You 'Silly Thing', just 'Between You And Me', 'That's What They All Say'. . . I'll get me coat & my 'Soul Shoes' on and 'New York Shuffle' outta here
  18. [quote name='rslaing' post='525516' date='Jun 26 2009, 11:44 PM']Hey man, you're selling this far too cheaply![/quote] I guess I've priced it to sell, so hopefully it'll go fairly quickly before I have second thoughts!
  19. I've been going round in circles on this since I bought it from Gwil a few months back. The main reason for selling is that I tend to prefer a more modern bight tone (my favourite basses are US Spectors) and my Overwater J covers this territory already if I want to use a J shaped bass. The Sei has a really nice 'organic' woody tone, some very nice mellow jazzy tones available with the high end rolled off etc. I had been thinking of keeping it for a while longer to let it sink in with me more but got very close to a trade recently for something and have now got it into my head that it needs to go. It's just lovely to play with a low action and a really nice 'silky' feel to it. I've always thought it would be a great first 5 stringer for someone looking for something a bit special because of the 34" scale and 17mm spacing. These two build features along with the beautifully sculpted body and lovely birdseye maple neck make it incredibly easy to play. A fellow BC'er tried it out recently and commented on how well it played and he also thought it would make a great bass for a nearly effortless transition from 4's to 5's or maybe for someone who likes to switch between both fairly regularly. I'm really not sure what the body woods are - looks like a swamp ash body to me but no idea what the nicely grained facing wood is I'm afraid (I have some vague recollection of it being something like tulip or olive wood but I may have just imagined this!). Neck is birdseye maple with what I think is a, very high quality, rosewood board. The birdseye maple carries through to the headstock as well. Pickups are Bartolini J type and the tuners look like Hipshot ultra-lites but aren't branded. Bridge isn't branded either but, again it feels like a quality piece of kit. Gwil had it professionally fitted with a U-Retro deluxe by Martin Petersen at The Gallery which retains the warm woody tone but with a lot of tonal options. Controls now are: Volume/Pickup pan Bass/Treble with addition 'pull' function for high end treble boost Mid/Mid-frequency sweep Vintage tone (this is a really interesting little addition - it's like a passive tone control that works in both active or passive modes to roll off treble) Active/passive switch Another switch that either enables the pickup-pan, or sets a passive equal mix of the pickups There's a tiny hairline crack in the wood facing just above the controls, only visible close up and, to me, just looks like part of the grain. This is cosmetic rather than structural and does not go through to the control cavity. A similar bass would now retail for around £2,200 & the U-Retro would add another £200 or so. I'm always open to potential trade offers. Either for something of equally high quality or maybe a lower priced bass that would be relatively easy to sell on if I needed to E.G. USA Fenders, Musicman etc. Any questions just zap me a PM & I'll do my best to answer them The photos below are all taken in natural light with no enhancements or photo-shopping etc. As is usual with exotic wood facings, I'm not entirely sure these pics do it justice but they give a reasonable idea of what it looks like
  20. Damn, I thought this was THE Graham Parker - along with The Rumour - one of the great live bands of the late '70's Andrew Bodnar on bass - top player
  21. Looks great and I really love the green one with the maple board & block inlays Thinks to self - get that Sei J5 sold!
  22. It aint over til it's over eh? It sounds like an amazing gig - I'd be prepared to keep working at it as it seems the end is in sight anyway & you've put so much time in already
  23. So pleased to hear this Stu - great news on all fronts
  24. I have the 10T - handles small gigs and rehearsals against a live drummer with ease
  25. I've had a quick play on this - it really is very nice indeed
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