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Everything posted by molan

  1. [quote name='Schnozzalee' post='521585' date='Jun 23 2009, 11:47 AM']*Unscrews cavity* Oh ho ho.... thats embarassing, I jus thought the pickups were high output/overwound or something! I've been using the Active Jazz setting A LOT and it hasn't ran out yet! It has a great growl to it, and the slap style is the best i've heard but the passive jazz would be the most realistic to gig with unless its one of those bands where its all about the bassist...Jamiroquai. That battery thing is really weird, thatnks for clearing that up! Its definately the lightest bass I've played, It seemed like it had been setup before, I only took out the buzz on the A string around the 19th fret, by adjusting the saddle and leaving the neck straight. I could get it professionally setup at Cardiff Guitars in september. The frets are barely worn.[/quote] I'm a big fan of seperate battery compartments - At least you know where you stand & thye ping out easily, lol.
  2. [quote name='Schnozzalee' post='521535' date='Jun 23 2009, 11:02 AM']Hi Molan! Yeah its in fab condition, the owner afterwards looked after it brilliantly as well. Do you know how the active passive electronics work? I was looking for a battery input, still puzzles me - but thats not hard. I'm still a lil apprehensive on selling this one because its hard to find a bass for small hands that has that kinda tone.[/quote] I seem to remember the battery clipped into the main control cavity on the rear? I don't remember it ever running out, lol. I used to use the passive 'J' setting a lot so that would really cut down on battery use anyway. I'm pretty sure the three passive settings are true bypass as well so they would all work should the battery fail. There's a fair bit of info on the Philp Kubicki site as well. The neck is really nice & definitely great for smaller hands. I'd say it's quite similar to my '75 Jazz Reissue. I think it only weighs about 7lbs as well Have you had it professionally set up since you picked it up?
  3. Ah, my 'baby' returns - I wondered where it had been hiding out I was the first owner of this after it was reviewed in Guitar mag. Really nice bass, so light and super versatile, great covers band gigging bass as it switches so fast from Jazz to Precision to high definition active sounds at the flick of a switch, even has a bass boost option for soloing. Hope it goes to a nice home
  4. Damn, damn, damn - just when i thought I'd got my spending under control I discovered myself with some cash in my pocket after trading something recently. I was totally planning not to buy anything new for a while and just settle in with what I have and then I spotted this: And I just couldn't resist 2002 Ken Smith BSR5MW in near mint condition, maple body core, walnut top and back, maple neck, morado board. It'll take a couple of weeks to arrive though
  5. I saw them way down the bill at a festival somewhere - I think maybe Reading. They didn't exactl'y go down a storm but I thought they were quite interesting, lol.
  6. Looks amazing Jake - pleased to hear it went well
  7. That really is lovely, Martin makes such nice basses, real attention to detail & final fit and finish is always so good. Sounds brill too
  8. [quote name='voxpop' post='519999' date='Jun 21 2009, 03:34 PM']Fantastic collection. Can I ask what is a fair price for an X Factor. I've seen a white one for sale and was wondering if it is worth a try. Thanks.[/quote] I've seen them selling anywhere between £600 & £900 depending on condition and/or if they were earlier models or not.
  9. [quote name='crez5150' post='520101' date='Jun 21 2009, 04:37 PM']Do they make these in 5 string?[/quote] Key Factor definitely comes in a 5 but I don't think I've ever seen a 'regular' Kubicki in a 5 format. I've hunted around and can't see any 5's - Seems odd though, maybe the 5's are just very rare!
  10. [quote name='Schnozzalee' post='519963' date='Jun 21 2009, 01:17 PM']Thats an amazing collection! Gotta say the Green Fretless is my fave! Do you know anything about the key factors?[/quote] I had a Key Factor for many years - what do you want to know about them? Forgot to say - the green one is lovely, never seen one in that colour before
  11. This looks a lot like Birdy's Spitfire - I know he had it up for sale a while ago but then withdrew it. Probably just one that's very similar though!
  12. Completely forgot - sold my first ever bass which was a really nice little brand new '78 Fender Musicmaster in white in order to buy a bloody Sequential Circuits Pro-One synth in the early '80's so I could get that 'Human League' sound! Not only did I lose a lovely little bass and the instrument I learned my first ever bass lines on but I also stopped playing bass completely for something crazy like 15 years - that has to be my biggest regret ever. . .
