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Everything posted by molan

  1. Good new s Stu - wait til you discover that you're playing outside with no cover & the weather is overcast with a high chance of rain, should be a fun gig. . .
  2. Have you contacted them to say how much you enjoyed it etc.? i always do that post interviews to make sure I keep some dialogue going. Tends to be by email in a work environment though as it's easier to sound really enthusiastic without coming across as desperate, lol.
  3. [quote name='51m0n' post='515351' date='Jun 16 2009, 03:05 PM']Still no word, so starting to think they probably chose someone else....[/quote] As someone who's regularly involved with new people recruitment stuff I always go by the 'no news is good news' rule for at least the first day or so
  4. Just my 2 pence worth on the use of agents & the level of professionalism at larger gigs. My old band (11 piece soul band) were fortunate enough to pick up a booking for a major London accountancy firm's annual party. It was in the main hall of the Natural History Museum (well - in the ante chamber behind the T-Rex skeleton!). We got the booking becuase we'd played a £1,000 wedding gig and someone in the audience worked for the accountants & recommended us. All the arrangements were handled by a pro agency who did all the liaison work with both the venue & the people who hired us. I couldn't believe how well organised they were. Every last detail was arranged in advance. Stuff like the exact layout of every band member on stage, instruments, mic requirements & preferences for make & model of mics right down to each drum mic! The killer for me was when they asked me to supply 'dietary requirements' - I guneinely thought they were winding me up, lol. When we arrived we were pre-booked through security & astonished to find out that we had our own private chef for the evening with a variety of foods he'd cook to order along with iced drinks & a selection of wines. Road crew had already marked out the stage for us & lighting rig was in place with spots set for the horn section & singers etc. We were treated really well by everyone all evening. From memory we got about £3K for the gig & the bookers took about 15% (not entirely sure about the % though). Personally I think they deserved every penny. We absolutely played our asses off & had a great evening
  5. [quote name='51m0n' post='514917' date='Jun 16 2009, 12:46 AM']Job well done. Fingers crossed! the Roscoe still sounded amazing[/quote] Great news - really hope you get it, sounds like you nailed everything & the Roscoe came up trumps I got a call for an audition this morning in my email for a local band - (nothing like this one of course!) - and the main thing they said was that they desperately wanted someone they could simply get along with and could have a good time. Apparently their previous bass man had a bit of an 'attitude' problem. Mind you, I haven't met them yet so maybe it's them with the attitude & not the bass guy
  6. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='513493' date='Jun 14 2009, 06:53 PM']My combo is ‘arder than your combo…[/quote] Check 'em out on [url="http://www.googlefight.com/index.php?lang=en_GB&word1=hartke&word2=ashdown"]Google Fight[/url]
  7. the Roscoe will slay 'em Really looking forward to hear how it goes - all the best of luck matey I reckon you just need to stick by your MySpace maxim: [i][b] "These days it just has to be all about the groove!"[/b][/i]
  8. I've bought and sold through the Gallery - they will definitely haggle (both ways!). I sold a lovely Sei through them and I was the one who put a slightly higher price on it than I thought it was worth precisely so they could haggle on it on my behalf In the current climate they are going to get a lot more people trying to push them on price but not sure if that means they will drop any further. Personally, I'd be tempted to drop my 'face value' price listings in the face of stiff competition but they are a very experienced bunch so I'm sure they know what they're doing
  9. Listening to them right now. Some really good stuff here, loving those horns I like some of their promotional material too: "9 Piece Super Heavy Funk & Soul Collective" "Funk From the Trunk" "Heavy Authentic Funk" Could do with more video on YouTube though - this is all I could find: Do you know why the outgoing guy is leaving? I see he plays a Jazz 4, are you taking the Roscoe? Definitely agree with the stuff above about not being flashy & just finding the groove and sticking with it. It'll be so great if you get on with the drummer from the get go & really click with him
  10. [quote name='biro' post='513961' date='Jun 15 2009, 11:03 AM']Thanks a lot! I really feel the urge to satisfy my long time hunger for a truly embarassing bass![/quote] I don't even think they carry much of a premium either, lol.
  11. Wow, that's nice, never seen a Katana in a natural wood finish (although as it's a Warwick I'm guessing it's a relatively stock finish).
  12. [quote name='biro' post='513949' date='Jun 15 2009, 10:58 AM']god, I want this bass! such a sparkling finish![/quote] Look out for 'holoflash' - that's the official name of this finish from Spector
  13. Nice one Carlbass - we never doubted you really Looks great
  14. It'll also depend where you're standing. Different amps will have a different 'throw' (I don't the technical explanation for this!) so one might sound louder when you're standing next to it & another will be louder the other side of the room. The bigger the room the greater the effect might be! I remember when I guitarist I worked with bought an original Fender Twin 100w valve amp and was hacked off that it sounded considerable quieter than his previous crappy Peavey 50w tranny amp. First gig we played he whacked the volume right up on the Twin to hear himself on stage & and nearly took the heads off the audience standing about 20 feet away
  15. I recently got a '75 J Reissue in PX and have been playing it a lot for the past week. This is the first Fender I've owned since my original Musicmaster back in '79 (which I traded for a synth in the '80's - what a mug eh?). I often just sit at my PC & play random music to try & learn the parts & jam along to things. Having spent a fair bit of time doing just this today I've noticed that the sound I'm getting from the J is way closer to a whole string of original songs than any of my other basses. I've been mostly playing funk & soul stuff from 70's & '80's. I wonder if this is this simply because [i]every[/i] pro recording bassist from that era is using a J in the studio, lol.
  16. [quote name='jwbassman' post='512425' date='Jun 12 2009, 08:48 PM']Ok - I'm now officially the owner of an American Vintage ‘75 Jazz Bass - thanks Malcthebass - so all set for the show and really looking forward to it oh - and the octaves sound great on it too [/quote] I picked up one of these as well recently - really liking it a lot. Nicest Fender I've played
  17. I'm slightly spoilt by having a pair of USA built NS5XL's and I'm obviously quite a fan! As a pretty die-hard 4 stringer for quite a long time I was amazed at the sheer playability of the Spector 5's. The 17mm spacing at the bridge works well for me (as opposed to the more common 19mm that a lot of 5's have now). The 35" scale is just fine as well, maybe take a little getting used to after a long time playing 34" I guess. For me the playability all across the board is what sold me on Spectors and I've not yet played anything I like as much. As other have said the tone is pretty unique & really cuts through in a live band mix. I play mine pretty flat across the board, maybe cutting a little top end when playing at home but not live. I'm guessing you're North East London & I'm a good 40 miles west but if you're ever out this way you'd be welcome to try one of mine
  18. You're never too old to natter with like-minded people about stuff you really enjoy Although a lot of technology-based stuff is always perceived as being the domain of the young you'd be amazed at the average age profile of a lot of web sites. Forums like BC & places like Facebook and, previously, Friends Reunited have been brilliant at allowing people to just natter away with each other (albeit a little remotely at times!). You'll be amazed at how quickly you can strike up new friendships here You should definitely get some pics of the Jazz & don't even think about selling it in the current market!
  19. Sorry to hear that Nick I do have to say that if you're only keeping one bass then making it a Spector is the way to go
  20. I've got a Bic given to me by the The Association of Loading and Elevating Equipment Manufacturers (http://www.alem.org.uk/) that I was thinking of putting up for sale on EBay for a couple of grand. I don't have a pic of the exact Bic but this is a fairly accurate representation:
  21. [quote name='molan' post='507730' date='Jun 7 2009, 08:38 PM']I've just picked one of these up in a PX deal and I have to say I'm really impressed. Great feel & action, really nicely put together. Much more flexible in terms of sounds than I would have thought from a passive instrument as well. I love the everything full on' tone, again I was surprised they weren't some fancy aftermarket pickups fitted! I'm not a real Fender veteran but this is by far the nicest Fender I've ever played [/quote] I've been playing on mine all evening sitting in front of the TV watching the footy - great neck for just sitting around & noodling away absent-mindedly
  22. Might be better off sticking this in the 'other items' section just in case anyone is specifically looking for a case (as opposed to a bass)?
  23. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='510521' date='Jun 10 2009, 07:12 PM']Have you looked at their website?[/quote] I did spot that but I thought giving them 3 days to reply to an email ought to do the trick - obviously not, lol. Typically they are only about 20 minutes away from me as well - I'll probably end up just driving over there
  24. Latest update is that I haven't received a peep from them. Given that I completed the entire transaction online I assumed the online response form that gets sent by email would actually get read by someone. I've written three times (technically 4 because I had to add a comment to the 1st email) & not even an acknowledgement. Obviously I'll need to phone them but it does seem a bit rubbish really. When I initially wrote to the USA division to ask for advice on exactly which units to buy they responded in hours. Just goes to show the difference in service levels. . .
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