  13. Very high up on my list would have to be Jamerson's P, Stanley Clarke's brown Alembic & Chris Squire's Ricky as all of these were massive influences on me, but all of these have already been mentioned. The one I'd just love to have hanging on the wall would have to be Bootsy's original Space Bass and an early Mu-Tron to go with it. Come to think of it - if I can add amps & cabs as well I'd kill to have even a nice replica of Jamerson's naugahyde Kustom tuck 'n' roll head & 2x15 cab, let alone the original
  14. For me the playing with other people is what it's about. My ability is pretty limited (Jakesbass is my witness!) but I love holding down the bass slot in a pretty decent soul / disco band and have have just, sort of, agreed to work with a local band who are just starting out trying to play 'slightly obscure' 80's stuff. One of the great things about the soul band is that I absolutely know I could spend a nice evening down the pub with any one of them individually and my 'audition' with the '80's band consisted of going to the pub and trading ideas & theories of what to play and how we'd arrange things. Don't get me wrong - I have a great time just sitting in my little study trying to learn new stuff & just playing along with whatever's on the radio but I do feel that playing with other musicians is what it's all about really.
  15. '77 sunburst precision sold for £150 because the jack socket was a bit crackly & volume and tone pots very scratchy. Didn't know any better at the time & assumed it would be really complicated/expensive to have these fixed
  16. Hey Sean - I thought the 'wife' always said you would never be allowed to sell this one
  17. Don't know if this has come up before but I've been a long time subscriber to Wolfgang's Vault newsletter & every now and then they unearth some real live concert gems that you can listen to live. Many of them are complete concerts recorded for American radio - particularly the King Biscuit Hour shows. Quality can be quite patchy but they have some great stuff. I'm currently listening to The Clash live from the Agora Ballroom Feb '79 - I'd guess soon after Give 'Em Enough Rope came out in the USA judging by the set list. Some artists have multiple concerts here - unsurprisingly the Grateful Dead have about the most - 36 in total! Wow - as I was typing this I spotted the Baker Gurvitz Army from Reading Uni in '75 - I was at that gig, lol. Gives a good indication of how obscure some of the music is I guess. Some of the material costs to listen to but I've never come across anything I wanted to pay for yet. Home page is [url="http://concerts.wolfgangsvault.com/"]http://concerts.wolfgangsvault.com/[/url]
  18. I was involved in sponsoring one of TT's tours (first one post Robbie I think) and we got a batch of comp tickets so I took my daughters. I've never seen / heard so many young girls losing control in one place at the same time. One teenage girl near us quite literally wet herself when they came on! The thing that got me was how many of the mums were all dolled up & really going hell for leather as well - definitely a bit intimidating, lol.
  19. I went to see them at SHepherds Bush on Sunday & I'm afraid I was a bit disappointed Sound wasn't brilliant, bass & bass drum very boomy, and SB is normally a good live sound venue. I also got bored rigid in the 20 minute 'Dweezil conducts the band' section in the middle. I saw them last time they were over here (maybe 2 years now?) and, IMHO, they were a million times better. Dweezil's solos were more focussed, band dynamics seemed better and they played a string of tricks with live vids of Zappa himslef which worked incredibly well. This time around it felt much more like a 'tribute band' to me & just made me remember quite how good Frank was live (I saw him a couple of times with Steve Vai on 2nd guitar). However I have to say that the audience were getting into it a lot more this time around so maybe it was just me that thought they weren't as good!
  20. My other trick in crappy rehearsal rooms is to use my little Sadowsky pre & try to feed it straight into the power amp stage or, failing that, using as the mast tone control & running the amp totally flat. It only has simple volume, bass & treble controls but I've used it on a couple of horrible sounding amps in the past & it made a big difference. You're more than welcome to borrow it if it would be any use, pretty small unit & easy to post!
  21. [quote name='51m0n' post='516346' date='Jun 17 2009, 12:43 PM']So with that in mind I've had spotify dialed up to Motown-tastic all morning, and just soaking up that feel, and its plenty of notes but really relaxed, which is what I wasnt [/quote] If it's any help I've got 700Mb of classic Motown with the majority of vocals removed. They are not quite instrumentals as the backing vox are still there to help with position in the song etc. I could either burn to CD or maybe upload a clutch of them somewhere for you. In terms of sound have you thought about checking wheher you could at least use your head at rehearsal & feed it into the Peavey cabs? Might help you with eq etc. You could also see if you could get into the rehearsal space between now & the next session to really work the eq on the Peavey gear to get it sounding as good as it possibly can?
  22. [quote name='silddx' post='516315' date='Jun 17 2009, 12:15 PM']I reckon I'm up for the 100 Club, anyone else?[/quote] I can walk there from work in about 5 minutes flat!
  23. I did eventually get a reply to my 3rd email - it kinda said "we're too busy to reply to emails". I'm afraid I still think it's a bit rubbish to run an online business that isn't able to manage customer email queries. I thought this kind of practice had died out years ago!
  24. I've just got in from rehearsal & dashed to the PC to see how you'd got on! Tell them if you get the gig there will be a queue of bass players at the door the first time you play live - we'll bring mates as well so they'll get a much bigger crowd Seriously well done though, great news so far.
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